No past – no future

No Past No Future

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No past – no future

History breathes. Each word we speak, each sentence we write, reverberates with the voices of those long dead and forgotten. The past lives in us. It is the road we walk on, the air we breathe. The importance of history is in its capacity to help one to draw conclusions from the past events. It may be said that history is to the human race, what memory is to each man. It sheds the light of the past upon the present, thus helping one to understand oneself, by making one acquainted with other peoples. Also, as one studies the rise and fall of empires and civilizations, the lessons of the past help one to avoid the pitfalls of the present. Our

1. Stefan ///of Moldavia

2. Mihai Eminescu

3. Nicolae Titulescu

We are proud of…

1433----1----1504 … 1850----2----1889 … 1882----3----1941 …

Holy FatherStefan III of Moldavia (also known as Stefan the Great,

"Stefan the Great and Holy"; 1433 – July 2, 1504) was Prince of Moldavia between 1457 and 1504 and the most prominent

representative of the House of Mușat.

* His importance in our history

During his reign, he strengthened Moldavia and maintained its independence against the ambitions of Hungary, Poland, and the Ottoman

Empire, which all sought to subdue the land. Stephen achieved fame in Europe for his long resistance against the Ottomans. He was

victorious in 46 of his 48 battles, and was one of the first to gain a decisive victory over the Ottomans at the Battle of Vaslui. He was a man of religion

and displayed his piety when he paid the debt of Mount Athos to the Porte, ensuring the continuity of Athos as an autonomous monastical community.

Stephen the Great is perceived by the Romanian Orthodox Church as a defender of the faith, of the Church, and the whole of Christianity. Stephen's opposition to the

Ottoman Empire protected the entirety of Europe from an invasion. After the Battle of Vaslui, Pope Sixtus IV named Stephen "the Champion of Christ" (Athleta Christi). It is said that he built 44 churches and monasteries , one for each battle that he won (44 out of a total of 48). At the end of the 20th century, the Romanian Orthodox Church decided to canonize Stephen. The canonization was enacted on June 20, 1992 by the Synodic Council of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Stephen is called "Saint Voivode

Stephen the Great". His feast day in the Romanian Orthodox calendar is July 2, the day of his death.

The Stephen the Great Monument is a prominent monument in Chişinău, opposite the main government building. A monumental equestrian statute of Stephan the Great exists in Iași, in the square in front of the neogothicgrand Palace, while another equestrian statue exists in Suceava, near the

medieval citadel. Many other statues and monuments dedicated to Stephan the Great feature prominently in all the major cities in the region of Moldavia, eastern Romania, the western part of the former Principality of Moldavia, as well as on the site of some of the most important battles

that he fought.




We consider that he is our hero, because he saved the country of the neighbor who want conquer, he built monasteries and churches for people who lived and

fighted for your future and kingdom. We are very thankful for his Influence and Contribution to prosperity of our country.What we are today, in large part, is due to the

merits of Stefan the Great. Go to “we are proud of… “

Mihai Eminescu

He is one of the greatest lyrical poets of world literature, comparable with Byron, Shelley or Lermontov.

He was born at Ipotesti and he attended elementary and secondary school in Cernauti. In 1867, he was employed as an actor and prompter in Iorgu Caragiale'stheatrical company, and this gave him the opportunity to travel all over Romania,

Transilvania and the Banat.He made his literary debut in "Familia" (The Family- literary review issued

inOradea, Romania). In 1872, Eminescu enrolled as a student at the University ofBerlin. Once back in Iasi, the poet became the director of the Central Library.

Towards the end of 1877, he went to Bucharest upon accepting Titu Maiorescu'sinvitation to work for "Timpul" (The Times), one of the leading newspapers of the period. Between 1878- 1880, many of his love poems were published in "Convorbiri

literare" (one of the best Romanian literary magazines of the time).

*His life


His poems span a large range of themes, from nature and love to hate and social commentary. His childhood years were evoked in his later poetry with deep

nostalgia.Eminescu's poems have been translated in over 60 languages. His life, work and

poetry strongly influenced the Romanian culture and his poems are widely studied in Romanian public schools.

Time, space, life, death, love, hatred, landscapes , the real and the fantastic, myths, existential adventures, the search for one's own self, the joy of living, the possible and the impossible , the tragic and the comic- all of them are the theme

of his masterpieces.

Eminescu's masterpiece, ,,Luceafarul,,(Evening Star), was

published in 1883. The only volume of poems printed during

his lifetime appeared in the same year.

Evening Star

,,There was, as in the fairy tales,As ne'er in the time's raid,

There was, of famous royal blood

A most beautiful maid.

She was her parents' only child,Bright like the sun at noon,

Like the Virgin midst the saintsAnd among stars the moon…,,

*Critical references

Nicolae Iorga, the Romanian historian, considers Eminescuthe godfather of the modern Romanian languagehe is the

most important personality of our Romanian people.Mihai Eminescu was soon proclaimed Romania's national poet, not because he wrote in an age of national revival,

but rather because he was received as an author of paramount significance by Romanians in all provinces. Even

today, he is considered the national poet of Romania, Moldova, and of the Romanians who live in the Ukrainian

occupied part of Bucovina.The most realistic psychological analysis of Eminescu

was written by I. L. Caragiale, who, after the poet's death published three short care articles on this subject: In Nirvana, Irony and Two notes. Caragiale stated that

Eminescu's characteristic feature was the fact that "he had an excessively unique nature".Eminescu's life was a

continuous oscillation between introvert and extrovert attitudes

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“we are proud of… “

Nicolae Titulescu(March 4, 1882 – March 17, 1941)

Was a well-known Romanian diplomat, at various times government minister, finance and foreign minister, and for two terms President of the General Assembly of the League of Nations (1930–1932).

In the summer of 1918, together with other prominent Romanians, Titulescu formed, in Paris, the National Romanian Committee, with the purpose of promoting in international public opinion the right of the Romanian people to national unity, the committee being officially recognised as the

plenipotentiary de facto organ of the Romanian nation.Beginning in 1921, Titulescu functioned as the permanent representative of Romania to the League

of Nations in Geneva. He was chosen twice to be the president of that organization.

*His importance in our history:

So we can say that Nicolae Titulescu was “the king” of regional security. We are proud of this personality because he was able

to reestablish diplomatic relations with other countries, important for development of country.

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In every conceivable manner, the history is a link to our past, bridge to our future. Each of us should know the own history.Due to history we understand why we are living on this territory and why we are speaking romanian language. It's a way to know our ancestors,their sacrifices for us ,for really appreciate and we should be grateful to them for all that we have in the present. They deserve to be known. . Our whole culture is nothing else than the names,the names of persons who have realised something important, who are enormously valuable for our nation. The diversity of these personalities is much larger than we have mentioned. We will never forget Mihai Viteazu who made the first union of romanian people, Mihai Eminescu - the greatest poet of our nation, Constantin Brancusi - one of greatest sculptors and Henri Coanda who has invented the world's first jet plane. We can continue this list and say that we are proud of them and we are proud of being their descendants. Briefly, history is a mirror in wich the nation sees his past and present.