Making Education More Open with OER Professor Andy Lane, Senior Fellow, SCORE

Making education more open score short term fellows april 11 - andy lane

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Presentation given by Andy Lane at the SCORE Short Term Fellowship Course, April 2011

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Making Education More Open with OER

Professor Andy Lane, Senior Fellow, SCORE

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The Opportunity

Open Educational Resources are “… digitised materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research. “ Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources, OECD 2007

“The most promising initiative in e-learning is the concept – and the developing reality, of open educational resources.” Sir John Daniel (OU, UNESCO, Commonwealth of Learning)

“The UK must have a core of open access learning resources organised in a coherent way to support on-line and blended learning by all higher education institutions and to make it more widely available in non-HE environments.” On-line Innovation in Higher Education, Sir Ron Cooke, 2008

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The meaning of open in OER?

Spend 5 minutes talking to the person next to you about what you believe are the answers to the following questions:

• Is it enough for resources to be openly accessible online?• Should they also be openly licensed? • Do you want open resources in open formats?• Should you use open source software to create and use OER?

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The meaning of open in OER? (Geser, 2007)

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The Four Rs of OER and teaching and learning practices

• Reuse – Use the work verbatim, just exactly as you found it• Rework – Alter or transform the work so that it better meets your

needs• Remix – Combine the (verbatim or altered work) with other works

to better meet your needs• Redistribute – Share the verbatim work, the reworked work, or the

remixed work with others.

David Wiley, 2007

Open educational practices

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Educational materials can act as a mediating object between teachers and learners

Educational material

Teachers Learners

Open educational practices

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The implications of OER for mediating teaching and learning opportunities

• Granularity– the size and inter-dependence of modules• Judging the appropriate mix between:

- Pedagogic support (built into content)

- Personal support (self reflection and guidance)

- Peer support (mutual reflection and guidance)

- Professional support (expert reflection and guidance)• The use of new social computing technologies in facilitating

support and interaction• Greater sharing of practice amongst teachers and learners

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Open communities as much as open content


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OER are what you make of them

• OER can be:– Designed explicitly for educational use– Other content used for educational purposes

• OER can be found in:– funded institutional repositories – funded and non-funded community based initiatives – proprietary channels – websites of projects, groups and individuals

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For individuals the greater availability and accessibility of resources has been found to help them to:

• Learn new things or enrich other studies;• Share and discuss topics asynchronously or synchronously with

other learners;• Assess whether they wish to participate in (further) formal

education; • Decide which institution they want to study at;• Improve their work performance;• Create or revise OER themselves.

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For teachers, individually and collectively, OER make it possible for them to:

• Create courses more efficiently and/or effectively, particularly using rich media resources that require advanced technical and media skills;

• Investigate the ways in which others have taught their subject;• Create resources or courses in collaboration with others rather

than doing it all themselves;• Join in communities of practice which help improve their teaching

practices as they reflect on the community use of new open tools and technologies;

• Customise and adapt resources by translating or localising them.

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For educational institutions OER offers up opportunities to:

• Showcase their teaching and research programmes to wider audiences;

• Widen the pool of applicants for their courses and programmes;• Lower the lifetime costs of developing educational resources;• Collaborate with public and commercial organisations in new

ways, including educational publishers;• Extend their outreach activities

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For governments and national agencies OER offer scope to:

• Showcase their country’s educational systems;• Attract international students (to higher education at least);• Help drive changes in educational practices;• Develop educational resources in ‘minority’ languages that

commercial publishers are reluctant to do so;• Develop educational resources that reflect local cultures and

priorities;• Cooperate internationally on common resources to meet common


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Stages in open educational resources development in institutions

1. Legal: release of copyright through creative commons

2. Practical: provide access to content

3. Technical: develop an environment for open access

4. Pedagogic: understand the designs that work

5. Economic: devise a model for sustainable operation

6. Transformative: change ways of working and learning

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So why make educational resources open?

• A growing momentum behind OER worldwide and emergence of creative commons licences

• Consistent with the OU’s commitment to social justice and widening participation

• Helps build markets and reputation

• Bridges the divide between formal and informal learning

• A test bed for new e-learning developments and an opportunity to research and evaluate them

• A way of drawing in materials from other organisations

• Provides the basis for world-wide collaborations

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Bridging informal and formal learning

• Learner comes first

• Content is the hook

• Flexibility

• Mix and match

• Self pacing

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Impact on recruitment, preparation and progression

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Designing for open learning

Volunteer students• Use exercises and submit

work• Custom portfolios for skills

development• Whole courses with pay-as-

you-go, on-demand accreditation

Social learners• Extending learning into

social networks• Store and reveal the actions

of learners• Self certification using data

on user interaction

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Collaborate and cooperate

• Preparation

• Curriculum extension

• Professional development

• Narrow the digital divide

• Work based learning

• A common knowledge base

• Remote communities

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A test bed

• Different cultural settings

• Informal collaboration

• Experiments

• Uptake of new technologies

• Supporting other universities

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OpenLearn is …

• An institution-wide programme;• A sub-brand for OU’s open educational media• Making some of the OU’s educational materials freely

available in a web-based open learning environment;• Seeking to advance open educational practices by:

– Deploying leading-edge learning management tools for learner support;

– Encouraging the creation of non-formal collaborative learning communities;

– Encouraging other institutions to reuse and rework the content;– Enhancing international research-based knowledge about modern

pedagogies for higher education.

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OpenLearn’s website architecture

Long form content for learners Long form content for educators

Information and short form content

Researcher network

External sites




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