Major Project Adoption of Pushpaban Sishu Niketan Inner Wheel Club of Jorhat

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Major Project

Adoption of Pushpaban Sishu Niketan

Inner Wheel Club of Jorhat

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Inner Wheel Club of Jorhat has always endeavoured to give emphasis on the propagation of literacy. Towards this end, we have worked closely with several such schools which provide basic primary education to students coming from lower middle class and poor families.

Pushpaban Sishu Niketan came under the auspices of IWC Jorhat in 2012. This School is located at Meleng Gaon, 10 km away from Jorhat. It was established in 1992 by residents of that area. A local patron donated the land for the school which was then built by the community of Meleng Gaon, without any financial help from the Panchayat or the Government.

The school has about 200 students and is run by five permanent dedicated teachers who do not take any remunerations. Teaching is their passion and a way to serve the community.

Our club began its service to the school by providing basic teaching materials like black boards, study chats, stationeries, safe drinking water storage facility etc.

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Our frequent visit to the school revealed that the School does not have electricity and the students and teachers were facing a lot of difficulties. Without electricity, Classes used to come to a standstill during cloudy days for the light inside the class rooms was not adequate. Similarly during summer, the students and teachers fell ill from the tremendous heat.

This year the club took up the ambitious project of providing electricity to the school. The most important aspect of a comfortable class room is enough light and air. INNER WHEEL CLUB OF JOTHAT WAS ABLE TO GET AND INSTALL THE ELECTRIC CONNECTION FROM ASEB. The club paid for the entire project right from procuring the connection , laying of the main line cable, electric meter, wiring of the entire school, switches, fans and lights.

This project was inaugurated by our Dist Chairman Mrs. Jayanti Dutta on 24th September, 2013.




Total cost of the Project Rs. 20000.00. There is no project partner.

Number of beneficiaries – as of now 200 and will benefit all the future students of this school .

Now that the school has electricity, the school hall is being used for community meetings after school hours.

As the photographs show, the walls of the school building has to be plastered. The windows are temporarily covered with tin and bamboo. In the next phase of this running project, the club would like to provide permanent grills and aluminum windows in addition to plastering the walls.