WEB 2.0 AND SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS – PART III Have You Ever Thought of Being a Digital Disciple? Saturday, October 20, 2012– Diocesan Pastoral Center Sponsored by Office for Women Religious Diocese of San Diego

Networking With One Anotherr

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A workshop for the Sisters in the San Diego Diocese.

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Have You Ever Thought of Being a Digital Disciple?

Saturday, October 20, 2012– Diocesan Pastoral Center

Sponsored by Office for Women Religious

Diocese of San Diego

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Networking with One Another via LinkedIn and Facebook

20 October 2012 New Media

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Once upon a time, long, long ago …

• There was, in a land far away …

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A Handsome Print(s)

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Meet the Handsome Print(s) • Print(s) is the oldest ruler of Medialand

• He was born around 1450, when Gutenberg invented the printing press

• At first he was a “high brow” ruler, courting and pleasing the gentry only (bibles, academic texts, etc)

• Later in his career he embraced the masses, making literature and news widely and cheaply available

• He is intellectual, proud, sometimes stuffy, though a generally popular leader. He’s not afraid to buck authority, is sometimes mischievous, and like, the rest of us, is fallible. Yes, he can get stuff wrong.

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Print Definition

• Definition of print media:

– “Printed [media], as distinguished from broadcast or electronically transmitted communications, includes all newspapers, newsletters, booklets, pamphlets, magazines, and other printed publications, especially those that sell advertising space as a means of raising revenue.”

– (http://www.answers.com/topic/print-media)

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Print Timeline • 618 to 906: T’ang Dynasty - the first printing is done in China, using ink on

carved wooden blocks.

• 1423: In Europe, block printing is used to print books.

• 1452: In Europe, metal plates are first used in printing. Gutenberg begins printing the Bible, which he finishes in 1456.

• 1476: William Caxton begins using a Gutenberg printing press in England.

• 1605: First weekly newspaper published in Antwerp.

• 1702: Multi-colored engraving invented by German Jakob Le Blon. The first English language daily newspaper is published called the Daily Courant.

• 1800: Iron printing presses invented.

• 1846: Cylinder press invented by Richard Hoe. Cylinder press can print 8,000 sheets an hour.

• 1891: Printing presses can now print and fold 90,000 4-pg papers an hour.

• 1903: The first tabloid style newspaper, the Daily Mirror is published.

• 1933: A war breaks out between the newspaper and radio industries. American newspapers try to force the Associated Press to terminate news service to radio stations.

• 1954: There are more radios than there are daily newspapers.

• 1967: Newspapers use digital production processes and began using

computers for operations.


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Gutenberg, 1398 - 1468

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Now, enter another character … • She’s new,

she’s cool, she’s rocking the world…

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She’s Princess Broadcast!

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Meet the lady of the show, the Sassy Princess of Broadcast

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• Her date of birth is unclear (a lady never tells): Morse code and telegraphs of the C19th are types of broadcasting, too, but our princess rose to prominence in the 20th century with the rise of radio and TV

• She was a popular leader from the beginning, ruling by appealing to the masses, providing entertainment, and breaking down barriers

• She is brassy, bold, AMBITIOUS, sexy, alluring, accessible, dominant, and able to tap into popular culture.

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Broadcast Definitions

1. To transmit (a radio or television programme) for public or general use.

2. To send out or communicate, especially by radio or television

3. To make known over a wide area

4. To send a transmission or signal; transmit. (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/broadcast)

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Broadcast Timeline • 1906 :Reginald Fessenden invents wireless telephony, a means for radio waves to carry signals

a significant distance. • 1923: Vladimir Kosma Zworykin patents the iconoscope, the first television transmission tube. • Radio broadcasting begins in South Africa. • 1925: Radio's The Smith Family introduces the soap opera format. • 1927: Philo Farnsworth transmits the first all-electronic television image. • 1928: John Baird beams a television image from England to the United States. • 1931: There are nearly 40,000 television sets in the United States; 9,000 of them are in New

York City alone. • 1936: The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) debuts the world's first television service

with three hours of programming a day. • The SABC is formed. • 1944: The first instance of network censorship occurs. The sound is cut off on the Eddie Cantor

and Nora Martin duet, “We're Having a Baby, My Baby and Me.” • 1945: The FCC creates the commercial broadcasting spectrum of 13 channels, and 130

applications for broadcast licenses follow. • 1951: Colour television introduced in the U.S. • 1956: The Wizard of Oz has its first airing on TV. • 1971: TV finally allowed in SA • 1975: First national TV broadcasts in SA • 1980: Ted Turner launches CNN, the first all-news network. • 1992: There are 900-million television sets in use around the world; 201-million are in the

United States. • 2000: Reality TV mania hits the world.

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http://www.infoplease.com/ipea/A0151956.html and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_Broadcasting_Corporation

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Now, meet the most memorable character of them all …

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• He’s ugly but he’s cute

• He’s popular and one of us

• He has weird ears and magical powers …






And his name is NEW MEDIA.

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The Birth of the Internet

• 1989: Tim Berners-Lee completes the original software for the World Wide Web (WWW). He envisions the WWW as a shared information space within which people communicate with each other and with computers.

• From 1991 to 1994 use of the original WWW server grows by a factor of ten each year as the world begins to take note of a new information phenomenon.

• The Internet does not consist of a physical network. It is a loose system of connections between different computers, located all over the world.

• The seed of “new media” is planted.

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New Media Ogre

• He is a huge, new, popular king of Medialand, born at the same time as the internet

• He is the champion of the “every man and woman”.

• He is a growing power, largely accessible, popular, fractured, and many voiced.

• He empowers his users to define their own news agendas.

• Some say he’s just a buffoon.

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New Media Definition

• New media is a catch-all term for all forms of electronic communication that have appeared or will appear since the original mainly text-and-static picture forms of online communication. New media usually includes any and all of these: Online news, streaming video and streaming audio, 3-D and virtual reality environments and effects, highly interactive user interfaces, mobile presentation and computing capabilities, CD and DVD media, telephone and digital data integration, online communities, live Internet broadcasting

Source: http://searchsoa.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid26_gci213507,00.html

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Online Communities via Social Networking

• Social networking: is the grouping of individuals together into to specific groups, often using online networking services.

• People have always social networked but the internet has opened up ways of doing it globally

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Immersion Dog Paddling


Stages of “Swimming” in Social Networking

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“Social Networks: Portals of Truth and

faith; new spaces for evangelization.“

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The Theme suggests a series of important points for reflection:

During a time in which technology has emerged as part of the fabric of connectivity of human experiences, such as relationships and knowledge, we need to ask: can it help men and women meet Christ in faith? It is not enough to find an adequate language, but rather, it is necessary to learn how to present the Gospel as the answer to that basic human yearning for meaning and faith, which has already found expression online.

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What we need to consider. . .

• Requires a new way of thinking

• It is not simply a question of how to use the internet as a means of evangelization, but instead of how to evangelize in a context where the lives of people find expression also in the digital arena.

• We need to be attentive to the emergence and enormous popularity of the social networks, which privilege dialogical and interactive forms of communication and relationships.

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• One of the most popular social networking services in the world: over 700-million people have joined Facebook!

• Networks: Regional, national and interest group based. Eg: South Africa, Wits University, TAC support group, fans of “Freshly Ground”

• Uses: 1. Search for groups related to your story 2. Put you in touch with sources 3. Search for events

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Value of Facebook

• Provides a single place to gather.

• One-stop shop for: blogging, media, calendaring, communication, sharing ideas, work together.

• Keep in touch with family and friends.

• Used to make announcements.

• Organize groups (e.g., Peace Song)

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Facebook Tutorials

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsNLh205wRY&feature=related (1 hour webinar related to the FB Timeline).

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• World’s largest professional network

• Over 100 million members

• Trusted Contacts

• Exchange Knowledge, ideas, and opportunities

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FB Help

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San Diego Diocese

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Youth Ministry


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San Diego Diocese

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Network Security Policy –

Exhibit L

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San Diego Diocese

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Network Security Policy –

Exhibit L

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San Diego Diocese

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Network Security Policy – Exhibit L

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Saint Petersburg Diocese

20 October 2012 New Media http://bit.ly/lwzAci

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Social Media Resources

• Use http://www.youtube.com and search for facebook tutorial, facebook privacy settings, facebook

• http://www.facebook.com/help/

• To learn more about facebook - http://www.delicious.com/ccerveny/facebook

• Saint Petersburg Diocesan Guidelines - http://home.catholicweb.com/dosp/files/Resources/SocialMediaPolicy.pdf

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