Post modern popular culture

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Page 2: Post modern popular culture

Topic:post modernism and popular culture.

Name : Gohil Binkalba Semenster: 2 Roll no : 06 enrollment no : 2069108420170010 Email id :

Binkalbagohil1995gmail.com Year : 2016/17 Submitted to : Department of


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Culture is derived from ‘Latin’ word

‘cultura ’

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What is culture? The arts and other

manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

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What is post-modern popular culture? Postmodern theory. ... Post -modernism

is a term which describes the postmodernist movement in the arts, its set of cultural tendencies and associated cultural movements. It is in general the era that follows Modernism.

Postmodernism is a late-20th-century movement in the arts, architecture, and criticism that was a departure from modernism. Postmodernism articulates that the world is in a state of perpetual incompleteness and permanent unresolved .

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What is post-modern? Postmodern literature is

literature characterized by on narrative techniques such as fragmentation, paradox, and the unreliable narrator; and often is (though not exclusively) defined as a style or a trend which emerged in the post–World War II era. Postmodernis,,hjghfg.webm

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From modernity to post-modernity

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Some element of culture:

Pop v/s Mass


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What is post modernism in art? Postmodern art is a body of art

movements that sought to contradict some aspects of modernism or some aspects that emerged or developed in its aftermath. In general, movements such as intermediate , installation art, conceptual art and multimedia, particularly involving video are described as postmodern.

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Types of post- modern popular culture:

Production Analysis

Textual Analysis

Historian Analysis

Audience Analysis

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Textual analysis:

It also includes a nice primer on how to analyze advertisements that can be good Introduction to actually doing textual analyze.

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Production Analysis: Production and political

economic analysis of popular culture have several distinct dimensions. One dimension focuses on media ownership, stressing the fact that more and more of the American mass media is owned by fewer and fewer, very large corporations. The argument usually made is that this “media monopoly”

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Historian Analysis : Cultural history is not

simply the study of high culture or alternatively of peoples' past rituals. It is best characterized as an approach which considers the domain of representation and the struggle over meaning as the most fruitful areas for the pursuit of historical understanding.

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Audience Analysis : Audience analysis emphasizes the

diversity of responses to a given popular culture artifact by examining as directly as possible how given audiences actually understand and use popular culture texts. Three kinds of research make up most audience research.

1) broad surveys and opinion polls 2) small, representative focus

groups brought in to react to and discuss a pop culture text;

3) in-depth ethnographic participant observation of a given audience.

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Reference :


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