Nepal I came to the US in 2011 I lived here for three and half years I speak Nepali and English


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My name is shreejana rai

I am from Jhapa Nepal

I came to the US in 2011

I lived here for three and half years

I speak Nepali and English

We are planting the Swiss chard plant in the greenhouse.Here working hard to digging the soil.Little plant moving from greenhouse to garden using wheel borrow.

we are harvesting the chill hot pepper in the greenhouse.We loving to work at garden.we getting fun to harvesting the plants at garden.

We are constructing garden bed.We are connect the nail in wood.We all helping each other to make garden bed beautiful.

We are moving soil to the garden bed in greenhouse.Working hard by using shovel.We are learned how to work famer stuff.

we are harvesting old plants. And now we planting newly plant on the bed.We are planting broccoli, onions and radish etc at bed.

We doing party of butternut squash soup at greenhouse.Ms mabe teach us how to cook butternut squash soup. We all eat together butternut squash soup.

we are harvesting the watermelon from garden.We washing the watermelon and cut into pieces to eat.How was taste be like of watermelon.

We are planting the Swiss chard in the greenhouse.When this Swiss chard growing bigger we transport at big space.We are wring the name in stick to know.

conclusion I learned from garden how to planting the

plants, putting water at plant, compose the soil to plants, construct the garden bed and other stuff. Garden food are fresh to eat. When we eat it’s gives more reduce stress and feel more relaxed. If we touch the soil our brain chemical change. So I am really enjoy to work at gaden.