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People nowadays are spending too much time for personal enjoyment and doing the things they like rather than doing things they should do

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Page 1: People nowadays are spending too much time for personal enjoyment and doing the things they like rather than doing things they should do

People nowadays are spending too much time for personal

enjoyment and doing the things they like rather than doing things

they should do

To be successful and live with the society everyone should do the things those are needed.

Being successful anyone should follow the path and strict rules. Again, to live peacefully in the

society everyone has to follow the social rules and perform the social responsibility. According to

the topic, people nowadays are spending too much time for personal enjoyment and doing the

things they like rather than doing things they should do. In my view, I am totally agreed with the

topic because people became busy using technological and neglecting social responsibility most

of the time.

Firstly, nowadays, the people all over the world become dependent on the technologies and

they spent most of the time with the technology like mobile phone or the computer. according to

the report by WHO in health journal of 2016, people become more addicted to the technologies

than 20 years back. Nowadays people use their mobile phone most of the time. The use internet

on it. They use the social website like facebook, tweeter, instagram to being social in virtual social

platfrom but the thing is that, most of the time they try to show off their status there and become

very busy with that. Along with that they play games on it or watch videos in youtube. So, the

technologies made us more dependent on these. For instance, when I was a kid of 9 then I had no

mobile phone or any access to these latest technologies. Then I used to do all kinds of things I had

to do but nowadays I became busy with these technologies that I feel bore to do the things I should

do. So, the technologies made use dependent on it and we became less responsible.

Secondly, nowadays most of the people neglecting the responsibilities than before. As we see

that, being not responsible the relationship between the families are decreasing and the families

are started to stay separately. Again, most of the people becomes less prepared for competing in

the job market. The unemployment rate is increasing. Along with this, the violent things are

increasing. So, the social security is also decreasing. All of these unwanted things are happening

Page 2: People nowadays are spending too much time for personal enjoyment and doing the things they like rather than doing things they should do

because of the lack of proper responsibility previously. If all the things were done according it

should done, then everything can have a peaceful orientation. For instance, one of elder cousin

was very irresponsible person in the family. He did not study well after that he could not manage

a good job and started working as a labor. He started live alone without his old parents and become

more irresponsible. That is how it shows that social responsibilities declined nowadays.

To sum up, though some may oppose, from the previous explanations and examples it is clear

that, people nowadays are spending too much time for personal enjoyment and doing the things

they like rather than doing things they should do because people became busy using technological

things and neglecting social responsibility most of the time. So, we should be careful about the

time spending and be responsible to what we should do.