Social Actions Emily Pinder

Social actions

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Page 1: Social actions

Social Actions

Emily Pinder

Page 2: Social actions

Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign • The Purpose

– The campaign for vegetarianism/veganism by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have created a variety of posters using well known celebrities. The campaign tries to challenge attitudes towards animals and how they are just seen as food. The campaign also try to promote that animals have feelings and feel pain in the same way we do. On their website, this is made very clear with the use of graphic narrative.

– “Each year in the United States, 27 billion animals have their throats cut and their bodies chopped into pieces and wrapped in cellophane for the supermarket meat case. But animals are not walking entrées. They have personalities and feelings and form families and friendships if given the chance.”

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Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign – This campaign is based in the United States however, PETA are a global

organisation and is the largest animal rights organisation in the world with more than 3 million members and supporters. They are trying to bring about global change with how people see animals and how they are used for food, commercial products and testing. “on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in Labouratories, and in the entertainment industry”. The also try to challenge the dominant representative that people are superior to animals and are created to do with as we please. They try to stop animals cruelty by making these posters to share with the world as well as other ways of conveying this information to the public “PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.”

– These posters and campaign are often very graphic or contain hidden information about how animals are treated. These posters are used to shock the public to convince them to make a change.

– http://www.peta.org/about-peta/

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Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign – Their campaign also provide a lot information and facts to show the public the

horrible truth. They also provide website links to help people to make a change, for example, on a vegetarianism poster. They offer recipe's that people can use to help them change their eating habits and lifestyle.

The Impact PETA was founded in March 1980 by Alex Pacheco and first caught the

publics attention in the summer of 1981. The Silver Springs monkeys case resulted in the first arrest and criminal conviction of an animal experimenter in the U.S. for animal cruelty. The first U.S. Supreme Court victory for animals in Labouratories and where PETA began to start making a change to animal cruelty in the world. “And we haven’t stopped fighting—and winning—in our efforts for animals since.”

Since the first case, PETA they have made groundbreaking advances for animals who are abused and neglected by cooperation's and governments. Their major accomplishments are listed in detail on their website.

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Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign A few examples are “Undercover investigations of pig-breeding factory

farms in North Carolina and Oklahoma revealed horrific conditions and daily abuse of pigs, including the fact that one pig was skinned alive, leading to the first-ever felony indictments of farm workers. See other victories for animals on factory farms.”

“A California furrier was charged with cruelty to animals after a PETA investigator filmed him electrocuting chinchillas by clipping wires to the animals’ genitals, which caused the animals to experience the pain of a heart attack while they were still conscious. In another undercover exposé, PETA caught a fur rancher on videotape causing minks to die in agony by injecting them with weedkiller. Both farms agreed to stop these cruel killing methods. See other victories for animals who are killed for their skins.”

All of their success stories can be found on their website - http://www.peta.org/about-peta/learn-about-peta/history/

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Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign – This is a poster for PETA’s vegetarianism

campaign which shows a well known celebrity advertising the campaign. This poster uses the theme of religion, especially Christianity, to make this poster relevant to its audience as 83% of America identify as Christians and 31% of the world.

– This poster has an Adam and Eve theme which is a well known passage from the old testament. The references to this are the apple which was the original sin, the ivory leaves which seem to wrap around Simmons like the serpent and the use of nudity.

– This use of nudity is also used to capture the audiences attention as nudity is commonly used to sell products and used in the same way.

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Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign – The poster also claims that “eating meat is a

sin”. This statement is very powerful and is used to shock the Christian audience into changing their behaviour. It also makes them think about their actions and lifestyle and how it can effect their faith.

– This poster uses a lot of green to reinforce the idea of nature and a calm, positive feeling.

– A website link is also on the poster to give the audience recipe ideas to help them convert their lifestyle. This link also takes the audience onto the main page of PETA’s website which will show the audience further information about the cooperation and animal cruelty.

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• http://www.peta.org/features/traci-bingham-naked-vegetarian-ad/ – This poster also uses the idea of nudity

to help grab attention and draw people into the poster. The use of nudity also helps to reflect the idea that these celebrities are closer to nature and their natural state by following a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.

– This image is also very graphic as shows the different cuts of meat and makes a direct comparison to how humans have the same parts as animals meaning we should be treated equally.

– A small amount of text is used to make the image the main vocal point and show that actions speak louder than words.

Vegetarian/Vegan PETA Campaign

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Conservative Campaign • The Purpose

– The Conservative party launched this anti Gordon Brown campaign in 2010 in the run up the to general election to help persuade the public to push Gordon Brown out of power and to elect a new prime minister.

– The Conservatives highlighted the prime minsters poor record in office by hiring M&C Saatchi to creating a series of posters which feature an image of Gordon Brown smiling accompanied by patronising straplines such as "I let 80,000 criminals out early, vote for me” highlighting the errors Brown has made. These posters were on 2,000 billboards across the country.

– This campaign was created to bring about national change to the government by getting rid of Gordon Brown and Labour in power.

– This campaign was also created to raise awareness on how drastically Britain had changed under the power of Gordon Brown and the negative effects this had. Another campaign poster states “I doubled the national debt, Let me do it again.” This provides the public with the changes Brown made and informs the public he will do it again unless there is change.

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Conservative Campaign – The campaign also helps to change the publics attitude towards Labour and

Brown in a bid to change voting behavior. This campaign was also aimed at Labour supporters to change their vote to the conservative party to stop politicians like Brown getting into power to cause chaos to Britain.

– The campaign challenges the dominate representations and agendas of the Labour parties policies. It does this by stating what the Labour party has done the nation and breaking it promises of policies. The statements on the poster show how their changes directly effect the public such as cutting billions of pounds from pensions.

– http://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/tory-party-launches-second-phase-brown-bashing-campaign/996249

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• The Impact– The Labour party spend £8 million on their campaign to keep in power, where

as the Conservatives spend around £16.7 million on their anti Gordon Brown campaign.

– This campaign did raise awareness of how badly Labour had effected the nation and made crisis such as the national debt an even bigger problem.

– The campaign helped to push Labour out of power and put the Conservatives into power with David Cameron becoming the prime minister. However, it did result in a collision government with the Liberal Democrats also in power to make up the last 20 seats needed in parliament.

Conservative Campaign

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– Below is an example of on of the posters for the campaign. The layout and idea of the poster is very simplistic, getting across the feelings of the Conservatives. The black and white statements, that some contain figures, are very bold and easy to read against the white background.

– The poster also shows a smug looking Gordon Brown alongside the statements intended to be made by him. Summing up what he has done within his time in power.

– The Conservatives have a very small line of blue text at the bottom of the poster which stands out against the white background. This also gives a very clear slogan on how the public can help change the errors made by Labour in Government.

Conservative Campaign

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The LOVE authentic vitiligo campaign

• The Purpose – The LOVE authentic vitiligo campaign was created by

Baveesha Naran to help raise awareness about the skin condition, Vitiligo, which effects the pigments in the skin that creates areas of non pigmented skin. This campaign was also created to help empower those who have the condition and overcome the stigma this condition can trigger about body confidence and self love.

– The campaign originally started in South Africa, on valentines day this year and has already helped a number of people.

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The LOVE authentic vitiligo campaign

– The campaigns main aim is to raise awareness about the condition and change the attitudes towards it. By raising awareness, more people will learn about the condition and the effects it has. Also, helping to change the attitude towards it from negative to positive, embracing individuality.

– This campaign also tries to challenge dominant representations of what is seen as normal or beautiful by showing suffers who have embraced their condition by not covering it up from the world and having the confidence to be proud of their appearance. This campaign has become a lot more well known and has infiltrated mainstream media by social media campaigns, such as world vitiligo day. The campaign asked to post a picture and inspiration message to social media with a range of hash tags in the hope it would trend.

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The LOVE authentic vitiligo campaign

– The campaign has gain a lot of following, despite only starting a few moths ago. This was helped by the vast media attention vitiligo model Winnie Harlow gained after appearing on America’s next top model. Since her appearance on the show, she has 2 model contracts with prestige fashion design companies.

– Harlow has also appear in numerous fashion magazines, started in Eminem's music video (Guts over fear), walked London fashion week and has her own TED talk tackling the issue of beauty.

– Websites such as Sowetan Live and mjvibe.com has spoke about the issue on their websites, referencing the LOVE authentic campaign which is helping to bring about global change.

– http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/goodlife/2015/06/20/live-life-with-vitiligo – http://www.mjvibe.com/

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The LOVE authentic vitiligo campaign

– This campaign also challenges the dominant representations of how people should look by trying to change attitudes to accept everyone as they are and not let their condition define them as a person. It also challenges the idea that people need to cover up their condition.

– The website for the campaign offers lots of information and stories from people living with the condition. It also gives links to various forms of social media where people can talk about the condition and help to share their experiences, break the stigma and be themselves.

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The LOVE authentic vitiligo campaign

– This campaign relies on photography to capture the essence of the campaign. Many of the posters do not contain much writing but instead focus on high quality, bright, colourful images to tell the story of the campaign. The posters show real people who have the condition and have chosen to share it, rather than hide it. The poster also show happiness as the people featured in them are much happier now they have embraced their vitiligo.

– Some of the posters do contain inspirational quotes such as the one below. They all have the LOVE authentic logo on but they are relative simplistic in design, letting the photographs celebrate the condition.

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Accessible arts and media• The Purpose

• accessible arts and media is organisation based in York that is dedicated to celebrating the skills and talents of people with disabilities. For 33 years they have been helping people to find their voice and make a difference in their local community.

• The campaign wants to bring about local change by helping those who are often forgotten about to have a voice in their local community. The campaign also wants to change attitudes towards disabilities and the stigmatism that surrounds them to help make everyone feel equal and loved.

• The campaign also tries to awareness of how disabilities are a challenge not a problem. They celebrate how individuals overcome their disabilities and push the boundaries of arts and media.

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Accessible arts and media• This campaign gives people access to media who are a non traditional group,

usually hid away from the media. accessible arts focuses on helping people to develop their skills by using an innovative approach to singing and make music more accessible.

• The campaign also challenges the dominant representatives towards music and the media by making it accessible to everyone. Giving everyone the opportunity to make their mark in the media, celebrating doing what they love.

• As this campaign is based in York, a small city, the project helps to strengthen community ties by bringing people of a minority group together, to make their voices heard and make a change to the local community. - “We have a vision for a more inclusive society, where everyone’s aspirations and achievements are celebrated and where everyone’s contribution is valued. We can all achieve incredible things when we work, play, learn and celebrate together!” http://www.aamedia.org.uk/index.php

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Accessible arts and media• The campaign also helps to build relationships with its subjects first hand by

putting on a range of different workshops and shows that helps to build a strong community by welcoming everyone. This also extends to infiltrating mainstream media by a project called AbleWeb where people are taught how to empower each other through the use of multimedia. “Ableweb is a flagship programme covering web, radio and video production techniques, and it is the first of it's kind within the local area.” http://www.aamedia.org.uk/index.php/what-we-do/ableweb-york

• AbleWeb helps people with disabilities to improve their access to services and encourage them to have more active participation in social and public life while providing information about these inclusive communities.

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Accessible arts and media• The Impact

– accessible arts and media have over 30 years of projects that have changed the lives of people living with disabilities in York. They have to raise over £200,00 each year to keep their programs running. The impact this campaign is clear from the vast amount of different projects they have running and the number of trusts/foundations that support the campaign. They also received the Duke of York Community Initiative Award in recognition of making a difference to many people across the region in 2012.

– The impact can be seen throughout the community in York as well as the number of different events they run. It is also clear the impact it makes to the disabled community which is shown through the images, projects and feedback on the website.

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Accessible arts and media• The campaign does not really have

any promotional material such as posters and flyers that I have seen for the campaign however they do have them for the events they hold.

• The website is the main media outlet for the campaign however, they do have Facebook and twitter pages.

• On the website they have a range of different tabs that gives lots more information about what the campaign is about, what they do and how the public can help. The website also shows a variety of different workshops they run and what they have created.

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Accessible arts and media• The campaign also has an e-

newsletter that is available to subscribe to, a radio station and a variety of short films. As well as a variety of different public events. The website also looks for people to help support the campaign by volunteering, fundraising or donating.

• The website has a very basic and simplistic layout that provides lots of information about all aspects of the campaign which can be found across the website. The appearance of the website is very bright and colourful with a vast number of pictures celebrating disabilities and showing a welcoming community.

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Accessible arts and media• This is one of the posters from their

singing and signing extravaganza event which was free and wanting the public to come and enjoy. The sense of community is very clear from the posters as they welcome people of all ages to events held in public areas.

• The poster provides lots of information about the event and what it will entail.

• The colour scheme is consistent throughout and shows the different companies involved. All of the important information is in bold and the image again reflects the website showing a sense of community.

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The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Campaign.

• The Purpose– The Salvation Army have created this campaign poster for help against

domestic violence The campaign uses a popular clothing item that has recently taken social media by storm with the debate if the dress was white and gold or black and blue. The campaign has cleverly spun the debate by showing black and blue as the bruises this woman has on the poster below.

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The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Campaign.

– The campaign is aimed to bring about global change and highlight the issues of domestic violence, especially how people can be ignorant when they seem someone experiencing this. This campaign managed to help bring about global change by infiltrating mainstream media with the debate upon what colour the dress was. This campaign was then recognised by many different newspapers and websites around the world. It also appeared on an array of social media formats.

– This campaign is used to raise awareness of domestic violence and it is still very much an issue in todays society. The poster includes a statistic that “one in six women are victims of abuse.” and is helping to change the attitudes towards domestic violence by shocking people with facts. The poster also shows a very graphic image that some people may find distressing and is made to provoke people to make a change.

– The campaign poster also includes a phone number that people can call if they need help with this issue. The number is also for people that are able and willing to help with this issue.

– This poster also encourages people to speak out and get help, which helps the campaign to build relationships with subjects and bring together people in the same situation.

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• The Impact– This campaign started in South Africa after millions people around the world,

including celebrities, had commented on what colour they believed the dress to be. With this dress still haunting the internet, people quickly came across this campaign and got behind its clever and hard hitting approach “Only a few hours after a hard-hitting advert was published, the social media reach had hit more than 16 million people, with no signs of a slow-down.” http://www.salvationarmy.org/ihq/news/inf060315

The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Campaign.

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The Salvation Army Domestic Violence Campaign.

– The campaign became so popular that it was trending on twitter and encouraging people to add their own voices to the campaign. “the reaction to this campaign is overwhelming. More than 3,000 Tweets per hour shows the desperateness of the situation”.

– The campaign was also shared by big cooperations and business such as Cosmopolitan magazine UK and Good Morning America. This is how this campaign infiltrated mainstream media and help to create access to media for victims of this abuse while building relationships with others in their situation.

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Comparing Campaigns• PETA use both a positive and negative style to create their campaigns. This helps to gain more

attention and reach a broader audience. For example, the positive, kind hearted campaigns that I wrote about show pleasant images that can infiltrate a wider audience range compared to the graphic, gruesome, negative style like the poster on the first page. This negative approach can cause controversy which helps to give the campaign publicity by getting the public talking about the horrifying images. Both posters styles were campaigning for Vegetarianism/Veganism however, the styles used help to gain more attention from the media and the world.

• Negative style campaigns are often not as graphic or alarming as the PETA posters and instead take a different route by being sarcastic or contradicting popular opinion such as the Conservative campaign against Labour and Gordon Brown. This campaign used facts mixed with a blunt, sarcastic view to create posters that were funny but also offensive. This attack style also helps to cause controversy and gain mass attention from the media and public.

• Positive style campaigns are often used make the posters reflect the intensions of the campaign for example the LOVE authentic. A positive message is used on their posters and all throughout their campaign to raise awareness and spread love/acceptance of vitiligo. The positive style helps the audience to feel happy about themselves and uses kindness to help spread the word of the campaign.

• I feel it depends on the social action and aim of a campaign as to which style is used because they both target a difference audience. However, I feel that the negative style helps to make a campaign more memorable the audience and uses shock tactics to get the public to pay attention and help the cause. Positive campaigns do work well to make the public aware of different social actions and works very well for campaign such as Accessible arts and media but not for all campaigns.