Evaluating: • What went well? • What could you have improved? • What was difficult? • What problems can you foresee and how would you overcome them? • How did the story board help you plan?

Preliminary evaluation

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Page 1: Preliminary evaluation

Evaluating:• What went well?• What could you have improved?• What was difficult?• What problems can you foresee and how would you overcome them?• How did the story board help you plan?

Page 2: Preliminary evaluation

Within my group, I feel that we made our task a little bit different to other preliminary tasks we ad seen, whereby I think that it fits into the thriller genre well. We didn’t want to make our Preliminary task boring. We managed to do everything we were meant to and I feel we did it quite well, considering we hadn’t used the equipment before.

Page 3: Preliminary evaluation

With more time I think we could have added a bigger variety of camera angles and shots to make it more thriller like. Also with more time I think we could have had the setting somewhere different because we were limited with time, we couldn’t. The setting was OK, but I think we could of found a less busy setting because this sort of ruined the setting when people were walking past the door and we had to keep stopping.

Page 4: Preliminary evaluation

I think that at first because neither myself or my group had had any real experience with using the video recorders, we struggled a little bit. But soon enough we managed to figure out how to use them. Because it was our first time working together in a group, I feel that our opinions clashed a little bit, but nevertheless we were able to overcome this and put all of our ideas together and were able to produce a good preliminary task.

Page 5: Preliminary evaluation

I think that in our group, we will have different ideas and opinions about our thriller but if we find a way to incorporate them into our thriller, we will hopefully end up with a great thriller. Using the Macs was a little difficult but hopefully with more practice we’ll be able to use them to their potential and take advantage of all of their features.

Page 6: Preliminary evaluation

It showed us where it was that we were going to set our preliminary task and what rooms we were going to be in. It also allowed us to map out our ideas and get an image in our heads of what it was all going to look like.