Premiere effects JAMES GRIMLEY

Premiere effects

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Premiere effectsJAMES GRIMLEY

Page 2: Premiere effects

Brightness + Contrasting

This was a regular effect used for our editing process as this enhanced the shots through making the background brighter and showing the character in a better light. This effect wasn’t used in my AS production showing a development of our technological skills. During my time in AS I only used a few basic effects on Premiere such as wipes, dissolves and straight cuts. Below you can see the comparison between the picture on the right (without brightness and contrasting) and the picture on the left (with brightness and contrasting) with the left picture being much clearer and of a much better quality as it highlights all the background colours well and makes them stand out compared to the dim and dull colours of the picture of our first draft video.

Brightness + contrasting

Without brightness + contrasting

Page 3: Premiere effects

Warp stabiliser

This effect was used in our music video to enabled the shots to become more steady and in focus, this was effective as it looks more professional rather than the shot looking wobbly and unprofessional. This was an important effect for us as we had many unusual shots such as underwater shots we needed to be steady.

Page 4: Premiere effects

Reverse + Slow mo.

This was an effective new effect that we brought into our A2 production, this effect was used to reverse water splashing on Ben’s face. This effect linked into our concept genre as it was strange, dark and followed no real narrative idea behind it. This also linked into our audience research as our Indie audiences say they preferred a video that had no narrative.

Here is a screenshot of the Reverse Slow-motion effect of the water being reversed from Ben’s face back up towards the camera.

Page 5: Premiere effects

Gaussian blur

This effect hides part of the shot from the audience which is similar to a cross dissolve but in the same shot. Will decided to use this effect as he wanted to hide part of the background but keep it in the shot so it was visible. In our music video we used this when a flower was close to the camera and I was in blurred out in the background wearing the famous blue boiler suit.

Here you can see the Gaussian blur effect from our video. The front image of the flower is focused and clear but the background of me in the boiler suit is blurred linking to our concept theme of being dark and mysterious.