Social Psychology (PSYC0203) Final Project: Group Assignment Group Member: Goh Jia Jun 0323302 Loon Jing Wei 0322074 Wong Mei Xin 0323824 Lim Xiu Qing 0323214

Psy report

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Social Psychology (PSYC0203)

Final Project: Group Assignment

Group Member:

Goh Jia Jun 0323302

Loon Jing Wei 0322074

Wong Mei Xin 0323824

Lim Xiu Qing 0323214

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Content Page

1. Acknowledgement

2. Introduction

3. Method



4. Discussion


-Application and Analysis

5. References

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We would like to like acknowledge the effort of everyone involved in this project. Their effort, knowledge and patience have been crucial for this assignment. Without them, it might be impossible to successfully complete this final project.

Firstly, we want to express our deepest gratitude to our Social Psychology lecturer, Mr Shankar for teaching us this subject where he implemented all the knowledge and social psychological concepts with various interesting example.

We would like to thank all of our group members for all the teamwork and participation in this final project. All group members were very participated and contributed in different aspects which caused the whole process to be carried out smoothly and successfully.

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In this project, we were required to form a group of 4-5 people. We were required to conduct a social psychology conceptual video clip which implies the theories from various topics that has been taught and discussed in class. This video is to be submitted along with a written report. In addition, there will also be a presentation for the video that we have filmed.

For the video, we came out with a story about a group of inspector. Social psychology concepts will be shown throughout the whole video. As for the next task, we are required to write a report about the whole process of making the video clip. On the other hand, we also prepared Power Point slides for the presentation which is more convenient and easier for students present the concepts that were used in the video.

Several concepts that are applied in the story and the story is demonstrated and acted by group member and some other friends. Before we got started for filming, we discussed among our group members to create a storyline and the script. The concept that we have applied in the story are stereotype, halo effect, confirmation bias, observational learning and motivation.

The aim of assignment is to allow students to recognize and identify the connections among concepts and perspectives within psychology and other theory. Furthermore, this project taught us to apply the concepts that we were taught during our lecturers and discussed in class.

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1. Acer laptop

2. iPhone 6

3. Bracelet

4. Car

5. Knife

6. Diary book

7. Transparency plastic bags


1. Choosing the concepts

First, we conducted a meeting at the library to choose the concepts that we want to further our research with. Then, we started brainstorming on the best combination of those chosen concepts to be included in the video.

2. Planning the video

After confirming the concepts, we discussed about the storyline of the video. Then we came out with script of the video and set a date for filming the video.

3. Role delegation

Role Actor Description of roleInspector Lim Xiu Qing An inspector who has stereotype to

othersInspector Wong Mei Xin A kind inspector but actually notInspector Loon Jing Wei An inspector with a fierce lookingInspector Goh Jia Jun Was murdered at the endColleague Other course

matesHaving meeting together

Mei Xin’s father Other course mates

A mental father and husband

Mei Xin’s Mother

Lim Xiu Qing Murdered by her husband

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4. Shooting the video

We gathered at Taylor’s Lakeside University to start our shooting. We worked together to help each other in acting their roles with perfection. The video shooting took 2 days for us to finish it while voice recording were recorded another day.

5. Editing the video

After filming all the scenes and voice record, Goh Jia Jun was in charge to edit the video and the subtitles. The software used to edit the video was Filmora.

6. Prepare presentation slides

Loon Jing Wei was on charge in preparing the presentation slides for the presentation. The other group members were to check if there were any mistakes on the presentation slides.

7. Writing the report

The report was distributed to Wong Mei Xin and Lim Xiu Qing.

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The video started when the inspector and the police are having their usual meeting. They were reporting what happen in the day and conclude everything before Inspector Xiu Qing dismisses the meeting, everyone left while Jia Jun and Roy was still in the meeting room. Roy asked Jia Jun to send drop him of to his apartment. Jia Jun agreed and they when to the basement car park.

Xiu Qing was in the car park when she saw Roy when into Jia Jun car. Later that day, Jia Jun was murdered in his car in an abandon parking lot. The next morning, When Inspector Xiu Qing got the news, she immediately call Roy into her office and accuse him for killing Jia Jun. She keeps asking did Roy kill Jia Jun and he fight for himself and deny of killing Jia Jun. Roy wasn’t please and said why Inspector Xiu Qing did not accuse Mei Xin. He told that Mei Xin called Jia Jun to fetch her after dropping him off but the Inspector did not believe him. He was not happy when the inspector does not believe him. Inspector did not believe him and try to proof Roy guilty for killing Jia Jun.

During the night on the same day, Inspector Xiu Qing went to Mei Xin house to check. She reach Mei Xin door and knock to see whether anyone is around but to her surprise, the door was unlocked and there is nobody. The room was dark, she uses torch light and search through the room and look into drawers and cupboards. When she opens one of the drawers, she saw something that make her disgusts. She saw pictures of murder victim and the next victim which is Roy and Inspector Xiu Qing in between a knife and a pistol gun.

To find more prove, she went to Jia Jun car and found a bangle that wore by Mei Xin every day when she come to the office. The next morning, she calls up Mei Xin to her office and inspect her. At first, Mei Xin deny of murdering Jia Jun but after showing the bangle to her, and ask again and again, she admit that she kill Jia Jun and said “killing is my passion. I love to murder and I found happiness by doing it” she said it while laughing. The end.

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Application and Analysis

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities. In this video, we see Inspector Xiu Qing accuse Roy for murdering Jia Jun because she saw that he went back together with Jia Jun after the meeting at night. It was then, she confirm that Roy kill Jia Jun in his car while not knowing Mei Xin was the real murderer when he picked Mei Xin after fetching Roy back. With what she witness, she confirm that Roy kill Jia Jun. That’s when confirmation Bias comes in play.


Stereotyping is defined as an "oversimplified, usually pejorative, attitude people hold toward those outside one's own experience who are different. They are a result of incomplete or distorted information accepted as fact without question. In this video, Roy was being accused for killing Jia Jun due to his bad behavior in the office. The inspector thinks that he is a bad person who can murder others. No matter how much Roy trying to explain that he is not the one. The inspector does not believe him and try to find more evidence to prove him guilty. The inspector stereotypes Roy as a bad person.

Halo Effect

The halo effect is a type of cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we feel and think about his or her character. Essentially, your overall impression of a person (she is quiet) impacts your evaluations of that person's specific traits ("she must be preservative"). Roy was being call to the inspector office for being accuse of murder Jia Jun. In this video, Roy said that Mei Xin called Jia Jun when they were in the car but Xiu Qing, which is the inspector; she does not believe that Mei Xin killed Jia Jun. She thinks of Mei Xin as a good police because she always does her work well and look innocent, a person who won’t murder people. This is when Halo Effect comes into play.

Observational Learning

Observational Learning is when a person watches others (models) engage in behaviors and then repeating those actions (Albert Bandura) this can explain how we acquire attitudes, fears, opinions, or specific behaviors. When Mei Xin was young, she observes her parents behind a chair when they were quarrelling. When they were quarrelling, Mei Xin’s father pushes her mother and kills her with a knife. She observes how her father kills her mother and learns from her dad. Observational comes in play when Mei Xin learn how to kill from her Father.

Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic Motivation is taking a certain action for the sake of enjoyment that leads us to be more fully engaged with greater curiosity and pleasure. In this video, Mei Xin finds motivation In killing people because she enjoy doing it. It is her pleasure and

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she finds happiness when she kills someone. She becomes moody and restless when she didn’t kill someone for days. She felt motivated when she successfully murder someone and happy when she doesn’t get caught by Inspector Xiu Qing.

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