Question 2 How does your media product represent particular social group?

Question 2

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Question 2How does your media product

represent particular social group?

The social group that I wanted to reach out to was teenagers of 16-25 year old. This is because, I found out that on the press kits, there was a majority of the audience young and are more likely to pick up a RnB/Hip-hop magazine.


One of the ways in which my magazine represented my targeted audience is by the clothing and props used on my models to suit my chosen genre. Stereotypically, people visualise the genre RnB as

The fact that the model is wearing something casual and not over the top demonstrates the neutral and plain concept of the artist which makes it stand out compared to other artists. This artist wore these casual, normal – looking clothes to fit in with the public and making the audience feel ordinary and wanted.


The model is a young female and white who represents the targeted audience for my magazine. The reason why I have chosen her to be part of my magazine is because the model engages with the white population who are also part of the chosen audience. The fact that she is young is to attract the audience of both females and males, where females have an envy towards the model and want to be just like her, and for the males, they may be attracted to her in a sense that they like her appearance, this would encourage them to buy the magazine. I specifically told the model to stare right into the camera to create a sense of relationship with the readers making the magazine stronger and dominant. This direct mode of gaze is a good way of reaching out to my chosen social group. The fact that my model is a teenager herself is to attract the social group and help them recognise straight away that the model is their peer group and is part group. This would make it more comfortable for the readers as they would be able to relate to the magazine.


For my magazine to represent particular social groups I had to make the content of my magazine suitable for the targeted audience. One of the ways that I have achieved this is by the language of my magazine. I included slang in the double page spread where the interview took place. Writing informally is significant as it demonstrates who the targeted audience is. As my genre of the magazine is RnB, I intended to make the language suited to music as well as engaging the audience.