Reading Interventionists’ PLC January 23, 2012 Vista View Media Center

Reading Interventionist PLC January 2012

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Page 1: Reading Interventionist PLC January 2012

Reading Interventionists’ PLC

January 23, 2012

Vista View Media Center

Page 2: Reading Interventionist PLC January 2012

Key Objectives

1. Standardize processes and procedures for identifying students who need strategic and/or intensive interventions.

2. Identify consistently used data streams and sources to guide support for students and appropriate interventions.

3. Use iCue to access an additional source of student data to support your role as interventionists.

4. Discuss expectations for Pyramid Response to Intervention professional development session.

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Setting Appointments

Use the clock template to schedule appointments with four other people in the room.

Greet one another and reintroduce yourself as needed.

When your appointments are scheduled, please return to your seats.

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A Language That Expresses Care

We speak with words;

but words are not just uttered,

they are chosen.

We use a language;

but that language is not merely words,

it is a unique way of choosing to be in the world.

We teach others a way of being in the world;

but they are not mere recipients,

they also choose to show us their lives and hopes.

J. Novak

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A Language That Expresses Care

• As you reflect on the poem, think about your role as an interventionist and your students.

• In what ways does the poem define the work you need to do to support your students?

• When prompted, join your 12 o’clock appointment.

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Charting the Course…

Join the colleagues at your table and create a detailed, descriptive process flowchart.– The flow chart needs to map out the processes that should

be consistently used across the district to identify students who need strategic and/or intensive interventions.

– Include the data streams and sources that need to be consistently used to support the processes you have identified.

– You may want to use post-it notes to map out and/or develop your process flowchart.

– Reflect on the notes that were generated from the reading interventionists’ PLC in November to guide your processing.

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Charting the Course…

When prompted, join another table and take turns sharing your process flowchart with another group.

Create an agreed upon process flowchart that would be standardized across our district.

Be prepared to share.

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3 O’Clock Appointment

Join your 3 o’clock appointment and summarize what you learned about the processes and procedures to identify students needing strategic and intensive issues.

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BreakBe Back to Continue Our Learning in 10 Minutes!

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Accessing & Using MDE & iCue

Join Delonna Darsow, Director of Assessment, in the computer lab to learn more about accessing and using iCue and MDE to support your work as an interventionist.

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6 O’Clock Appointment

Join your 6 o’clock appointment and share what you learned about accessing and using iCue to support your role as an interventionist.

Sorry, wrong time zone!

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Think, Pair, Squared

Join another pair of your colleagues and generate a list of essential points that you learned about accessing and using iCue.

Be prepared to share your list with the rest of the group.

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Charting the Course…Continued

Return to the process flowchart work group and use the learning with Delonna to update your group’s process flowchart.

Be prepared to share the updates with the rest of the group.

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FYI: Keep Certified

Register on KeepCertified to earn CEUs for your learning this year. This will cover all meeting times this year.

Additional training/support for using KeepCertified will be provided.

Register at: https://sites.google.com/a/isd191.org/keepcertified/home

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FYI: TLT Dashboard

To access information about the learning and additional resources for reading interventionists, visit the reading interventionists’ webpage on the TLT dashboard at: https://sites.google.com/a/isd191.org/teaching-and-learning-191/reading-interventionists

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Intervention Cohort PD

Cohorts for district interventionists, elementary classroom teachers, and secondary classroom teachers

2 days of high-quality PD with learning set up before and following session

Up to 3 days of curriculum, resource writing during June

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February PLC Meeting Dates

February 3 and 10—Pyramid Response to Intervention Professional Development– DEC, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

February 20—District PD– Vista View, 8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

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Key Learning Objective for Pyramid Response to Intervention

Identify students needing additional support, determine appropriate interventions, monitor progress, and revise a student's program as needed.

Extend student learning and support students who have already mastered grade-level curriculum.

Create a more focused, doable Tier 1 core curriculum.

Utilize universal screening tools to identify students for extra help before they fail.

Determine when formal special education evaluation is appropriate.

Explore how the three big ideas of a PLC—focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and results orientation—make PLC and RTI natural partners.

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9 O’Clock Appointment

Join your 9 o’clock appointment and discuss your learning expectations for the PRTI PD session February 3 and 10.

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Key Messages

What did you learn today as a result of our collaboration?

Generate a list of key messages as a table.

Be prepared to share with the whole group.