Proposal Treatment

Proposal Treatment

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Proposal Treatment

Page 2: Proposal Treatment

Plot idea • There are a group of three friends (2 males 1 female), coming home from a party. They’re sat on

a field talking.

• They start to take pictures and mess around. Flash is on the camera because it’s dark.

• They then walk home down a gravel path, one friend walking behind, more drunk than the others.

• They come across a farmhouse where they look around and take pictures. They’re fascinated.

• Walk into an open street. Fade out.

• Two of the friends wake up and ask what happened. Find the night funny at this point.

• They look at pictures on their phone taken on the walk home, and see a ghostly figure. They’re very creeped out.

• One friend has a flashback, where he was haunted by this figure in his house.

• They then question whether the ghost is with them now.

• Strange things start to occur;

• Doors banging

• Noise starts on a toy

• Window opens and curtains blow.

• Hear banging and heavy breathing in the room where their other friend is.

• Try to get in but cant open the door.

• Eventually get in, friend is suffocating on the bed. Ghostly figure in the corner where they cant see it but we can.

• Characters are scared. Close ups.

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Cinematography• Start with an establishing shot, when they’re sat on the field.

• Over the shoulder shots when they’re looking through pictures.

• Tracking shot when they start walking down the gravel path.

• Medium shots when taking pictures at the farmhouse.

• Long shot when they start walking into the open road.

• Pan shot around the room when they wake up.

• Establishing shot when they wake up and start talking.

• Medium close up for confusion when they look at the pictures.

• Over the shoulder shot whilst looking at the pictures.

• Close up on the character going into a flashback.

• Long shot outside the bedroom-we see the picture moving.

• Turning the camera at a quick pace towards the window/curtain.

• Close up on characters facial expressions.

• Medium shot on the characters talking, whilst we can see a bedroom door behind them closing.

• Extreme close up on the door handle.

• Establishing shot of the bedroom, where we see the ghost and character.

• Birds eye view of the character suffocating.

• Close up for emotion.

• Long shot of a bedroom door where the ghost runs out.

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Editing• We will include fades to create a slow, tense atmosphere.

• We will use cut away shots to show flashbacks.

• We will include basic jump cuts to jump between different scenes.

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Sound• Start with diegetic sound of the characters talking.

• Repeated camera noise when they’re taking pictures.

• When strange things start to occur, a sound of a heartbeat.

• Heavy breathing and gasp when curtains move and door closes.

• Weeping sound of the character suffocating.

• Door handle rattling.

• Deep and eerie score through out the trailer at tense points.

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Mise-en-scene • Clothing will be casual and simple.

• The characters will need a phone to look at the pictures on.

• We need to find a farmhouse to film at.

• We need a house / bedroom for some scenes.

• A ghost in different clothing to the main characters.

• Dark lighting to look scarier.

• Beer bottles to connote that the characters are drunk / maybe unaware.