1 Our Changing Earth Table Of Contents I. Sun, Earth, Day and Night, Seasons 2-13 II. Moon, Water, Water Cycle, Storms, Natural Disasters 14-28 III.Food Chain, Producers, Consumers, Decomposers 29-36 IV. Energy, Protecting Earth 37-48 N.Fregelette 2008

Our changing earth

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3rd Grade Unit Our Changing Earth

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Page 1: Our changing earth


Our Changing EarthTable Of Contents

I. Sun, Earth, Day and Night, Seasons 2-13

II. Moon, Water, Water Cycle, Storms, Natural Disasters 14-28

III. Food Chain, Producers, Consumers, Decomposers 29-36

IV. Energy, Protecting Earth 37-48

N.Fregelette 2008

Page 2: Our changing earth


The sun is very important. All the planets go around the sun.

N.Fregelette 2008

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We live on the planet Earth. It revolves, or goes around the


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The sun gives the Earth heat, light and energy.




N.Fregelette 2008

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Day and night happen because the Earth rotates, or spins around the

sun. It takes the Earth 24 hours or 1 day to spin around 1 time!

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Because it spins, part of the Earth faces the sun and part of the Earth is in a shadow. It is day time when we

are facing the sun and night time when we are facing away.

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The Earth also revolves around the sun while it spins. It takes 365 days,

or 1 year to get around the sun 1 time!

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The Earth travels on an invisible circle, called an orbit at the same

time that it is spinning.

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The Earth is tilted on an axis or invisible pole that goes through

its center.

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The way that the Earth is tilted and how close it is to the sun when it is

revolving gives us the seasons.

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We have 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

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The part of Earth that we live on is closest to the sun in the summer.

That is why it is so hot in the summer!

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The Earth is farthest away from the sun during Winter. That is why it is so cold during Winter – it is harder

for the sun to make us warm.

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The moon also revolves and spins just like Earth! When we see the moon, it is actually just the sun

reflecting or shining back from the sun.

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The moon that we see is always changing. It changes because of how much light can shine on the

moon from the sun.

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There are names for the way the moon looks while we see it.

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When you can’t see the moon, it is called the new moon.

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When you see the whole moon, and it looks like a big circle, it is

called a full moon.

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The moon has an invisible pull on the Earth. This pull causes

the different ocean tides.

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Low tide is when the water is far back and you go swimming.

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High tide is when the water moves up the beach and washes

away your sand castle!

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Water is very important to the Earth. It is needed for all plants

and animals to live.

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The Water Cycle

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Weather also causes the Earth to change. Severe weather is a really bad storm, like a blizzard, hurricane,

tornado or thunderstorm.

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These storms often have lightening, heavy rain, snow or cause floods. They cause a lot of damage to the

Earth and can hurt people.

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Natural Disasters also cause damage to the Earth and can hurt people. Natural disasters are not

from the weather.

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Volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis are all natural disasters. A

tsunami is a giant wave in the ocean.

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The Earth’s crust is made up of different pieces. When these pieces move, they cause the Earthquakes,

volcanoes and tsunamis.

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The food chain is another cycle that occurs on Earth. The food chain is a

group of plants and animals that feed on each other.

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For example: An insect eats a leaf, and a frog eats the insect.

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In the food chain there are producers and consumers.

Producers are plants. They produce, or make their own food from the sun.

Consumers are animals.

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Some producers are trees, grass, and algae.

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There are different types of consumers, or animals. Herbivores are animals that eat only plants.

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Carnivores are animals that eat only other animals or meat.

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Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and animals. Humans are

omnivores – we eat meat and plants!

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There are also decomposers. Decomposers cause plants and animals to decay. Bacteria and

fungus are decomposers.

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Energy is what makes things happen. There are 4 natural sources

or renewable sources of energy.

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Solar energy is from the sun. It gives people and plants energy.

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Wind energy is made by the air moving. It is caused by the heat

of the sun.

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Hydropower is energy from water that is moving, like a river or


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Geothermal energy is Earth power. It is caused by the heat

inside the Earth’s center.

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There are nonrenewable sources of energy. These sources can run out when we use too much. Oil and gas are 2 types of energy that can run


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These energy sources cannot be renewed and run out because it

takes so long for the Earth to make them.

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We need to be careful with our Earth if we want it to last a long


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Pollution is when bad things get into our air, land and water. It hurts the Earth and can be bad for people.

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Recycling is when we take old bottles and paper and turn them into new bottles and paper to use again.

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When you throw away garbage, it goes to a landfill. This is a place to keep the garbage. Littering is when

people do not put trash in the garbage.

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Things you can do to save energy, and help the Earth:

- turn lights off when not in the room-turn the water off when not using it

-recycle items when you can-reuse milk or egg containers for

craft projects- walk or ride your bike instead of

driveN.Fregelette 2008

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Revolve A giant star that gives the Earth light, energy and heat

Spinning around on 1 point, like a wheel spins.The Earth rotates or spins around 1 time each day.

A group of planets and the sun. The planets go around the sun

Sun Moving around an object on an invisible circle. The Earth rotates or moves around the Sun.

4 times of the year caused by how close the Earth is the sun and where it is in it’s circle around the sun. Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter

Solar System Earth One of the planets - the planet that we live on! Part of a system, it circles around the sun.




N.Fregelette 2008

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Revolve Moving around an object on an invisible circle. The Earth moves around the Sun.

Spinning around on 1 point, like a wheel spins.The Earth rotates or spins around 1 time each day.

Sun A giant star that gives the Earth

light, energy and heat

Solar System A group of planets and the sun. The planets go around the sun

4 times of the year caused by how

close the Earth is the sun and where

it is in it’s circle around the sun.

Fall, Summer, Spring, Winter

Earth One of the planets - the planet that we live on! Part of a system, it circles around the sun. S



N.Fregelette 2008