Nature by hd carberry quiz

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a compilation of questions on nature by hd carberry.

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Page 1: Nature by hd carberry quiz

NATURE by HD Carberry


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The country that is portrayed in the poem enjoys two seasons?

What are they?

Dry/hot/sunny and wet/rainy season

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Name one plantation crop mentioned in the poem?

Cane / sugarcane

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What does the phrase high Jamaica wind signify?

Strong Jamaica wind blowing / raging wind blowing in Jamaica

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Describe briefly the effect of the wind and rain on the land.

-Trees struggling to stay rooted to the ground

-The heavy rain hitting hard on the roof- Rainwater filling up gullies

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What picture comes to mind when we read the second last line

of the poem ?

Beauty of nature coming back to life

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Which line indicates that there are bright sunny days and the sun

shines on the fertile fields of corn?

When the gold sun shines on the lush green canefields

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How do you know the rain comes down in torrential showers?

-The rains falls down like bullets hitting on the rooftop

- Heavy rain fills gullies with swift water

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When it rains, where does the water usually flow into?

Into gullies

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Why do you think the poet mentions the regular ‘English’ seasons of

summer, winter, autumn and spring?To show comparison between

the weather in his country and the weather in England

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To whom is the poet referring when he uses ‘We’?

Jamaican people

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What is the overall feeling of the poet towards nature as portrayed

in the poem ?

Awe/ proud/ appreciative/ contentment

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“And there is no sound but the swish of water in the gullies” Why do you think there is no sound except for that of the


There is no activity as people stay indoors

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Quote a line to show the wind is i) destructiveii) gentle

i) Destructive : And the tress struggling in the high Jamaica winds

ii) Gentle: When the tall grass sways and shivers to the slightest breath of air

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Which phrase suggests that harvesting is over?

Reaped canefields

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What is meant by the word ‘paved’ as used in the poem?

Covered / filled

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What do the yellow stars refer to?


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What evidence is there to show Nature is rich and bountiful?

Explain in your own words-Canefields grow healthily during dry season

- Flowers blooming- Bees busy making honey

- Mango trees bearing fruits

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During the season of flowers, what can you hear and smell?

-Hear : bees buzzing-Smell : smell of honey

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How are the canefields described?

-They grow on fertile land in Jamaica during dry season

- After harvest season, they are left to dry on the ground/ they become


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Where is the sound of water swishing heard?

From the gullies

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What takes place when the weather is good?

The rainy season

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How do the Jamaica winds affect trees ?

The wind blows so strong they could uproot the trees

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Which season is applicable when we see leaves fade and fall off

trees?Dry / sunny/ hot season

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Would you like to visit a country with four seasons or with two

seasons ? Why?Yes because …No because…

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Write two words that are related to places the rain falls on and

flows down.i) Gulliesii) Roofs

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What type of fruits can we find in Jamaica ?


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What sounds are heard on rainy days ?

Water running in the gullies

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When is the harvesting season in Jamaica?

Dry season

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In your opinion, has the poem given you a comprehensive picture of the changes that take place in Jamaica?

Yes because it shows the changes during dry and wet

season in Jamaica

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When do canefields become barren?

After the harvesting season

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What happens in the gullies after the rain ?

Swift water filling in gullies

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In your own words, explain the last line of the poem.

Beauty takes over when the rain stops

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Give one word that describes the canefields when the harvest is

overBare/ barren/ unproductive

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What is the main theme of the poem?

Appreciation of nature

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Jamaica is a beautiful country. Would you like to live there? Give a

reason to support your answerYes because…No because…

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What do you think is the main crop in Jamaica? In your own words give a reason to support your answer.

Cane / sugarcane because…

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The poet makes a reference to the four seasons in other countries. Do you

think the poet would like to have four seasons too? Give a reason to support

your answer.

No because he sounded appreciative of the 2 seasons

Jamaica has

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When is the persona’s favourite season? Give a reason.

Dry season because that is the time when mango trees bear fruit/

logwood blossom/ tall grass sways gently when blown by the wind/

buttercups covered the earth

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