Pendulum research

Pendulum research

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Pendulum research

Page 2: Pendulum research

Theres a lot of intertexuality used on the pendulum website. This is an important technique to promote the brand image, as the more recognizable the image is, the more popular it will become. Firstly we see that Pendlum is bodly written across the top of the web page, this ensures that it is the first thing the viewer sees and straight away you feel like you’re at the centre of all things pendulum. The important thing about this title is that this font is consistently used for anything with their name on it. Another example of intertextuality on the site is the background. The album cover for their latest single ‘Crush’ is also the background, and therefore promoting the single. The website also uses a banner to advertise the bands latest single, it clearly stands out against the rest of the page with its segregated box and large title. Its important to exhort every way of promoting this single in order to increase sales. Another unique point about the background is that it gives the viewer the option of actually changing the background to a variety of past single covers. This makes the fans feel more connected with the band and website as they can personalise the site. There is also an option to listen to pendulum music as you view the sight. This promotes the bands music and also makes the viewing time spent more enjoyable. The website has to be a source when the fans can get acess all areas of Pendulum and the brand. Different parts of the website include updates, pictures/videos, band background information, and tour dates. Its important to include all of this so there is a constant buzz created, seeing updates and new pictures/videos being published on the sight will excite fans. The site not only needs to appeal to current fans but also people who don’t know that much about the band, having back ground information will help them understand more. Another important aspect of the site is that it offers a service called ‘The other side’ in which fans can create a memebership where they receive exclusive information about the band. This ensures that the fans feel close to the band as it adds a personal element.

Page 3: Pendulum research

The pendulum digipak for the 2005 album hold your colours reflects the bold Pendulum image that the fan base have become familiar with. Striking colours and abstract imagery make up the artwork for the album cover. This is combined with the surrealism theme that the band repeatedly use in their visuals, fans of the band associate this kind of imagery with the band threfore making it easily identifiable impact. The title ‘Hold Your Colour’ is portrayed visually through the image of hands holding an explosion of colour, thus connecting the literate and visual aspects of the album. The artwork for the album cover is a running theme throughout the digipak, as it the design for the inside of the cover, behind the cd, and the back of the cover. This ensures that the imagery has a strong impact and keeps the various aspects of the digipak connected . The back of the album lists the contents of the album, this is important as it gives fans an initial insight into the album and also allows them to identify certain songs. An important selling point of the digipak is the sticker used on the front of the cover. The use of the sticker is effective as it stands out against the artwork, drawing the attention of the fan. It shows quotes from positive feedback that the band have received, such as ‘pendulum we salute you’. People will see this and identify that Pendulum are a successful band and will therefore be more intised to buy the album

Page 4: Pendulum research

From reseaching the Pendulum brand i can see there is a constant use intertextuality, the same visuals are used throughout the various aspects of the branding. As you can see the three posters i have found, all share very similar imagery. This is an important branding technique because it makes the band highly identifiable to an audience if they have a strong image, that its constantly repeated. The posters all show bright colours. This makes sure they catch the attention of the audience and also excites them as they will associate the brightness with something which is uplifting and fun. The colours also reflect the music genre, neon pinks and electric blues are bold and loud, much like drum and bass music. Its important that the posters attract the target audience, this being teenagers and young adults. Imagery of club scenes and again the bright colours with appeal to this audience as the posters appear contemporary and cool, which are connotations of that particular age group. The font used for the mastheads on the posters are another element of intertextuality as this the font the band use whenever their name is written. This ensures that the band are easily identifiable and creates strong branding. In all of the posters, one of the key focal points is the logo, with it being the largest image on the page and also in the most focal area. The logo is used throughout all of the pendulum imagery in their branding, therefore people will see the logo and quickly connect with the music and the connotations of them being a successful drum and bass band.