See Me for Who I Am: Responding to the Interconnected Needs of International & Recent Immigrant Adult Students Through Cross-Departmental Collaboration Wincy Li - Ryerson University Christian Noumi - OISE, University of Toronto Contact Information Wincy Li: [email protected] Christian Noumi: [email protected]

See me for who I am: Responding to the interconnected needs of international & recent immigrant adult students through cross-departmental collaboration - Wincy Li & Christian Noumi

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See Me for Who I Am:

Responding to the Interconnected Needs of

International & Recent Immigrant Adult Students

Through Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Wincy Li - Ryerson University

Christian Noumi - OISE, University of Toronto

Contact Information –

Wincy Li: [email protected]

Christian Noumi: [email protected]


● Findings of Research Study (Li, 2014): International students’ experience with student services, and

how they used resources on campus to navigate immigration

● Initiatives at RyersonSA

● What about Recent Immigrant

Adult Students (RIAS)?

● Summary + Q&A

Learning Outcomes

● Articulate common challenges that international

students and RIAS face, and how they are connected

● Reframe understanding of the “whole student” with

Bronfenbrenner’s (1983) developmental ecology theory

● Describe how students choose which resources to

utilize on campus, and what their experiences are with

these services

● Develop ideas for whole-campus, cross-departmental


Purpose of Study

● International student recruitment and retention high

priority for higher education institutions and government

● Current literature:

o Push-pull factors in mobility decision-making

o Transitional challenges (e.g. culture shock)

o How culture affects help-seeking behaviour

● Literature gap: Holistic look of international students’

journey of immigration - how they make different

decisions affecting their transitions, and how they utilise

resources to navigate it

● Work of Nancy Arthur and Sarah Flynn (UCalgary)

Research Methodology

● Narrative inquiry

● Participants: 6 former international students

○ Graduated from Canadian universities with

Bachelor’s degrees

○ Had since applied for or obtained PR through the

Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

Research Findings: Process of Immigration & Decisions Involved

Research Findings: On-Campus Services and Resources Used

● Student groups and peer networks

● International student services

● Career services

● Academic and faculty advising

● Financial aid

● Registrar

● Others:○ Health & Wellness

○ Residence

○ Library

Research Findings: Experience with Student Services

● Availability and timeliness of services

● Awareness of available resources

● Advocacy

● Quality of services/resources provided○ Provision of accurate information

○ Personalised and holistic approach

○ Empathy

Bronfenbrenner’s Model

(Bronfenbrenner, 1993;

Renn & Arnold, 2003)

Initiatives at Ryerson SA

● Collaboration between Career Centre and

International Student Supporto From Home to Canada: How to Land a Career

o World of Opportunities: Job Search in Canada &


● Faculty-centric service delivery

● Collaboration with student groups

Initiatives at Ryerson SA

Awareness Referral Collaboration

What about RIAS?

● Define Recent Immigrant Adult Students -

RIAS (Lum & Grabke, 2012)

○ Adults over 24 years old

○ Have lived in Canada for less than 10 years (could

be PR or citizen)

● Focus of discussion will be on Quebec○ ⅓ of all QC immigrants have a university degree

(MIDI, 2014)

○ Comparatively lower tuition fees

○ Issues with foreign credentials recognition in the

labour market

What about RIAS?

Interconnected needs… Importance of peers…

Sounding familiar???

Common Challenges

• Unfamiliar with system

• Cultural norms around

help-seeking: if and


Common Resources Used

• Financial Aid

• Learning Support

• Peers!!!

What about RIAS?


Student Support


Positive Space


Student Services

Access Centre for

Students w/ Disabilities



● Students’ needs are interconnected and


● Students are quite proactive in seeking out

assistance and resources in general

● Collaboration with on- and off-campus

partners is key to address these needs