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Social Media And Higher Education

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  • 1. Presentation for JCC Start-Up Week
    Social Media and Higher Education
  • 2. photo credit: dbarefoot
  • 3. Social mediais media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media supports the human need for social interaction with technology, transforming broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers.
    ~ Wikipedia
  • 4. Think
  • 5. Blogging The Wisdom of Crowds
  • 6. Blogging as an instructional tool
    Why its used
    University of Arizona
    • Easy way to publish, share and discuss information on the web in an asynchronous form.
    • 7. Beneficial as a distance learning tool.
    • 8. Encouraging usual more passive participants to be more active in discussion.
    Freshman Comp Teacher
    extends learning space beyond the rigidity of the physical classroom
    fosters relationships among the students
    vests students more in their own learning experience.
    Blogs helped students find their voice.
  • 9. Blogging and College Admissions
  • 10. RSS Readers
    Really Simple Syndication
  • 11. Wikis
  • 12. Wiki in the classroom
  • 13. Social Bookmarking
    • Delicious