MAGAZINE PLANNING By Daniel Clipperton

Magazine Planning - Pitch Sheet

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MAGAZINE PLANNING By Daniel Clipperton

Page 2: Magazine Planning - Pitch Sheet

PITCH SHEET By Daniel Clipperton

Page 3: Magazine Planning - Pitch Sheet

Title- UI have chosen this title for my magazine, as I believe it will help to connect with the viewer. The impression which the reader receives it that the content available provides them with all their musical needs. The masthead is the initial area your eye is first drawn towards, so straight away the viewer will feel that it’s the magazine for them, due to the direct address from the text. Juxtaposed alongside the slogan it builds a strong corporate identity, showing that we want to provide the best content which U the audience are interested in. Not just what's popular. By using one letter, we follow a similar style to that of Q magazine, which through my survey was shown to be relatively popular. Centring a magazine around one particular letter makes it memorable and continually miss-associated with the letter U reinforcing its identity. There is only one other music magazine which uses one letter, Q, which has a higher price tag. Therefore as my magazine has a lower price, it will be categorised into a different section and be the only one with a singular letter title. This is only a working title, so it is subject to change.

Slogan- Your Music, Your WayThis slogan will present our corporate identity towards the reader and that is your music is our music, we do not cover what's hot, only what we know our viewers will want to read.

UYour Music Your Way


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Genre- Indie/Pop + Indie/Rock + Pop/RockI will primarily focus upon two Indie sub-categories Indie Rock and Pop, as both these categories have a wide scope as to the range of artists and styles. This will also allow me to feature new and upcoming artists, who publishing their own music. Appealing to my market survey, in which the audience were interested in smaller artists being recognised. This category will also allow to branch into other genres, opening up my audience to other styles and variations of music, they may have otherwise overlooked. As indie music is associated with individuality and expressing yourself, it links directly with the chosen title, as both connote being yourself and doing as you see fit. I will also include a range of smaller articles surrounding other genres such as Hip-Hop and rap, to attract a wider audience and provide a variety in content. Meaning there is more to cover.


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Issue Frequency- Monthly, 13 Issues a year, additional one commemorating the years music.By producing the magazine every month, there will be a greater variety of content to cover, rather than weekly, were there will only be enough for one or two big articles. I intend to have the magazine consistently released on the same day of every month, therefore the audience are more likely to remember to purchase a copy. It will be released on the last day of every month in order to ensure we are ahead of our competitors, getting the information out to our audience first. If a magazine is produced over a monthly basis it is more likely to be of a greater quality, as the company will have had longer to develop the articles, shoot the photos and get the best artists.

Price- £2.99I have chosen this price as reasonable because Q magazine charge a more substantial amount and I am trying to produce a similar style of magazine, yet at a lower cost, complying with my market research survey. It is more likely to be affordable for the audience who are interested in music, but have a lower disposable income, therefore opening up my magazine to a greater audience. By reducing the price to just below three pound, it will make the audience feel that the magazine is not as expensive and is worth the money.


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ATTITUDE The magazine will have a relaxed attitude, catching the readers attention without over fazing them with considerable amounts of text. Relaxation is exactly what are viewers want, to sit back and be immersed in all that’s musical captivating them. It allows us to connect with our reader on a semi-formal scale, becoming their litigable friend on that is music. We’ll provide our viewers with exactly what they want to know, whilst maintaining a keen eye for detail, nothing more nor less will do. Our colour scheme of Red, Blue and Orange is vibrant, connoting the true passion and energy we have for music. By surrounding the artists with theses colours the juxtaposition, will show their devotion and musical drive, interesting the audience and pulling them in. U will use subtle quotations as break points in the article, relating to their relaxed feel, making the text more accessible and showcasing what is to come, enticing the audience to read on. The majority of the text used through the magazine will be upright as its easier for the audience to read, giving the magazine a comfortable, casual feel. Dependant upon the type of article, the major colour will change, for example a review of a concert/album would be pale blue. This will create a consistent contrast across the magazine constantly re-appealing to the audience and holding their attention. The text to image ration is also independent across the magazine appealing to a wider audience, as some may prefer more images to text or vice versa. Full page images will unified also to help to segregate the magazine, between different stories and topics. U magazine will include both Live performance and Professional images creating a large contrast between the pages, re-capturing the audiences attention and providing a feature not evident in every magazine.

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There will be a variety of different contents within each issue of the publication. The majority of the content will be focused around music, although there will also be articles surrounding other features, such as technology. As U is released on a monthly basis there will be a wider range of content which there is to cover in order to appeal to the audience. Plus increasing the overall array of content will make the magazine more interesting to the reader. The magazine will include in-depth articles with artists, on a semi-formal scale allowing the audience to get a look at their life outside of musical stardom, intriguing the audience and therefore drawing in their attention. These articles will focus upon a singular artist/member of a band allowing the audience to connect/understand them on a personal level, relating to the individuality aspect of U magazine. It will also include an audience question and answer, where the audience send in questions for the featured artist to answer, this will make the magazine more interactive appealing to a younger demographic. It will also appeal to the audience as they will feel more connected with the artist on an individual scale if their question is answered and that their opinion (question) matters. The remaining majority of the content which is not focused towards a particular band or artist, will be reviews of recently released albums/singles as well as reviews of concerts. This will provide the audience with an incite as to worth their money and what isn’t, providing them with all their musical demands in one place, allowing U to become their well-informed trusted friend. The magazine will include a chart of the top tracks which our audience should be listening to, the majority of tracks will be indie based, although some will be alternative genres, integrated to widen our audiences musical playlist. This will appeal to U’s reader as they will be able to listen to tracks which they trust are of a high quality. U magazine will include free posters within every issue and a free CD every 3 months, this will appeal to the reader as they will feel that they are getting more for the money, encouraging them to purchase the magazine. Finally, each magazine will include a section called U News, were all the latest stories from the world of music will be delineated and the editor will give his opinion each story. The reader will also be encouraged to go online and have her/his say on the matter, encouraging interactivity.

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STYLE The magazine will have some quirky features, adding to individuality and intrigue of the magazine, surrounding the artists, concerts and albums. For example, U may report on an artist strangest life experience/how they first got into music, appealing to the reader as they can connect more with the artist. The majority of the content will be focused around these key areas, Artists, Concerts/Tours (reviews), Albums and the U top chart list. By varying the choice of articles, U endeavour to maintain the audiences attention, whilst fulfilling all their musical needs. This will entice the audience in to re-purchasing the magazine/subscribing as it provides them with all the elements of indie. All music magazines provide articles/information on the biggest artists within their genre, by widening our scope, U becomes the one place for all your musical insight. Similarly to how Q magazine provide their audience with “a friendly, informed hand to guide them towards the best records, the absorbing stories and the fascinating personalities”. The magazine will include a range of different double page spreads, which will be the focal points of each issue, centring around particular artists or event. Those that are centred around a particular artist, will give the audience an opportunity to ask their own questions, due to an online submission, allowing the audience to feel connected with the artist and giving U its individuality edge. In-between the double page spreads there will be will smaller articles, surrounding features to widen the audiences musical pallet and increase their musical awareness. The magazine will provide a small quantity of Posters surrounding, different bands and solo artists, the style of photography will predominately be both professional and live performance. This will capture my audiences attention as they will feel that they are getting something extra for their money each month, encouraging them into re-invest in the next copy. U will also have competitions, to win prizes such as tickets to a concert, albums or backstage passes, except this will be a occasional feature in order to make winning the prize more exceptional and allowing for greater rewards. Additionally to providing posters, every 3 months U magazine will also provide their audience with a CD from an upcoming indie artist. This will further peak the interest of the audience, encouraging them purchase U magazine over the others on the market.

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U is the any Indie-sub genre fanatics dream, containing all the relative news to stay up to date with your favourite artists. We report on the biggest names in the business, whilst also featuring young and upcoming artists. We aim to provide a variety of artist content, covering individual artists up close and personal, alongside group chats with the biggest bands, discovering their exclusive secrets. U opens up the reader up to the world of music, rewriting the audiences preference to specific genres, providing a tutorial in way of who to listen to, who to follow and who to watch. U strive to produce the highest quality magazine that is possible, using the most superlative photography, the most captivating articles and taking their time to make every minute detail the absolute best it can possibly be. Here at U, we want to provide our audience, with an impartial view on all music, giving them the opportunity to produce their own playlist of the finest tracks/artists across the world of music.


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Reader Profile- Oliver, 17, life is driven by music, it’s part of his style, his main hobby and his dream is to pursue a carrier in music.

Technology is an important detail in the way he consumes music, from getting the latest music news, to downloading a new Indie track or even developing his own music. Oliver has strong moral values, loving to spend time with his family and closest friends, he is always interested in what everyone's up to , so therefore is an avid user of social media. From watching the latest ludicrous home videos on Facebook, following his musical idols, which is currently Jesse Rutherford, on Twitter or connecting to his friends on Instagram through Photography, another one of his favourite pass times as it allows to express his individuality and allows his creative side to flourish. He is also a passionate young man interested in the world around him, so is always willing to help them fortunate than him.

When he’s not listening to his ever expanding musical collection, he’s learning to play the latest Indie track on his guitar to for fill his hopes of being in a band. His main friendship company stay within their social group, they are uninterested in fitting in with the crowd. Willing to talk to anyone, the group believe social status does not effect who you are. Oliver's other greatest passion is football, he loves to play with friends, watch matches and play for the local team as it provides him with a much needed brake from his hectic student lifestyle.