The use of the ‘V’ in the background allows the editor to brand the magazine without having to use the full brand name. It also allows for a simpler layout and creates more space. The editor uses a grey and white theme for the magazine but the colour scheme is broken with the red heart which may be an indication of what the magazine is about. The cool and modern image of the magazine is portrayed through the model by the clothes that he is wearing. The background of the magazine is a simple and plain design. The editor uses this style of background to pull the main focus onto the image. The text is written in a small font to allow the image to dominate the page. The editor uses a variety of fonts which goes against the usual conventions of a magazine. The subheadings are written in a more stylish text than the rest of the text.

music magazine contents page analysis

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Page 1: music magazine contents page analysis

The use of the ‘V’ in the background allows the editor to brand the magazine without having to use the full brand name. It also allows for a simpler layout and creates more space.

The editor uses a grey and white theme for the magazine but the colour scheme is broken with the red heart which may be an indication of what the magazine is about.

The cool and modern image of the magazine is portrayed through the model by the clothes that he is wearing.

The background of the magazine is a simple and plain design. The editor uses this style of background to pull the main focus onto the image. The text is written in a small font to allow the image to dominate the page.

The editor uses a variety of fonts which goes against the usual conventions of a magazine. The subheadings are written in a more stylish text than the rest of the text.

Page 2: music magazine contents page analysis

The model has direct eye contact between himself and the reader which creates a connection between the reader and the article. The eye contact will encourage the reader to read the article.

The storylines are clear to see and simple to read due to the font they are written in. The page numbers next to the heading are written in red which will catch the readers eye due to the colour.

The bold highlighting of the white text against the black background makes the sub heading stand out to the reader and it identifies key points of the article. Also the colours contrast.

All of the symbols on the page are written in red. Red is a colour that symbolises passion and love which may be a connotation for Q magazine being passionate about what they do.

The main categories are used to divide the contents page into manageable sections.

At the bottom of the contents page there is a small piece of text advertising what is going to be in the magazine on a different page. This tells the reader a major story is going to be on another page.

Page 3: music magazine contents page analysis

There is a band index on the left hand side of the page which informs the reader of which bands are going to be written about in the magazine.

There is a main image placed in the centre of the contents page. The main image is composed of two separate images. This has the headline and part of the article on the contents page.

There is a button-like convention used at the bottom right corner of the page in the shape of an arrow. This is used to outline another article for the reader.

At the top of the page there is the magazine name but no contents page title. We know this is a contents page though as the numbers on the right hand side tell the reader what pages certain articles are on.

This contents page has a few different headings in the contents column. This is very organised and helpful for the readers who don’t want to look through the whole magazine.

Page 4: music magazine contents page analysis

The sub-heading is done in a different colour from the rest of the colour scheme to show that it is a one off special for this specific issue of the magazine.

The main image of the contents page anchors the main article of the magazine. The picture makes the article more appealing to the reader as they know what it is about.

The are sub-headings on the contents page to separate the articles into groups. The sub-headings make it easier for the reader to pick the articles they are most interested in reading.

Websites of the magazine are placed under the issue date in order to advertise other ways to find out about music. This can also help consumers subscribe to the magazine.