Skyfall Opening Scene By Will Yeates

Skyfall intro

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Page 1: Skyfall intro

Skyfall Opening Scene

By Will Yeates

Page 2: Skyfall intro
Page 3: Skyfall intro

• This is a shot from the opening seen of Skyfall. This shot is telling us that Bond is a target and that people are looking for him to kill him. There is a splash of blood coming out which shows us that there is going to be blood and violence in the film. He is also under water that shows us that there is going to be something about his being underwater. The gun shot also represents his actual gun shot wound which we have just seen him attain.

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• This picture is a very powerful picture. It is red that shows the symbol of blood and implies that there is going to be blood and danger in the film. The skull is implying us that there is going to be evil and shows us that there is a bad side to the film. The fact the skull also resembles a heart implies to us that there could be a romance in the film, or it could also relate to Bonds injury.

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• This picture is show’s Bond holding a weapon implying that there is going to be weapons and shooting in the film. The people on the floor have bullet holes in them and this shows us that there is going to be killing in the film. But the fact they are shadows implies that Bond will have to fight an unknown enemy.

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• In this image we see Bond in the suit he was wearing in the opening scene and his gunshot wound firing t reflections of himself. This could be implying that Bond will have to fight a psychological battle with himself to do the good thing. It could also be used to imply that Bond has been traumatised by what happened to him.

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• In the image above we see Judi Dench and her character’s name in the credits. The fact that her name is in front of a gravestone foreshadows the death of M later on in the film.

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• In the image above we see several daggers falling into the ground. These could be symbols of the fallen agents who die later in the film, hence foreshadowing their deaths.