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1.Enlarging the school offer of learning based on bilingual projects to the First Cycle of Compulsory Education.

2.Providing continuity in the future to the bilingual learning from the Primary Schools.

3.Promoting respectful attitudes towards other languages and other cultures.

4.Promoting the acquisition of foreign languages as a tool to know cultural issues: cinema, literature, art and as a tool to work.

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5. Developing competencies:

a. Personal authonomy and initiative.

b. Oral and written communication in English.

c. ICT (Information and Communication Technology.

d. Mathematical competency.

e. Interaction with the physics world.

f. Society and citizenship competency.

g. Learning to learn competency.

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6. Facilitating training to allow continuity in upper levels, the access to grants and the mobility in foreign countries: (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius..)

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1. Making students aware of their own linguistic knowledge, even in their mother tongue.

2. Showing the value of the different varieties as tools to express, communicate and understand people from other cultures, preventing discrimination.

3. Promoting bilingual competencies developing the competencies in Mathematics and Technology.

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4. Understanding the value of language as a way to get information and knowledge in a great variety of topics.

5. Promoting collaborative and interdisciplinar works in English.

6. Understanding and getting information from oral texts related with Mathematics and Technology.

7. Using English orally in everyday situations both inside and outside the classroom

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8. Reading and understanding scientific texts to get general and specific information in order to solve problems, acquire knowledge and develop personally.

9. Writing easy texts with different finalities about scientific topics in a coherent and logical way.

10. Using a great variety of learning strategies, even ICT to choose and present oral and written information.

11. Promoting a receptive and self-confident attitude concerning the capacity to learn and use a foreign language in a continuous way.

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Mathematics: Sergio San Victoriano

Technology: Luis Vaquerizo

English: Valentina Cuadrado

Coordination: Valentina Cuadrado

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Using English in a natural and coherent way for collaborative projects where an active participation is needed.

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1.Labelling, as much as possible, public and private rooms in school.

2.Writing basic glossaries for Mathematics and Technology to be published in the Moodle.

3.Providing teachers with a glossary with terms for common activities in the classroom and error correction ones.

4.Celebrating special Days related to the Anglo-Saxon culture and the subjects involved. For example: Pitagora’s, Edison’s or Pi Days

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5. Always using English both during the lessons and in any other moments at school to create confidence.

6. Getting magazines where Mathematics and Technology topics are discussed.

7. Creating Moodle courses with Mathematics and Technology contents in English.

8. Providing students with reading material in different formats: magazines, books, sites in the net.

9. Creating a Bilingual Section in the public Moodle to visualise students’ works and activities.

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10. Joining a collaborative etwinning project: ATOM ( A Taste of Maths).

11. Installing MALTED in the school server to work in the IT Laboratory.

12. Analising the possibility of starting an English Club for the future.

13. Starting Dictionary course during two sessions and adapting English syllabus to help teachers in the bilingual section.

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14. Bibliography and electronic material repository for students’ use

15. Using programmes and ICT resources: whiteboard, computers, audio-visual material

16. Promoting the use of Mind Maps to organize ideas and vocabulary

17. Allowing the use of the IT Laboratory for Mathematics, Technology and English.

18. English practice with the Conversation Assistant.