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Page 1: Rtc how successful

How successful were the three Round Table Conferences of 1930-32?


Hamza Mahmood

Page 2: Rtc how successful

First Round Table Conference: 12 Nov 1930 – 19 Jan 1931

SUCCESSES Federal type of government agreed among the participants;

committee formed to come up with proposals for structure of the government (Federal Structure Subcommittee)

British agreed to grant self-rule at provincial level Princes agreed to join the federation as far as their interests are


FAILURES No consensus developed on the structure of federation; strong Indian

Union or loose federation?, residuary powers with center or provinces?

Congress boycotted no chance of acceptance of reforms in India

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Second Round Table Conference: 7 Sep – 31 Dec 1931

SUCCESSES NWFP to give full governor’s status Sindh was agreed to be a separate province with responsible

governor Minorities developed consensus on separate electorate Voice of minorities heard in the British Parliament; granted with

Communal Award next year

FAILURES Gandhi’s stubbornness; rejected the demand of minorities on

separate electorate No formula devised for communal proportions by the Minorities

Committee; London decided on Communal Award

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Third Round Table Conference: 17 Nov – 24 Nov 1932

SUCCESSES No new issue created

FAILURES No solution of the pending disputes Congress boycotted being largest political stakeholder, no reforms

could be implemented in India without its involvement Quaid-e-Azam M. A. Ali Jinnah not invited to conference

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The main objective of the conferences was to develop consensus on constitutional reforms for India which was not achieved. Therefore, the conferences were a failure on the whole.

For detailed discussion, you can contact Hamza Mahmood on Skype ID: hamza.mahmood95