Ryan Air Online Crisis Handling 10 points plan

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Ryan Air Online Crisis Handling

10 points plan

1: Alerts

The first thing the company should have done is to generate “Ryan air” alerts to be aware of such crisis: Doing that they can handle the situation before it’s too late

2. Respond to Monitor:

The Ryan Air person should have answered the post in a short term in order to engage with people and thus restore the brand image.It could have avoided the complaint to get viral.

3. Acknowledge:

They should have apologised whether or not they could have a clean explanation or resolution coming straight up. It is important to make sure that people perceive the company’s concern.

4. Inform

Keep the public and communities (on every platforms concerned) up to date with up to date

5. Speed

In the social age it is the greater key, they should have work the issue out and define as quickly as possible what needed to be done because the longer they waited caused the situation: the anger and damage spread.

Engage the social communities:

6. Facebook:

An official Ryan air page should have been created: message, apologies and open discussion / complaints

7. Twitter:

The issue should have been tweeted in order to brainstorm and engage the social communities to come up with the fairest solution: it again helps to show the company is caring about its customers’ feelings. Discuss with them without hiding anything to regain their trust.

8. Redeem:

Deal with the complainer and define exactly why and how the situation happened (in order to avoid such situations in the future). Discuss together what to do regarding the refund and then how to end up the anger and shut down the crisis.

9. Solution:

Commit to find a real solution that would satisfy both parties – ACT!

10. Online brand awareness:

Continue to engage and brainstorm with the public online as much as possible, highlight positive actions and feedback to effectively restore and enhance the brand image.

Doing this, the public will understand that the company has learnt from the lesson and is now doing its best, building strong relationship: the crisis could finally have a positive outcome.