Tech Tips - New Media David Zehrung, Ph.D. [email protected]

New media for psychologists

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Presented at the 2013 Pennsylvania Psychological Association Convention.

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Tech Tips - New MediaDavid Zehrung, [email protected]

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What is New Media?

New media refers to on-demand access to content any time, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation. Another aspect of new media is the real-time generation of new, unregulated content. – Wikipedia

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What is New Media?

Features of New Media:


Various formats – written, audio, video

Adaptable – e.g., if you’re an author, like Ari Tuckman http://adultadhdbook.com/, you can record yourself reading the chapters, and each chapter can become a podcast episode. If you give a presentation and record it, you can publish it as a podcast or YouTube video.

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What is New Media?

Features of New Media (cont.):

Searchable – Wordpress (for blogging) and YouTube are indexed by search engines, so you are easy to find.

Cheap and easy to produce

Many resources to help newbies; many free, some paid

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Main types of New Media

I’ll skip blogs – PPA members may have a bit more exposure to blogs, like our Ethics Blog http://www.papsyblog.org/. Serial installments of the written word is familiar to us as newsletters.

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Main Types of New Media (cont.)

Podcasts - A podcast, or netcast, is simply a recording, usually audio, but sometimes video, that is accessible online. Often there is one host, but sometimes more. Sometimes the host interviews others or records events to share. Usually it’s organized around a topic, like “B-movies” or “weight-loss”.

We’ll be covering how to make and use podcasts.

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Main Types of New Media (cont.)

Videos - Content uploaded to sites like YouTube and Vimeo is usually video based, but sometimes it’s audio, with a picture that displays for the length of the recording. In some ways, video is easier and cheaper than podcasts.

We’ll be covering how to make and use video.

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Why Consume New Media?

Who uses Wikipedia, YouTube, podcasts or blogs? What appeals to you about these venues?

New media is usually available when and where you are.

You can pause, skip, replay based on your convenience.

You can filter or select content you are in the mood for.

It’s portable.

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Why Consume New Media? (cont.)

Often there is reduced ad content, and you can fast forward through or block ads.

Experts are instantly available, so it’s wonderful for self-directed learning.

It’s a wonderful way to teach others who live in different time zones/locales.

It can be interactive. You can easily contribute, rate and review content.

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How Do I Consume New Media?

How do you like to select/use your media?

Google, YouTube, iTunes – Let’s search for some interests you may have, psychology or otherwise.

Accessible on most electronic devices, from your phone to your computer.

You can seek out each program manually, or you can subscribe. I prefer this, as it saves time.

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Psychology and New Media

PPA’s new media (YouTube, podcasts)




Rex Gatto http://www.youtube.com/user/gattoassociates/

APA Division 42’s YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/APADivision42

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Psychology and New Media (cont.)

Psychology podcasts:

The Psychology in Seattle Podcast – has ~5,000 weekly listeners; hosts are faculty and laypersons.


Very Bad Wizards: A philosopher and a psychologist ponder the nature of human morality.


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Psychology and New Media (cont.)

Various psychology courses (lists found at www.socialpsychology.org/blogs.htm)

School Psychology Podcast http://www.nasponline.org/resources/podcasts/index.aspx

The Psych Files: “Most popular academic psychology podcast on the web.” http://www.thepsychfiles.com/

This week in the history of Psychology http://www.yorku.ca/christo/podcasts/

Shrink Rap Radio http://shrinkrapradio.com/

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Why Create New Media?

Anybody have their own new media venues? If so, what was your motivation to give it a try?

It meets most of our audience where it is. – There is a revolution in news, music and book distribution toward less paper and plastic use, more user participation, and a more decentralized, cottage industry approach.

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

Squirrel moment: technology tools are facilitating a Renaissance of amateur invention and industry called the Maker Movement. There is an irony that while technology has, as Heidegger wrote, weakened our connectedness to others and what we make, it has also facilitated us coming full circle to helping us more easily make art and tools, grow and process food, and raise bee colonies, which often leads to feeling more connected to the earth, our food, and each other. The sharing of ideas in the Maker Movement parallels the sharing of sourdough starter or kombucha mother.

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

It helps us communicate efficiently. Make it once, and it can be consumed repeatedly over time.

Unlike newsletters, every installment is always accessible.

Helps us communicate with targeted audiences across space.

Our audience can communicate with us and other audience members efficiently. Mini communities/discussion groups can form.

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

You control the content. No wrangling over marketing or royalties, no going from publisher to publisher offering your work for publication. If you update your thinking or feel content has become obsolete, you can remove or edit your posts at your leisure.

New Media helps you share “you”.

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

Speaking of sharing “you”, Heather Ordover created a podcast incorporating both her love of teaching and classic literature, and her love of knitting and other crafts. http://www.craftlit.com/. The show started as a way to get classic literature to people who were busy working with their hands.

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

It’s FUN! Psychologists tend to love sharing what we’ve learned. We enjoy interacting. Our work is largely intangible. Creating something more tangibly enduring can feel very satisfying.

You can make money.

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

A few clinical topics:

Relaxation exercise(s)

Relapse Prevention

Clinical pearl of the week

An audio wellness newsletter

Public education

Intro for your website

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

Dave Jackson at www.schoolofpodcasting.com:

1. Words connect better when they are accompanied by tone of voice.

2. After some time has passed, your website becomes a business card. People get to know you before they even meet you.

3. Musicians have learned that consulting/teaching doesn't have to be done in the same room anymore. Why limit clients to people in your city?

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Why Create New Media? (cont.)

What if PPA had new media on:

ECP – Interviewing successful PPA psychologists on practice development


Author interviews

Legal news & interviews with Sam and Rachael

Diversity news

CE events

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How Do I Create Podcasts?

Record it.

Edit it. Or not.

Publish it.

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How Do I Create Podcasts? (cont.)

Recording - To make the recording, use any digital recording device, including your phone or laptop webcam. Like wines, you don’t have to spend a lot to get good quality, but it helps to learn from the experts about the best values out there.

If you wish, you can scale the gear to include separate microphones which plug into a mixer, which is plugged into a digital recorder, and then uploaded to your computer.

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How Do I Create Podcasts? (cont.)

Editing - If you like, use audio editing software like Garage Band for the Mac, http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/, or Audacity (free) for PC’s or Macs, http://audacity.sourceforge.net/.

Editing may include adding introductions or conclusions, splicing together separate clips/recordings, cutting out dead air time or noise, adjusting volume, adding album art, text or photos, and adding keywords for search engines.

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How Do I Create Podcasts? (cont.)

Publishing - Publish it by uploading it to a web-hosting company, such as where your website is, or a site like http://www.libsyn.com/ or http://www.blubrry.com/.

Then you make it available through various distribution sites like iTunes, Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com/, etc.

Have links on your webpage to subscribe to your podcast. I’d encourage using a consultant to get started. Dave Jackson is one resource. Here’s his quick start package: http://schoolofpodcasting.com/quick-start/.

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How Do I Create Podcasts? (cont.)

Tips from Dave Jackson: Avoid sites like http://www.blogtalkradio.com/.

Audio quality tends to be relatively poor.

You lose ownership of your content, so if you ever want to move your stuff to another service, it’s a major hassle, and your subscribers have to go to your new service and re-subscribe.

They rename your stuff so it’s hard to find in iTunes and other podcast services.

Ads are often distracting.

Avoid free sites – many such companies have gone under, leading to a break between you and your audience.

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How Do I Create Podcasts? (cont.)

Learn more how-to info from these well-known podcast coaches:

Dave Jackson - http://schoolofpodcasting.com/

Daniel J. Lewis - http://theaudacitytopodcast.com/

Ray Ortega - http://thepodcastersstudio.com/

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How Do I Create Videos?

If you use YouTube, there are no hosting fees, and you control whether ads are posted with your video.

You can monetize your videos, so that you get a portion of ad revenue. On YouTube, you can charge per view, but be realistic – viewers like free content. Until they develop a “relationship” with us in terms of their trust and respect, they will likely not pay for content. Initially, post content as loss leaders for your main services/products.

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How Do I Create Videos?

Record it.

Edit it. Or not.

Publish it.

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How Do I Create Videos? (cont.)

Recording - Like with podcasts, recording is scalable, from using your phone, to full studios. Most people use a consumer grade video recorder, often with a tripod.

Some people just use the webcam built into their laptop.

Some phones and cameras allow you to upload directly to your YouTube account.

After recording, plug the camera into your computer and import the video.

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How Do I Create Videos? (cont.)

Editing - If you wish, edit your video, adding or removing portions of video, adjusting speed, color, volume, and adding text or photos.

You can use iMovie for Macs ($15), or something like Sony Vegas for PC. Editing software ranges from free to hundreds of dollars.

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How Do I Create Videos? (cont.)

Publishing - Upload your video to your YouTube channel directly from your phone or video editing software.

Put a link to your channel on your website. A great idea is to record a brief intro video for your website, LinkedIn, and your YouTube channel.

You control if or how comments are added, and you can respond to comments publicly or privately.

If you have an AdSense account, you can enable ads on your videos, and get paid per click.

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How Do I Create Videos? (cont.)

Demo video

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Encryption Resources

LastPass password protection – used by security experts: https://lastpass.com/

Protected Trust secure email - 5 free emails a month, no hidden hassles like Hushmail: https://protectedtrust.com/

TrueCrypt encryption software used by security experts - http://www.truecrypt.org/