Project Project no. no. 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015783_6 S/HE`S EQUAL IN EUROPE S/HE`S EQUAL IN EUROPE This project is funded by the European Commission with the ANPCDEFP support

Pioneer woman

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ProjectProject no. no. 2015-1-ES01-KA219-015783_6

„„ S/HE`S EQUAL IN EUROPES/HE`S EQUAL IN EUROPE ” ” This project is funded by the European Commission with the ANPCDEFP



Maria Virginia Andreescu Haret was the first woman in the world who reached the rank of inspector general architect, first recognized status within the framework of the XVI Congress of History science held in Bucharest in 1981. She left motherless at 9 years and was taking care of three brothers. She went to high school in particular, taking the Baccalaureate at „Michael the Brave” High School.

At 18 she was student at School of Architecture. In parallel she studied Fine Arts and has conducted a large number of watercolors which today are part of the collection Stamps Romanian Academy Library.

AURORA GRUESCU Aurora Gruescu was the first female

engineer and forester in the world and first Romanian who entered into the Guinness Book. Her name is linked to the first national afforestation plan.

She was born in the family of the teacher Chiriac Dragomir. In 1933 she was admitted to the Faculty of Forestry, which then belonged to the Polytechnic. She was the only female student in that faculty, prompting both admiration and controversy.

SOFIA IONESCU Sofia Ionescu-Ogrezeanu was a Romanian

neurosurgeon. She attended primary school in her hometown and she attended to the high school in Fălticeni and the last two years at the Central School for Girls "Marica Brâncoveanu" in Bucharest, where she took the baccalaureate in 1939. In the autumn she joined the Faculty of Human Medicine of Bucharest. From October 15, 1943 carried an internship hospitalized in Neurosurgery Service of Hospital no. 9 of Bucharest, entering the first neurosurgeron team, considered the gold team.

Smaranda Gheorghiu was a writer, publicist, active militant feminists of the era, a member of several cultural societies regarded of the people. She is known as the Mother Smara.

Her passion was traveling, crossing both Romania and Europe, but the most adventurous journey she undertook in 1904 to North Cape, on an itinerary that included Transylvania, Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Rostock, Copenhagen, Upsala, North Cape Island Mageroy.


Sarmiza Bilcescu was the first Romanian lawyer, the first woman in Europe who obtained the law degree from the University of Paris and the first woman in the world with a doctorate in law. She was married with Constantin Alimănişteanu.

Smaranda Brăescu was the first female parachutist in Romania, European champion and world champion in skydiving.


She is a pioneer of nowadays. She joined to high school in Tirgu Mures and the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Bucharest. Between 1990 - 1996 she traveled to China, Tibet, India, Nepal and Russia. In 1996 she crossed Canada and between 1997-1998 she has participated in the expedition "Belgica". In 1999 she crossed Africa alone from south to north, crossing 11 countries. In 2000 she traveled on the old road used by the European Maritime Vikings from Norway and Iceland to Greenland.