Videogames as Motivational Tools in the General Classroom Peter J. Dolcy, Jr. Commercial Township Schools Technology Coordinator

Pete videogames as motivational tools in the general classroom apr21 2010

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  • 1. Peter J. Dolcy, Jr.Commercial Township SchoolsTechnology Coordinator

2. Students drawn from the Port NorrisVideogame club. School is located in Cumberland County Commercial Township, NJ Designated socioeconomic District FactorGroup A by NJ Department of Education 3. District has failed to makeAYP in Language Arts Screening tests taken byVideogame Club Low scores in LiteraryElements High interest in videogaming. 4. Constructivism Jean Piaget Knowledge constructed by the learner throughexperiences Students independently identify literary elements through highinterest gaming Situated Learning Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger Learning takes place in the context that it is applied Application of topics through the creation of videogame reviews 5. Pre/post test throughhttp://www.studyisland.com Also taken by a control group During five sessions: Instructed in the literary elements throughtheir relationship to videogames. Explored games of their choosing to identifyplot, character, theme, and setting aided byinteractive video tutorial. Identified literary elements of games as foundwithin game reviews and previews. Wrote their own review of a game. Reinforced and demonstrated use of literaryelements within a familiar context. 6. Videogame Club Results Control Group Scores80 7070 6060 5050 4040PretestPretest 3030Posttest Posttest20 2010 10 00 Theme Setting Character Plot Theme Setting Character Plot 7. Percentage of Students Who Passed70605040Pretest30Posttest2010 0 Club Control 8. Additional research should be given to othersubject areas. Long term evaluation will analyze studentNJASK scores after results are returned bythe state. School administration accepts the use ofconsole gaming as motivational tools.