Network Science 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon for Librarians #ENYACRL2015

Network Science at #ENYACRL2015

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Network Science6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon

for Librarians


The Problem with Kevin Bacon

RANDOM NETWORKS?How does order come from disorder?

Networks have properties

– Follow rules=predictable

West Nile Virus Genetics Scientist Collaboration Network


Closeness centrality

Betweenness Centrality

-weak ties


Yeah but…Librarians?Mission Statement 


Our mission is to connect people and the resources they need we must understand how information and human resources flow.

What better view than to see the whole picture through the fundamentals of the network?


• Social Networks• TAGS + Google Fusion

• Resource Networks • Open data sets (local demographics)• Circulation data

• Harvest using TAGS: https://tags.hawksey.info/get-tags/

Google Fusion• Save as csv• Upload matrix, cards, graph

• Visualize with Google Fusion tables• https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid

=1842W_7Vame71CRxIBc6_TEmbub2l1TqPPp61368S• Publish (http://bit.ly/1ICEqtz)


Sarah Bratt@sarahsbratt

[email protected]