frustation Frustation is the feeling that acompanies an exparience of being thwarted in attaining your goals. A feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized

Ppt classroom management

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Frustation is the feeling that acompanies an exparience of being thwarted in attaining

your goals. A feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized

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How to handle children frustation

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aggressive is used to describe a student's behavior, images of physical injury to another automatically come to mind. Aggression is the most serious of inappropriate

behaviors and has the most serious consequences for both the student and those in his or her environment.

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How to handle children agressive

1. Make a one on one connection2. Ask the child why she/he is performing this type of

behavior3. Wait for the child to answer4. Allow the child to express his or herself freely (try not to

argue with the child about his or her emotions.5. Give correction, while identifying the chile’s feeling6. Redirect and give an alternative to the child’s behavior.7. Offer to play a game or do an activity with the child8. Use daily smart technique

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Anger is an emotional state that can be expressed as irritation, at one extreme, or as

out-of-control rage at the other extreme, with many shades of behavior falling in between.

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How to handle children anger