Preliminary evaluation Ryan Johnson

Preliminary evaluation

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Page 1: Preliminary evaluation

Preliminary evaluation

Ryan Johnson

Page 2: Preliminary evaluation

Highlight your successes

As this was my first time studying media I have learnt lots of new things in my preliminary that will help me throughout the course.First I believe I did well getting use to new tools like InDesign as I have never used this tool before and believe that I did relatively good. The main thing I was that I completed the task on time and that I learned the tools as I will be needing them throughout and the fact that I was able to complete the preliminary gave me great confidence. I used different tools InDesign features like colours and different fonts available to help me create my magazine cover and contents page.

Page 3: Preliminary evaluation

Highlight areas for improvementOne area I need to improve in is I need to be more independent. As this is my first time studying media it took me a while to get to grips with the new tools available to me, for example I have never used a mac before so I had to get used to all the new features it has and how I will integrate them into my work so that my work is the best it can possibly be. Another thing is I could be a bit more adventures with the tools available to me and use more of the features I may have been reluctant to try them as I've never used them before and need to use these to further my skills. Also I need to try and use more advance tools that will make my work more professional.

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What have I learnt

I have learned that I am cable of learning new tools relatively quickly and I am capable of getting a good grade in this subject if I stick to it and complete all work set and put 100% effort in and out of lessons. I have learned how to use new tools like InDesign which will be very helpful and how to use the features inside this document to get maximum use out of it. Also using the mac has been a whole new learning curve and this has developed my skills as I have never been on one before and the computer has many different features that will be useful throughout the course that wouldn't’t be a on a PC. I have also learnt how to analyse things in detail and pick out key details that will help me complete my main task and what I need to do to improve when it comes to doing my actual task.

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To what extent have you met the brief

I believe I met all the required criteria. I finished on time, also my work was completed to a respectable level and I believe I tried to integrate as many features as I could as I tried to learn them also. As my work is relatively simple I believe the criteria was met. My work covers all the necessary requirements as I have used a variety of tools that benefit my work.