Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections Helping you get published

Most common reasons for journal rejections

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Peer reviewed studies have investigated why journals reject papers. Read to know the most common reasons that journals give for not publishing papers.

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Page 1: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

Helping you get published

Page 2: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Rejection is the norm in academic publishing. Even

researchers at the top of their field have experienced


Several peer-reviewed studies have investigated the

reasons that journals reject papers. Listed in the next

few slides are the most common rejection reasons cited

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

few slides are the most common rejection reasons cited

in these studies.1-13

Page 3: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Lack of originality, novelty, or significance

1. Results that are not generalizable

2. Use of methods that have become obsolete because of

new technologies or techniques

3. Secondary analyses that extend or replicate published

findings without adding substantial knowledge

4. Studies that report already known knowledge but positions

the knowledge as novel by extending it to a new

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

the knowledge as novel by extending it to a new

geography, population, or cultural setting

5. Results that are unoriginal, predictable, or trivial

6. Results that have no clinical, theoretical, or practical


Page 4: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Lack of originality, novelty, or significance

One of America’s leading newspapers, the New York Times,

recognized the truth that “journal editors typically prefer to

publish groundbreaking new research.”14 Academic journals are

constantly on the lookout for research that is exciting and fresh.

Many authors tend to cite the reason that “this has never been

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

Many authors tend to cite the reason that “this has never been

studied before” to explain why their paper is significant. This is

not good enough; the study needs to be placed in a broader

context. Authors should give specific reasons why the research

is important, for example, the research could affect a particular

medical intervention, it could have a bearing on a specific policy

discussion, or it could change a conventional theory or belief.

Page 5: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Mismatch with the journal

1. Findings that are of interest to a very narrow or specialized

audience that the journal does not cater to specifically

2. Manuscripts that lie outside the stated aims and scope of

the journal

3. Topics that are not of interest to the journal’s readership

4. Manuscripts that do not follow the format specified by the

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

4. Manuscripts that do not follow the format specified by the

journal (e.g., case report submitted to a journal that

explicitly states it doesn’t publish case reports)

Page 6: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Mismatch with the journal

Many manuscripts are rejected outright by journals, before they

even undergo peer review, because the manuscript is not

appropriate for the journal’s readership or does not fit into the

journal’s aims and scope. The remedy for this is simple: spend

some time creating a list of journals and reviewing your options

before deciding which journal to submit your manuscript to.

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

before deciding which journal to submit your manuscript to.

Page 7: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Flaws in study design

1. Poorly formulated research question

2. Poor conceptualization of the approach to answering the

research question

3. Choice of a weak or unreliable method

4. Choice of an incorrect method or model that is not suitable

for the problem to be studied

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

for the problem to be studied

5. Inappropriate statistical analysis

6. Unreliable or incomplete data

7. Inappropriate or suboptimal instrumentation

8. Small or inappropriately chosen sample

Page 8: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Flaws in study design

Even a well-written paper will not mask flaws in study

design. Indeed, this is a fundamental problem that must

be resolved in the initial stages of the study, while

conceptualizing the study.

The best way to guard against such flaws is to do a

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

The best way to guard against such flaws is to do a

thorough literature review to determine the best

methodologies and practices for your own research.

Page 9: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Poor Writing and Organization

1. Inadequate description of methods

2. Discussion that only repeats the results but does not

interpret them

3. Insufficient explanation of the rationale for the study

4. Insufficient literature review

5. Conclusions that do not appear to be supported by the

study data

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

study data

6. Failure to place the study in a broad context

7. Introduction that does not establish the background of the

problem studied

Page 10: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Poor Writing and Organization

It is very important for authors to present a persuasive

and rational argument in their papers. You should be able

to convince readers that your research is both sound and

important through your writing.

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

Page 11: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Inadequate preparation of the manuscript

1. Failure to follow the journal’s Instructions for Authors

2. Sentences that are not clear and concise

3. Title, abstract, and/or cover letter that are not persuasive

4. Wordiness and excessive use of jargon

5. Large number of careless errors like poor grammar or

spelling mistakes

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

spelling mistakes

6. Poorly designed tables or figures

Page 12: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Inadequate preparation of the manuscript

Non-English-speaking authors often confront an additional

problem: peer reviewers do not always distinguish between the

manuscript content and style of writing. Thus, their manuscripts

may end up getting negative comments even if the research is

of high quality.15

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

However, all the problems in this category are easily fixable,

either by asking a native English speaking friend or colleague to

review the paper or by getting the paper professionally edited

and formatted.

Page 13: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Rejection reasons not related to manuscript quality

Low quality of the manuscript is not the only reason for

rejections. Some major factors that can also affect journal

decisions are:8,11,16,17

1. Space constraints

2. Quality and experience of peer reviewers

3. Volume of submissions

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

3. Volume of submissions

4. Journal’s decision-making policy

5. The journal editor is looking for something specific at a

particular time

6. The journal receives more than one submission on the same


Page 14: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Rejection reasons not related to manuscript quality

Space constraints: It is not uncommon for journals to reject

high-quality manuscripts, and the primary reason for this is lack

of space. Journals want to publish on a range of topics that

represent the entire scope of the journal. Editors of print

journals especially have to pick and choose which papers to

publish, since they can only publish a limited number of articles.

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

publish, since they can only publish a limited number of articles.

Open access journals are less constrained by this consideration

since space is not a big issue for them.

Page 15: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Rejection reasons not related to manuscript quality

Quality and experience of peer reviewers: The quality of peer

review varies widely according to reviewers’ professional

experience, educational background, research interests, etc.

Volume of submissions: For obvious reasons, journals that

attract a large number of submissions will also reject a large

number of manuscripts. For example, Nature receives 10,000

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

number of manuscripts. For example, Nature receives 10,000

submissions a year, making the rejection of even high quality

manuscripts inevitable.

Page 16: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Rejection reasons not related to manuscript quality

Journal’s decision-making policy: This varies widely among

journals. For example, some journals follow a policy of rejecting

any manuscript that will require major revisions, while some

journals will complete another round of another peer review if

they are unsure of the manuscript quality.

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

Page 17: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Rejection reasons not related to manuscript quality

The journal editor is looking for something specific at a

particular time: Sometimes, journal editors may wish to publish

a thematic issue of the journal or may be interested in a current

hot topic, in which case they might tend to accept more papers

focusing on that particular topic.

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

The journal receives more than one submission on the same

topic: In such cases, the journal may well choose to publish only

one of the manuscripts, rejecting the other for no other reason

than that they already have a paper on a similar topic.

Page 18: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

Anecdote from a journal editor

“I received a report from a respected economist, who

said in the letter to me: ‘I have written a gentle report,

because the author is obviously inexperienced and very

junior, and I don’t want to discourage him. But make no junior, and I don’t want to discourage him. But make no

mistake: this paper makes no contribution and you

should not encourage a revision.’ The author of that

paper, which I rejected, had already won a Nobel prize

in economics.”8

Page 19: Most common reasons for journal rejections


There are many reasons that journals reject manuscripts for

publication, some due to the quality of the research or

manuscript, and some due to completely avoidable reasons

like mismatch with the journal. Further, it is not rare for

journals to reject even high-quality manuscripts simply

because of space constraints or other issues. The reasons

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections

because of space constraints or other issues. The reasons

given above are some of the most common reasons for

rejection, but they are not the only ones. Other reasons

include salami publications, non-conformance to ethics

policies, and plagiarism.

Page 20: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections


1. Coronel R (1999). The role of the reviewer in editorial decision-making. Cardiovascular Research,

43(2): 261-264. doi: 10.1016/S0008-6363(99)00177-7.

2. Ehara S & Takahashi K (2007). Reasons for rejection of manuscripts submitted to AJR by international

authors. American Journal of Roentgenology, 188(2): W113-6. doi: 10.2214/AJR.06.0448.

3. Byrne DW (2000). Common reasons for rejecting manuscripts at medical journals: A survey of editors

and peer reviewers. Science Editor, 23(2): 39-44.

4. Bordage G (2001). Reasons reviewers reject and accept manucripts: The strengths and weaknesses in

medical education reports. Academic Medicine, 76(9): 889-96.

5. Wyness T, McGhee CN, Patel DV (2009). Manuscript rejection in ophthalmology and visual science 5. Wyness T, McGhee CN, Patel DV (2009). Manuscript rejection in ophthalmology and visual science

journals: Identifying and avoiding the common pitfalls. Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, 37(9):

864-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2009.02190.x.

6. McKercher B, Law R, Weber K, Song H, Hsu C (2007). Why referees reject manuscripts. Journal of

Hospitality & Tourism Research, 31(4): 455-470. doi: 10.1177/1096348007302355.

7. Pierson DJ (2004). The top 10 reasons why manuscripts are not accepted for publication. Respiratory

Care, 49(10): 1246-52.

8. Mcafee RP (2010). Edifying Editing. The American Economist, 55(1): 1-8.

9. Smith MU, Wandersee JH, Cummins CL (1993). What's wrong with this manuscript?: An analysis of

the reasons for rejection given by Journal of Research in Science Teaching reviewers. Journal of

Research in Science Teaching, 30(2): 209-211. doi: 10.1002/tea.3660300207.

Page 21: Most common reasons for journal rejections

Most Common Reasons for Journal Rejections


10. Ajao OG (2005). Some reasons for manuscript rejection by peer-reviewed journals. Annals of Ibadan

Postgraduate Medicine, 3(2): 9-12.

11. Ali J (2010). Manuscript rejection: Causes and remedies. Journal of Young Pharmacists, 2(1): 3-6.

doi: 10.4103/0975-1483.62205.

12. Turcotte C, Drolet P, Girard M (2004). Study design, originality and overall consistency influence

acceptance or rejection of manuscripts submitted to the Journal. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia,

51(6): 549-56. doi: 10.1007/BF03018396.

13. Carpenter WT, Thaker GK, Shepard PD (2010). Manuscript rejection for the Schizophrenia Bulletin:

Some reasons. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36(4): 649-650. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbq056.Some reasons. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36(4): 649-650. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbq056.

14. Zimmer C. It’s science, but not necessarily right. The New York Times. June 25, 2011.

15. Kumar M (2009). A review of the review process: manuscript peer-review in biomedical research.

Biology and Medicine, 1(4): 1-16.

16. Schultz DM (2010). Rejection rates for journals publishing in the atmospheric sciences. Bulletin of

the American Meteorological Society, 91(2), 231-243. doi: 10.1175/2009BAMS2908.1.

17. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (2011). Peer review in scientific

publications Vol 1. House of Commons: London, UK.

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