ALL ASSAM OPEN QUIZ -------------------------------- AT JORHAT, ON 19.08.2015 -------------------------------- MAINS -------------------------------- ROUNDS CONDUCTED BY GAUTAM PRIYAM MAHANTA

Quiz - Jorhat - 19.08.15 - GPM Rounds

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ALL ASSAM OPEN QUIZ--------------------------------

AT JORHAT, ON 19.08.2015--------------------------------



ROUND 3--------------------------


Q 3.1

During the Later Vedic Age in Indian History, some of the high officials (Ratnins) serving the king were Samgrahitri (treasurer), Bhagadugh (collector of taxes), Kshattri (chamberlain), Senani(general), Gramani (village headman), Purohita (priest) etc. Akshavapa was one such post of importance. Akshavapa was the In-charge of what?



Q 3.2His name is Edward Norton Lorenz (1917 – 2008), an American mathematician, meteorologist, and a pioneer of chaos theory – a study in the field of mathematics on the behaviour of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions — a response he popularly named as the ____ Effect. Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems; which he metaphorically compared to hurricanes being influenced (exact time of formation, exact path taken etc.) by minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant ____ several weeks earlier. What is the effect called?



Q 3.3

The Treaty of Amiens was signed on 25 March 1802 between Joseph Bonaparte, representing the French, and Marquess

Cornwallis, representing the English forces, which put a temporary end to the hostilities between the two nations during the French

Revolutionary Wars. As per the terms of the treaty, the French handed over two colonies to the British. One is Trinidad; what is

the other?



Q 3.4This was a sword used by Prophet Muhammad in the battlefields of Badr(624 CE) and Uhud (625 CE). This relic is now preserved in the Husain mosque in Cairo. Which present day counter-terrorism operation is named after this sword of Muhammad, which means “sharp strike”?


Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistani military operation in North Waziristan, named after Prophet Muhammad’s sword, Azb

(“al-‘Adb” in Arabic transliteration).

Q 3.5X (1895-1986), born into a Tamil Brahmin family, was a mystic, spiritual writer and philosopher, who, at the age of 14, came to the notice of Theosophical Society leaders Charles Webster Leadbeater and Annie Besant. The Theosophists and their sister organisation The Order of the Star in the East had a doctrine of World Teacher, a messiah who periodically appears on earth to guide the evolution of mankind. They started to prepare and project X as the messianic World Teacher. Annie Besant legally took the guardianship of X and claimed him to be an incarnation of Buddha. However, in 1929, X himself dismissed such claims and projections and dissolved the organisation, The Order of the Star in the East. Who is X?



Q 3.6A song from the Deepa Mehta film Water. It is sung by a father and his daughter. Who are they?


Pandit Ajay Chakraborty and Kaushiki Chakraborty.

ROUND 4--------------------------


Q 4.1

This is a portrait of Duleep Singh, the last Maharaja of the Sikh Empire. This young Maharaja was forced to abdicate by the British and was exiled to Britain in 1854, when he was 15. There he met Queen Victoria, and, as instructed by the Company government, handed over something to her as a gift, which, previously had been taken possession by his father Maharaja Ranjit Singh from the hands of the deposed Emir of Afghanistan, Shujah Shah Durani, who was fleeing to Lahore, in 1830. What was that special thing?



Q 4.2

X is a British-Indian writer who was born to Pakistani businessman, politician and former Governor of the Pakistani state of Punjab, Salman ____, who was assassinated while in office in 2011; and Indian journalist Tavleen Singh. He is seen here with his former girlfriend, a member of the British Royal Family, daughter of Prince Michael of Kent, Lady Gabriella Windsor. Who is X?



Q 4.3

This Islamic phrase in Arabic stands for the command of Allah, “Let there be universe!” and its manifestation – “and there it is, the creation!” This term that appears in the 36th chapter of the Holy Quran, Surah Ya-Sin, is of utmost reverence in Islam, as it puts forward the concept of the creation of this universe. What is the term?


Kun Faya Kun.

Listen to this song from the film Rockstar

Q 4.4

Sappho was a Greek poetess who died in 570 BC. She was born in the Greek island of X, situated in the north-eastern Aegean Sea. Though very little is known about her life, through her poems, she expressed her romantic and sexual desire towards her female companions. Just tell me the name of the island, X?


Lesbos, from which the word Lesbian is derived.

Q 4.5

Liberty City is an imaginary city modelled on the New York city, Los Santos on Los Angeles, San Fierro on San Francisco, Las Venturason Las Vegas, Del Perro on Santa Monica, Vice City on Miami, Carcer City on Detroit or Philadelphia, Capital City on Washington DC, etc. Where would you find these imaginary cities, modelled on the real ones?


In the Grand Theft Auto series of games.

Q 4.6This flag was conceived and designed by NASA scientist Pascal Lee in 1998, to represent X. The design is said to be projecting the “future history” of X, and its stages of transformation, from its present Red to subsequently more human friendly Green and Blue. What is X?


Planet Mars.

ROUND 5--------------------------


Q 5.1This is the logo of an alternative payment system with online virtual currency or crypto-currency, developed by Satoshi Nakamoto and released publicly in 2008. However, the identity of the developer, Nakamoto, is unknown and many a noted persons have been suspected and interrogated in this regard. This includes Finnish economic sociologist Dr ViliLehdonvirta, Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki, Dustin D. Trammell, a Texas-based security researcher, Israeli mathematicians, DoritRon and Adi Shamir, etc. Just tell me, what is the alternative virtual currency system?



Q 5.2Identify this musician appearing in the Taj Mahal tea ad.


Rahul Sharma.

Q 5.3

X is an Australian wine brand owned by Orlando Wines in the township of Rowland Flat in the Barossa Valey, where Johan Gramp, the founder of OrlandoWines planted the first grape vines along the banks of the stream named X, after which the brand of wine is named. Identify the stream or the brand of wine. The stream can be seen even on the logo of that wine brand.


Jacob’s Creek.

Q 5.4At the time of independence, there existed more than 500 princely states in India, not under direct British administration. They were given the chance either to join India or Pakistan. Nawab of Junagarh, in the present Indian state of Gujarat, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III, decided to join Pakistan and send the accession papers to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, carried by his trusted Dewan (Prime Minster) Shah Nawaz ___. The accession was formally accepted on 15 September, 1947, by Pakistan. However, this action of Junagarh, which shared no land boundary with Pakistan and was surrounded in three sides by India led to increasing tension, finally resulting in Indian army operation an occupation. The Nawab’s family was forced to flee to Sind in Pakistan, accompanied by his Dewan, Shah Nawaz ___. This exile / migration of Shah Nawaz ___ marked the beginning of an illustrious family in Pakistan. Which family?



Shah Nawaz Bhutto was the father of Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and grandfather of PM Benazir Bhutto.

Q 5.5

X is a term that denotes the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. The term was introduced by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim in his doctoral thesis Division of Labour in Society in 1893. In the last few death sentances given by Indian judiciary, there have been references to this term. What is X, the term?


Collective Conscience.

Q 5.6

An artist posing with her self-portrait. Who is she?


Amrita Shergil.

ROUND 6--------------------------


Q 6.1

This is a ceremony that takes place at the Jagannath Temple of Puriwhere the wooden status of the deities Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Sudarshana are replaced with new ones. It ceremony takes place every 12 or 19 years, depending upon the occurrence of two full moons (Poornimas) in the month of Ashadha. The name of the ceremony in Odia literally means the adoption of a new bodily form by the soul. Give me the name of the religious ceremony.



Q 6.2

His name is SebastienGabriel, a Google Chrome visual designer. Besides other things, the designed this character and game that appears in one’s screen when Google Chrome faces connectivity issues and fails to load a webpage. What is the name of this Google Chrome game / character?


Lonely T-Rex.

Q 6.3

This person was a Bollywood music arranger during the 1940s and 1950s. He was also a music teacher of Rahul DevBurman and PyarelalRamprasad Sharma. Who is he and how he was immortalised by Laxmikant-Pyaarelal?


Anthony Gonsalves.

The “Amar Akbar Anthony” (1977) song “My Name is Anthony Gonsalves” was a tribute to him.

Q 6.4

This desert or cake flavour is of German origin, which consists of several layers of chocolate cake, with whipped cream and cherries between each layer, and often decorated with additional toppings of whipped cream and cherries. It is named X in reference of the cherries and cherry liquor found in and around the mountain range X, in south-western Germany. What is X?


Black Forest.

Q 6.5Identify the eminent Iranian father and daughter.


Filmmakers Mohsen Makhbalbaf and Samira Makhmalbaf.

Q 6.6Identify him, the first South Asian recipient of Victoria Cross, the highest wartime gallantry award given to British and Commonwealth forces. The citation of his Victoria Cross read –

“His Majesty the KING-EMPEROR has been graciously pleased to approve of the grant of the Victoria Cross to the undermentioned soldier of the Indian Army for conspicuous bravery whilst serving with the Indian Army Corps, British Expeditionary Force: —

4050, Sepoy _______, 129th Duke of Counaught's Own Baluchis.

On 31st October, 1914, at Hollebeke, Belgium, the British Officer in charge of the detachment having been wounded, and the other gun put out of action by a shell, Sepoy _____, though himself wounded, remained working his gun until all the other five men of the gun detachment had been killed.”


Khudadad Khan.

ROUND 7--------------------------

LONG VISUAL CONNECTION-------------------------


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