Some Facts about India of today : India is world's second-fastest growing major economy. India ranks second worldwide in farm output. As of 2009, about 300 million people - has escaped extreme poverty. Indian Army is the world's largest army. India has recently become home to the largest number of billionaires in Asia. The Only country with a nuclear deal without signing CTBT. The Most diverse country on earth in terms of its demographics, and culture.

Rise of India in the Global Arena

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Page 1: Rise of India in the Global Arena

Some Facts about India of today : India is world's second-fastest growing major economy.

India ranks second worldwide in farm output.

As of 2009, about 300 million people - has escaped extreme poverty. Indian Army is the world's largest army.

India has recently become home to the largest number of billionaires in Asia.

The Only country with a nuclear deal without signing CTBT.

The Most diverse country on earth in terms of its demographics, and culture.

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Time Allotted: 15 minutes Date: 27 Dec 2009 / 7pm

Page 3: Rise of India in the Global Arena

What does ‘Rise’ mean?

Post 1947 India.

Economic Growth/Rise and its impact on other sphere.


Doesn’t ‘rise’ also imply progress in politics, culture, sports, military etc.?

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Economy makes or breaks, raises or plunges - a man, a society, a nation, a civilization.

- Karl marx



Military Rise

Economic Rise

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Good Economy implies :-

Monetary / Agricultural / Industrial institution performing well

Better Trade (Import / Export)

Exchange of culture / Human Resource / Values abroad

Greater Political & Cultural presence Internationally

Negotiation and Policy making influence

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Good Economy is the engine of the Rise train

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The India Success Story

India Economic Milestones & its impact on Her Growth in the Global arena:

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Post 1992 - present:• India has become world’s 4rd largest economy. Will surpass Japan in

2014 to become the 3rd largest.

• Literacy is rising: from 17% in 1950 to 66% in 2009.

• Population growth is decreasing: from 2.2% in 1980 to 1.5% in 2009.

• Middle Class is growing from 65 million in 1980 to 354 million in 2009.

• Poverty is on the decline from 46% in 1980 to 16% in 2010.

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• 30%-40% of the GDP growth is due to rising productivity.

• 100 Indian Companies have market capital of 1 Billion USD.

• 125 Fortune 500 Companies have bases in India.

• 80% credit goes to private sector (Vs 10% in China).

• By 2010 India will have World’s largest Number of English speakers.

• Per Capita Incomes have more than doubled post 1992 reforms.

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In the Global Arena:

Has raised India’s stature in four distinct Areas:


Political Socio-cultural Military Technological

…But How Exactly?

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If India’s Economy is doing so well, then there must be…..

• An enabling Political Environment.

• An industrious and innovative society.

• A strong law & order apparatus and military to safeguard her interests.

• Supportive role of Indigenous Technology and engineers.

Because without the above features no country can grow or rise in the global arena. Thus, our stature has risen in the world.

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Political Rise

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Political Rise Post 1992, there is a general feeling among citizens than Political system

can bring positive change in their lives.

Political Systems have played enabling role in the growth of our country so far. This has bestowed confidence in Indian political system worldwide.

Example: • The growth of China is state induced, where as in India, Govt. has been successful in

creating a domestic market for goods.

• After Nepal & Afghanistan, Now Bhutan wants to replicate India’s Democratic Model. As there is a confidence that Indian system can deliver the developmental results.

• It generally accepted that strong liberalized democracies pursue development. Thus China’s growth may stop, but India will keep rising.

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Socio – Cultural Rise

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Socio – Cultural Rise General Curiosity about India’s Success and societal values. Example: Booker prize (White Tiger, 2008), Slumdog Millionaire (7

Oscars), greater Interest about the lives of Indian Politicians like Gandhi, Indian medicine & well-being techniques, Studies on Indian society and economic system ( year 2008 – 3451 papers published).

With trade ideas and cultures are exchanged too.Examples :Indian Cuisines, Book clubs, societies, art forms have found place and appreciation all over the world. Germany 2009 & Switzerland 2008 – India week.

Indian holding High positions all over the world and India seen as a force to reckon with.Example: Obama Hosted the First state dinner in honor of India, Top CEO & Officials Indians. Belief in India’s way to arrive at solutions

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Military Rise

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Military Rise To protect borders and society from disruptive forces. To safe guard our economic and social institutions. To uphold the Citizenry. Weapons and Armed forces modernization. Tax Money got out of Economic growth.

Example:-World’s Largest standing active army.-Fleet of Arihant Nuclear Submarines and Warships.-Best according to a survey, and have at their disposal potent weaponry, worldclass fighters (agni,Dhanush,Brahmos, Prithvi, Sukhoi 30, MiG, Mirage, Tejas)-Planning to have its own Missile shield system.

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Technological Rise

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Technological Rise Most technological Co. have R&D bases in India. To become an Innovation Hub for the whole Asia-pacific by 2015. Indian satellites & Launch vehicles much in demand. Cheap yet highly skilled workforce. Services industry the best in the world. Education sector even with its failings, does a fairly good job. Many entrepreneurs have started new business, and technological

processes. Medical science has made rapid strides. Cost effective and world class. India in a sure path to become a Knowledge economy by 2020. 3rd highest Mobile and internet penetration in the world. Many lakhs villages electrified and water provided. New roads build under

quadrilateral project.

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Unequal Growth

Population Primary Education&Health Infrastructure

Population puts a negative influence on growth and development.

40% Children under nourished. A third of all Men & women – Chronic deficiency.

More than 70% of population lives on less than 2 USD/day. 66% Literacy.

Acute Power shortage and infrastructural facilities has slowed our growth & development pace.

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The Road Ahead

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Road Ahead:

Will continue to Rise. Economy is domestically driven. Democracy conducive for investment, innovation & development. Free Press & Media & Vibrant society To launch growth oriented 5 year plan and make Public sector more

accountable. Govt. tackling the problem of unequal growth head on.

Example:- Legislation.- Programmes.- Collaborations & Partnerships.

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More than 50% of the population is Youth

We Are the Rise and India’s Future

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