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Differentiate what…Content Process Product

Differentiate through…Readiness Learning Profile Interest

Differentiate for whom…Students significantly different from the norm. For example:

High potential, low ability, learning difficulty, NESB

Differentiate how…Using, for example, Bloom’s Taxonomy or the Equaliser (for

readiness differentiation)

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Syllabus Outcomes Syllabus Content: Students learn about

Students learn to Teaching and learning strategies

Layered Assessment instructions

4.1 describes and explains the nature of history, the main features of past societies and periods and their legacy4.8 selects and organizes relevant information from sources

What can we learn about societies and civilizations of the past? Civics and citizenship in the society or period Impact of significant people and/or events Topic: The role and importance of Pharaohs in Ancient Egyptian society

Describe the way in which the people of the society or period were governed

Explain the impact made by significant people and or events on the society or period

Teacher introduces the concept of a pharaoh through a visual image on the PowerPoint which provides an overview. Students view a series of pictorials and objects associated with the pharaoh. Students complete activities based on the role of the pharaoh, as required by the student contract

Students must refer to student contract and choose from layered assessment activities. Students must only choose from layered C assessment activities today.

4.1 describes and explains the nature of history, the main features of past societies and periods and their legacy4.8 selects and organizes relevant information from sources4.10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, to communicate effectively about the past

What can we learn about societies and civilizations of the past? What have been the legacies of past societies and civilizations?Impact of significant people and/or eventsTopic: The significance of Tutankhamen as a pharaoh

Explain the impact made by significant people and or events on the society or period

Students are given a handout detailing the life of Tutankhamen; an important pharaoh in Ancient Egyptian society. As a class read through the handout discussing important implications. Teacher exposition on the discovery of the tomb by Howard Carter. (This handout reinforces the material from last lesson, using a concrete set example)

Students must refer to student contract and choose from layered assessment activities. Students must only choose from layered C assessment activities today.

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Layer C requires basic knowledge and understanding of content. It involves more structured and guided activities, with heavy scaffolding.

Layer B requires students to transfer knowledge into different contexts, by comparing and analysing.

Layer A activities require higher order thinking skills such as critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

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Students Learn To:•Daily life of men and women in the society or period•Civics and citizenship in the society or period•Rights and freedom•Beliefs and values of the people of the society or period•Impact of significant people and/or events

Students Learn About•Describe how both men and women lived in the society or period•Describe the way in which the people of the society or period were governed•Describe the rights and freedom of different groups in the society or period•Explain the beliefs and values of the society•Explain the impact made by significant people and/or events on the society or period

Students are to complete layered assessments during class, choosing from layer A (difficult), B (medium) and C (easy). Each assessment activity from each layer will have a different amount of points that students will receive once students complete the task. Students must work towards reaching a maximum of 100 points. It is a requirement that students attempt assessments from layer A and B at least once within the two weeks. Some activities are mandatory to allow students to demonstrate the necessary skills and knowledge before moving on to higher level activities. Points allocation are as follows:

Layered C assessment activities: 5-10 pointsLayered B assessment activities: 15 pointsLayered A assessment activities: 20 points

Students need to choose activities on the contract which than need to be signed and dated by both the teacher and the student once completed. This will allow both the teacher and the student to monitor their progress and outcomes achieved from each task.

Layered C assessment activities (10 points each)1.List the procedures materials used in mummification in the table below. Using the list, draw a comic strip depicting the steps of mummification and write your own caption for each box.2.Match the correct words to the picture of the pharaoh. Once completed, use the picture of the pharaoh to identify three things that symbolise power.3.Label the pyramid diagram to show the structure of Ancient Egyptian society. Use the words in the box below to help you label the diagram. On completion, outline the roles and responsibilities of three social classes in Ancient Egyptian society.

Layered B assessment activities (15 points each)1.Explain how the position and status of a child in Ancient Egyptian society was different to the life of a child in the twenty first century.OR Explain how the position and the status of a woman or man in Ancient Egyptian society was different to the life of a woman or man in the twentieth century.2. Write a report on a deity of your choice, and explain how they were able to help and impact upon the lives of ordinary Egyptian people.3. Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of each of the social class in Ancient Egyptian society with the structure of your school.

Layered A assessment activities (20 points each)1.Write a magazine article detailing a memoir of your life experiences as either an Ancient Egyptian: - Rich woman - Poor woman - Rich man - Poor man2.Create a newspaper article that details the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb and provide 5 questions that you would ask Howard Carter. Write the answers to each questions imagining you are Howard Carter.3.Using a modern day home advertisement as a guide. Write a detailed advertisement or article about the Egyptian home shown on the handout provided.

Layered C assessment activities completed by students:_________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher and student Signature___________________________________________________

Layered B assessment activities completed by students:_________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher and student Signature___________________________________________________

Layered A assessment activities completed by students:_________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher and student Signature___________________________________________________

TOTAL POINTS for layered C assessment activities: _________ TOTAL POINTS for layered B assessment activities: _________ TOTAL POINTS for layered A assessment activities: _________

TOTAL POINTS for layered C assessment activities _______ + TOTAL POINTS for layered B assessment activities ________ + TOTAL POINTS for layered A assessment activities _______ = 100 points

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Layered C activities Layered B activities Layered A activities

1. Pretend you are an ancient Egyptian makeup artist. Your task is to use the blank face provided and draw on the ancient Egyptian person’s hair, makeup and clothing into a man/woman of your choice.

2. List the procedures and materials used in mummification. Using the list, draw a comic strip depicting the steps of mummification and write your own caption for each box

1. Explain how the position and status of a child in Ancient Egyptian society was different to the life of a child in the twenty first century (2010).

ORExplain how the position

and status of a woman in Ancient Egyptian society was different to the life of a woman in the twenty first century (2010)

2. Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of each of the social class in Ancient Egyptian society, with the structure of your school.

1. Create a newspaper article that details the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb and provide 5 questions that you would ask Howard Carter. Write the answers to each of the five questions imagining you are Howard Carter

2. Using the modern day home advertisement as a guide. Write a detailed advertisement about the Egyptian home shown in the handout provided.

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• Provides an excellent understanding of Ancient Egypt as they identify, match, locate, observe and or select information appropriate to different learning activities • Provides relevant and accurate historical information and makes use of historical terms• Appropriate use of the source with reference to own relevant knowledge


• Provides a sound understanding of Ancient Egypt as they identify, match, locate, observe and or select information appropriate to different learning activities • Provides some relevant historical information, incorporating some historical terms• Refers to classroom material and/or own knowledge


• Presents an unclear response, with vague or inaccurate historical information, with limited reference to the class material and/or own knowledge


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Monitoring class discussion to discern students’ comprehension of content

Observation of students’ work as they apply their knowledge and understanding in the activities

Peer teaching Students verbal responses