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Assignment onManaging Human Resource


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Contents page

Executive Summary: iii

Task- 1

1.1 Guest’s model of HRM: 4

1.2 Difference between Story’s definition on HRM, personnel and industrial relations: 5

1.3 Developing a strategic approach to HRM and impact of line managers and



Task- 2

2.1 Flexibility model in practice: 6

2.2 Types of flexibility for organizations: 7

2.3 Flexible working practices from employer and employee perspective: 7

2.4 Impact of changes in labor market on flexible working practice: 8

Task- 3

3.1 Discrimination in workplace: 8

3.2 Implication of equal opportunity legislation for organization: 9

3.3 Differences between managing equal opportunity and diversity: 10

Task- 4

4.1 Comparing methods of performance management: 10

4.2 Evaluation of employee welfare management: 11

4.3 Implication of health and safety legislation on HR: 12

4.4 Impact of topical issue on HR practices: 12

References: 13


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Executive Summary:

The main responsibilities of HR managers are to fulfill staffing needs, development of their

skills and provide motivational reward and recognition to upgrade the performance as per the

firm requires. HRM is not mere a separate portion from other segments rather it’s the most

significant part because all the departments of a firm need an effective HRM activity all

around to recruit and assign appropriate staffs. The basic objectives of HRM are to

successfully recruit, train people and motivate them to enhance their commitment. Managing

the human resources is the retaining of workforces through providing flexibility, incentives,

maintaining employee safety and minimizing discrimination at workplace which in turn

results in higher job performance, commitment and achievement of organizational goals. If a

firm wants to create a positive image, they must set HR strategies which ensure equal

opportunities at workplace. Due to many changes in external factors, HR managers are

adjusting their HR practices to adapt with the changing scenario and requirements. All the

people including managers and employees possess liability and responsibility to make the HR

practices a successful one.


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Task- 1 Different perspective of Human resource management

1.1 Guest’s model of HRM:

David Guest(1987) first introduced a HR model which shows an appropriate approach to the

HR policy design in the UK to gain four specific outcomes:

Strategic integration

Higher employee commitment

High adaptability of workforces

Quality output

This model emphasizes on the requirements of workforces to run the organization

successfully. According to Guest, the HRM development process is slow in UK. The above

results will make a positive impact on four organizational aspects:

High performance level

Strong ability to solve problem situations

More cost efficiency and compliance with organizational goal

Reduced employee turnover and dissatisfaction

Unilever Company operates their business aiming at decoupling the environmental effect

from their growth. Unilever applies HR policy and activities which incorporate the Guest’s

HR model which comply with core value and vision. They provide a safe and friendly

working environment and motivate the workers to make them perform as the organizational

objective require.


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1.2 Difference between Story’s definition on HRM, personnel and

industrial relations:

HRM Personnel management IR and Personnel


Definition: The main

responsibilities of HR

managers are to fulfill staffing

needs, development of their

skills and provide

motivational reward and

recognition to upgrade the

performance as per the firm



management is concerned

with the workforces within

the firm and the

relationships within the

organizational structure.


relationship studies the

employment relations. Because

of the increasing importance of

non-employment relationship it

has been called as employee


To successfully manage the

sustainable living plan Unilever

entails experts, suppliers and the

employees in the program.

Unilever applies training

programs, opportunity of

gathering experience which

helps the employees to

improve their productivity.

A broader concept by which

Unilever try to maintain a co-

operative relation and

communication between

management and labor unions.

1.3 Developing a strategic approach to HRM and impact of line managers

and employees:

HRM is the structural approaches of recruiting, training and motivating the human assets of

all operational levels. To keep pace with the ever changing environmental factors, Unilever

tries to select and recruit appropriate and skilled candidates to enhance the corporate vision

and value. The evolving business surrounding has created a huge scope of responsibilities to

successfully handle HR activities. For the line managers of Unilever the methods and system

that can be very helpful to their HR activities are-

a. Create desire:The HR managers should try to create a sense of significance of their

HR requirements and opportunities in the mind of line managers.

b. Providing support:HR executives should provide necessary support and guidance to

the line managers in managing HR tasks and policies.


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c. Grow capacity: The capacity of line managers is restricted around their short term

operational duty. Their range of duty and capacity of managing HR should be

enhanced and realized to make them successfully handle HR tasks along with their

operational tasks.

d. Developing competency: The competency of HR activity of line managers can be

improved through training facilities which will encourage them to successfully

manage HR tasks.

e. HR responsibility: To make the line managers understand the significance and

necessity of HR tasks, strong communication, HR rules, theories must be flexible and

supportive for successful implementation.

Task- 2 Developing flexibility within workplace.

2.1 Flexibility model in practice:

John Atkinson (1985) through his flexible firm concept describes that a firm have to maintain

improved and changed flexibility in order to keep pace with competitive stress and condition.

In other words it is a concept of simply integrating flexible conditions into the administration

an organization’s functional operations, in order to meet the demands of a highly competitive

market and attain its strategic aims and goals (Hoque, K. and M. Noon, 2001). The flexibility

model by Atkinson states two working groups- core and peripheral workers.

Core Workforce: Core personnel group operates essential and functional activities of the

firm. Workers are highly competent and experienced and work for the firm as long term

partners and useful for long term planning and development.

Peripheral Workforce: This working group doesn’t enjoy facilities and flexibility benefits

like core workers. They are normally hired on temporary, part-time or contractual basis.


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2.2 Types of flexibility for organizations:

Flexibility opportunities help personnel to adapt and improve to environmental instabilities

and changes fast. There are four approaches described by Atkinson which would be

appropriate and useful to achieve balanced workforce flexibility in Unilever.

a. Functional flexibility: Workers are moved and reassigned from one functional

responsibility to other from time to time. Adequate training facilities or outsourcing is

necessary to bring functional flexibility.

b. Peripheral numerical flexibility:Firms adjust and control the entry of labor force

from the external labor market. They change the number of employees involved by

applying different approaches like hiring temporary workers, fixed term based

contract, relaxing the employment security laws as they can fire any permanent

workers when necessary.

c. Temporal flexibility: It involves the activities that introduce work plans, multiple

shifts, overtime range and flexi time for currently employed workers.

d. Financial flexibility: The compensation rate is not fixed as a whole. Salary differs

from employee to employee according to their performance, responsibility and



2.3 Flexible working practices from employer and employee perspective:

The typically used flexibility methods in the workplace are-

- Part-time:Work less time than permanent workers normally ranges from 30 to 40 hours a


- Job sharing:A task is shared by two workers on a predetermined time and responsibility

basis. Per head compensation can be reduced through job sharing.

- Zero hour contract:No fixed time frame is predetermined in zero hour contracts between

the employee-manager. Both the employees and management have the power and authority to

accept or reject a task offer.


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- Teleworking: Workers complete their tasks through telephone or cellphone from home or

somewhere outside rather than attending at the workplace.

- Compressed hours:workers work more hours a day in order to work a total fixed hours per

week in order to enjoy a full day vacation per week.

2.4 Impact of changes in labor market on flexible working practice:

Labor market always changes its patterns and characteristics because of the environmental,

social and market condition. In order to gain the corporate objective HR managers have to

carefully recognize and select appropriate staffs with required skills and competencies for

different operation. Workplace flexibility should be restructured as the labor market situation


Demography in labor market: The labor market demographic characteristic shape and

changes the labor supply and demand situation. Improved life expectancy increases supply of

group of aged working people working for a longer period even after retirement. Decreasing

birthrates reduces supply of new and fresh worker group. The more women participate in

corporate life, the more their contribution ratio increases the more an organization has to

adapt and change its HR policy and flexibility facilities. Such factors at different

demographic stages provide base for flexibility pattern. The managers need to practice and

apply multiple flexibility plans to comply with diversified workforce and changing

demographic stages.

Task- 3 Impact of equal opportunities in workplace

3.1 Discrimination in workplace:

As per the definition by the ILO, discrimination at workplace can be of different patterns like

age, race, religion based discrimination, different background. Differences in such matters

can restrict the equal opportunity for all. The skill development process, performance

improvement, motivation and standard may fall if a firm experiences any kind of

discriminations at workplace. Consequently the firm loses its competitive position and fails to

accomplish goal as employee contribution falls.


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- Age based discrimination:Candidates and employees may be discriminated in privileges

and opportunities due to his/her age factor. While judging the performance, providing

opportunities and benefits, management shouldn’t consider the age factor as a fundamental

component otherwise it would be illegal. The assessment should conform to other reasonable


- Religion related discrimination:It takes place when a person is treated less favorably due

to his/her own religious base. Management and HR policy can’t force an employee to restrict

his/her religious activity or to abide by other beliefs.

- Discrimination in Compensation:To increase the job place motivation and productivity,

HR policies must be designed to make it sure that no discrimination has been made while

judging the compensation rate among different people group of men and women, juniors or


- Discrimination of disability:Disable persons shouldn’t be treated as less talented or

capable than the normal people. They are skilled and capable of doing specific tasks with

expertise and employers shouldn’t underestimate them during the recruitment process.

3.2 Implication of equal opportunity legislation for organization:

To achieve the organizational objectives and gain competitive advantage, every firm tries to

maintain an environment that support equal opportunity and discrimination free service and

benefits. It will create motivation for the employees which will result in performance

improvement matching the standard set by HR policy. The following activities can be done to

ensure equal opportunity-

Implement EEO policy and harassment laws and ensure that all employees are aware

and notified of the policies set.

Comfortable and easy working environment for the employees as they can take part in

analysis, problem solving.

Equal opportunity of promotion, compensation and reward.


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Make all the employees aware about the grievance processes and its confidentiality.

3.3 Differences between managing equal opportunity and diversity:

Diversity management refers to the voluntary organizational actions that are designed to

create greater inclusion of employees from various backgrounds into the formal and informal

organizational structures through deliberate Policies and programs (Colling T, 1995).

Factors Managing Equal Opportunities Managing Diversities

Driven Factors External Internal

Rests on Rests on moral and legal


Rests on Business Case

Initiatives Group based Individual based

Approach way Operational Tactical

Focus on Process Consequences

Emphasizes on Group discrimination Individual differences

Supported by Narrow affirmative Knowledge


Wider Mixed Knowledge base

Suitable for Adaptation Advocate Mainstream adaption advocate

Granted as As a cost and risk as investment and asset.

Task- 4 Approaches to human resource practices.

4.1 Comparing methods of performance management:

Performance management is an integral part of the workplace as it provides a platform for

supervisors and managers to measure employee performance and determine whether

employees are meeting the company's expectations (Storey J, 1995).The performance


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assessment system differs as per the business pattern, responsibilities and other employee

working factors.

360-Degree Feedback:In this method the evaluation is derived from all possible related

parties including team members, customers, peer group, supervisors and self. All the

evaluations provide feedback and necessary findings about performance deviations.

Physiological Appraisal:Physiological test evaluates an employees’ mental stability,

analytical ability, skill and other personal traits. To place an employee in appropriate position

and role, this technique is very useful.

Management by Objective (MBO):this evaluation method is based on organizational

objectives. In this technique managers and employees settle upon feasible and specific

objectives within a specific time frame. Through the approach appraisers and managers can

distinguish the success and failure ratio appropriately.

Assessment Centers:In this center the managers and employees join together and participate

in work based exercises and then it’s evaluated by trainers and observers.

4.2 Evaluation of employee welfare management:

Firms maintain welfare and benefits to the staffs to motivate their performance and activities.

Employee welfare includes certain activities and approaches that will provide facilities,

services and security to the employees in excess of their salary earning.

Labor welfare has the following goals:

Provide the workers a better and healthy work life.

Provide a satisfied and secured working experience.

Improve skill, behavior and characteristics and focus on weaknesses.

Control and maintain a good liaison with the labor union.

The employee welfare outlines can be classified into two categories-

a. Statutory Welfare Schemes

Under this scheme some basic facilities are provided including drinking water,

medical appliances, toilet facility, sitting arrangement, rest room, spittoons etc.


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b. Non-Statutory Welfare Schemes

Under this non-statutory scheme health care, co-operation, harassment law, maternity

leave, medical insurance service, transfer scheme etc. are provided to the workers for

their wellbeing.

4.3 Implication of health and safety legislation on HR:

Health and safety legislation specify the responsibility and authority of supervisors, managers

and workers. Occupational health and safety legislation regulates the standards of workplace

health and safety with the aim to prevent workplace accidents, injuries and diseases, and

outlines consequences for breaches of those standards (Hayton, J.C, 2005). It explains the

requirements and necessities of such activities and facilities that must be provided effectively

to protect health and safety of workforces.

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974("HASWA" or "HASAWA") states the essential

structure and responsibility to initiate and maintain motivation, laws and application of

welfare and safety issues within organizational setting in UK.

4.4 Impact of topical issue on HR practices:

While a firm tries to apply successful recruitment process, bring better productivity, diminish

discriminations, some HR issues arises. The most common and important issues are-

Maintaining workforce diversity.

Safety and security at workplace.

Appropriate training facilities for development.

Giving motivation for better performances.

Reducing discriminations of different patterns.

Effective recruitment technique.

Appropriate evaluation to detect problem areas.


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These HR issues can change any time and to keep pace with the change managers need to

restructure and improve existing HR policies and activities.


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