MSc Information Management Bridging Business and IT Dr Martin Smits Associate Professor of Information Systems & Management Tilburg School of Economics and Management

MSc Information Management - Study Information Management at Tilburg University

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MSc Information Management

Bridging Business and IT

Dr Martin Smits

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Management

Tilburg School of Economics and Management



Degree from School of Economics and Business

? Degree from School of Arts

Content of this presentation

• Why study Information Management? (Data Science)

• Content of the MSc Information Management program

• 1 year MSc

• Optional: 1 year international extensions:

• International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT)

• Information Technology for Enterprise Management (ITEM)

• Premaster Information Management

• Job opportunities

• Study environment and support


WHY: the Always-On Society generates true Big Data


WHY: Information Technologies have four disruptive aspects

We can compute ‘everything’

We can find hidden correlations

We can deal with messiness

We can make it visible


WHY: Finland after the Nokia debacle (FD October 17, 2015)

• Nokia had 130.000 fte (1998-2007)

• Nokia made 25% of the growth of Finnish GNP

• Nokia contributed 5% to Finland GNP in 2000

• Nokia mobile phones market share of 35% (2003)

• phones market share was 35% in 2003 14% in 2013

• iPhone & Samsung started around 2007 (0%)

• Microsoft bought Nokia in 2013 for 5.4 billion US$

• Value = 0 US$ in 2015

• After 2013 Finland recovered from the Nokia collapse:

• Finnish government & Nokia support former employees

400 start-ups 2013-2015:

• Rovio Entertainment (Angry Birds)

• Supercell (Clash of Clans): 2013 revenues > €2 mln euro per day

Content of this presentation

• Why study Information Management? (Data Science)

• Content of the MSc Information Management program

• 1 year MSc

• Optional: 1 year international extensions:

• International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT)

• Information Technology for Enterprise Management (ITEM)

• Premaster Information Management

• Job opportunities

• Study environment and support


Content: What is Information Management about?

• IT enables

• New organizational forms

• Redesign of business processes

• Innovative business models and new business strategies


Information Management = to analyze & predict the impact of IT on business

to design & develop the impact of IT on business

• Assess new technologies and potential of IT for business innovation

• Analyze business processes, management information needs, and information flows

• Manage the alignment between business processes and the IS/IT infrastructure

• Manage projects and lead organizational change initiatives

• e.g. roll-outs of enterprise wide systems (SAP and others)

• Advise on whether to make or buy a system

• Work in interdisciplinary teams and communicate between the business disciplines

• Research, write and present scientific reports and articles

Content: What do you learn?

• Full time 1 year with focus on

– Data science and business intelligence

– Governance of business and technology

• start in either fall or spring:

• 60 Credits (ECTS) = 1680 hours of study, offered over four units.

• Units 1 and 3: mandatory courses,

• Units 2 and 4: electives.

• Unit 1-4: work on your Master thesis

The MSc Information Management Program


Content: The MSc Program (2016-2017)


Course “Business Intelligence & Business Analytics

• Big data

• Getting more value from the huge amounts of data generated by IT

• The key question for business and our master students is how big data

can be applied to the benefit of companies, individuals and society.

• Prof. Daniels and Weigand


Your professors include experts and top researchers to educate managers


Beulen, E.J.J., Ribbers, P.M.A., Roos, J.

(2010). Managing IT Outsourcing, Second

Edition. Oxford: Routledge. Further


Prof. Erik Beulen is also employed by

KPMG EquaTerra.

Ou, C.X.J., Pavlou, P.A. and Davison, R.M.

Swift Guanxi in Online Marketplaces (2015):

The Role of Computer-Mediated-

Communication Technologies, MIS Quarterly.

Smits, M.T., O'Callaghan, R. (2014):

Strategy development for enterprise content management.

In: Enterprise Content Management in Information

Systems Research (pp. 91-108). Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Prof. Martin Smits is also affiliated to Tranzo – research

institute for innovating health care

Content of this presentation

• Why study Information Management? (Data Science)

• Content of the MSc Information Management program

• 1 year MSc

• Optional: 1 year international extensions:

• International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT)

• Information Technology for Enterprise Management (ITEM)

• Premaster Information Management

• Job opportunities

• Study environment and support


Optional 1 year abroad + dual degree

The 1 year MSc IM focuses on:

– Data science and business intelligence

– Governance of business and technology

two optional international MSc programs (extra year + extra MSc degree)

– International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT)

– International Technology for Enterprise

Management (ITEM)



International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT)

Participating Universities

• Paul Cezanne University, Aix-Marseille III

• Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE), Department of Information Systems

• EQUIS Accredited

• Tilburg University

• School of Economics and Management (SEM) – U.S. AACSB-accreditation.

• Turku University -Turku School of Economics

• Department of Management, Information Systems Science

• Reviewed by the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC), EQUIS accreditation process started

Year One Year Two

Sept SeptDec DecJan May Jan May

IAE Turku TilburgThesis/





Skills in



Integration: Managing IT for

International Business

International Master in Management of IT (IMMIT)

Pre-Master Information Management

Example program

(check www.uvt.nl for updates)


• Examples of impact of information technologies on business & society & Big Data

• What is Information Management? And Data Science?

• Content of MSc Information Management

• 1 year MSc or dual degree 2-year IMMIT or IMMIT2

• Premaster Information Management

• Job opportunities

• Study environment and support


European Employment Observatory Newsletter

Dutch WO monitor

Employers are experiencing difficulties in recruiting staff, especially for

high-skilled jobs.

Shortages are predicted in ICT with an estimated deficit for the whole of

Europe of 700,000 for ICT specialists by 2015 and of one million by


To boost the EU employment rate to reach 75 % by 2020, the European

Commission launched its flagship initiative “An Agenda for new skills

and jobs”.


Do we need IM graduates?

So the answer is: Yes!

Job opportunities

Track Competition and Regulation



Business Process Analyst

Big Data Analyst

IT Auditor

IS Analyst

Information Manager

Systems Developer Project leader

Business Consultant

Systems consultantIS Architect

Where do graduates work?

50% ICT Services/Industry


• EY


• Deloitte

• Capgemini

• Google

• Microsoft

• Ordina (System Research, Finance, etc.)

50% ‘other’ Companies

• ING, ABN AMRO, Rabobank, etc


• Shell, Exxon Mobil

• Philips


• Hospitals

• Municipalities – integrate systems

• Central government – tax and customs automation

• Universities (as PhD-student or researcher)

audit or advisory




• Examples of impact of information technologies on business & society & Big Data

• What is Information Management? And Data Science?

• Content of MSc Information Management

• 1 year MSc or dual degree 2-year IMMIT or IMMIT2

• Premaster Information Management

• Job opportunities

• Study environment and support


Saskia Blijlevens

Questions concerning:

- Admission to the program

- Set-up of the Master program

- Other practical matters

Please visit the information market for questions!!

Program Coordinator


Student Career Center

TiSEM Career Services 28

Your career starts now!

• Workshops, training courses and information

• Individual support

• Build your cv: internships, sideline and board positions

• TiSEM Career Mentor Program

Visit us

On the Master Fair from 18.15 to 19.30 hrs in the

Restaurant (R building on the map)

More information:



Admission & Application

For all students:

• Enroll via Studielink

Non TiSEM students who want to enroll in a (Pre-)

Master also need to:

• Submit an application for admission

For more information go to:


