How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Media evaluation 2

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How effective is the combination

of your main product and ancillary texts?

Page 2: Media evaluation 2

•For this particular task we had to create our own promotional package, this included a teaser trailer, film poster and film magazine cover

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What is Brand Identity?• A brand identity is the symbol of the company or product which is presented by a logo, title, image etc. The symbol must be unique in order to gain audience recognition without revealing the whole identity which is used as a form of marketing. •We achieved this whilst creating our three products within the promotional package, we did this by picking out certain things in which we will include in each media text, for this we had a main colour of blue which ran throughout all of our media texts, in addition to this we kept our title font the same in each of these. Additionally we also made two characters in which we kept the main focus of all the promotional package. By creating a brand identity for our film it allows the consumer to recognise a unique difference to other films and allow them to notice the identity of our film during its marketing process.

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Importance of brand identity in marketing

• Brand identity is a huge aspect when marketing a film. Font, colours, image and style are the main platform in which you can create a brand identity and will ultimately allow your audience to recognise your product instantly. Effectively branding your product can help to build the reputation of your media product as well as making it stand out. Similarly, developing your brands identity and using consistency of colours, font, image etc will help customers to remember who you are and what you do

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Brand identity in Captain America: Civil War• For the earlier stages of my researching process I looked at campaign research for the film Captain America: Civil War, whilst

doing this I learnt how films created brand identity when marketing. With Captain America: Civil War it is produced from Marvel, being a big production company and having produced many superhero films, this meaning they have very dedicated fans that have watched almost every movie they produce, because of this the film Captain America civil war will already have an fan base before anything is marketed, this means the film will gain a wide audience, also because of the film being a marvel film this is already a very large brand identity they have already created. Captain America: Civil War released a series of film posters and within them you can see a clear sense of brand identity run throughout, they have the same colour scheme of red and blue used throughout each of the posters, they use the same graphics for the title in each poster, in addition to this they also use two key characters from the film within all of the posters. Additionally there was also other methods when marketing to create a brand identity fro the film, these consisted of multiple trailers released including both teasers and full, there were film magazines such as ‘Empire’ and ‘Film Entertainment' that used the two main characters of the film as the front cover as they are a key feature throughout the marketing of the film meaning they will be recognisable for the audience, in addition to this due to other marvel films in which these characters have appeared in there will be an even stronger brand identity to attract and be recognisable for the audience. Within the promotional package for this film such as trailers etc. a strong brand identity was created by constant use of the same font for the titles and the reoccurring colour scheme throughout.

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Own promotional package – Brand Identity • From the research I conducted on Captain America: Civil War I was able to understand how to create my own brand identity when creating our own media texts. For our promotional package we created a brand identity of our own, we did this by using a constant colour scheme of blacks, whites and the main colour of blue. • In the Captain America posters and film magazine covers the two main characters are always the main feature, from this we realised this is important to include when creating a brand identity as it allow the audience to make connections between all the different marketing campaigns, for the audience to make connections means the product is getting more recognition.• Because of this we also ensured we used the same two characters throughout each media text, we felt this was necessary so the audience could recognise the characters and make links between each media product. We incorporated the main idea from our film which was the masks in each of these aswell, this is a key thing that the audience will be able to spot and is eye catching for the consumer.

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In our promotional package we included similar elements in all 3 products so the audience would be able to make connections between them. For all 3 products we used the same font, this is one of the main things in which is important to keep the same when creating a brand identity as the title is one of the key things an consumer will remember and making it the same within marketing they will be able to notice it each time the product is advertised whether its on the teaser, the poster or a film magazine, because of this we ensure we kept it the same, the colours of the title remain white in both the trailer and the film poster creating a strong brand identity, however we felt it was necessary to change the colours in the film poster to keep with the conventions of the subtlety in titles in a little white lies cover, however I personally don’t feel like this weakens our brand identity as the font remains the same. In addition to this there is a constant use of the main female protagonist and the masked man in all three products this is key in order for the audience to recognise the characters throughout the promotional package. In addition for this in both the film poster and the film magazine cover we used the same blue strip, this is also another element in which we included to further our brand identity. However we used the strip in two different was to create two different effects so they weren’t too similar to each other and to show creativity within our ancillary products. We also included the same tag line within both the film poster and the teaser trailer “When hallucinations become reality what do you believe?” by creating a tag line its something that will stick in the consumers head, due o the fact our tag line is also a rhetorical question it leaves the audience thinking this is also a way in which we created brand identity within our media texts