M5.2 Ideas for SL Islands Marian Read LETTP SUNY ESC

M5.2 sl ancientrome

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Page 1: M5.2 sl ancientrome

M5.2 Ideas for SL Islands

Marian Read



Page 2: M5.2 sl ancientrome

Reconstruction of AncientRome 320 C.E.

Learners – Adults and Children

Island – reconstruction of Ancient Rome

Interactive- participate in ‘daily life’

Shop in markets, visit temple, watch gladiators & chariot races, mingle in forum

Visit houses and palaces

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Advantages of Simulation

If you visit in person, sites are now ‘ruins’ and Ancient Rome is hard to imagine

Makes history come ‘alive’

Learn about Ancient Roman social, political and religious institutions, art, architecture, water engineering, interior design & entertainment

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Second Life Island: Circus Maximus, Forum, Coliseum, markets,

houses, temples, public baths, aquaducts

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Shop at marketsStroll through city centre

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Work out at the ‘gym’ and participate in a communal ‘bath’ at Caracalla Baths

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Fly over the aquaducts to see how water flowed into the city

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Interpret the meanings of the statues and reliefs on the Arch of Constantine

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Attend a Gladiator Contest and learn who sits where inside the Coliseum

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Visit temples and the forum and find out who built them and what happens inside

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Visit the Pantheon and learn about Roman architecture

Domes, Columns and Arches

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Walk around iconic statues and learn about Roman Emperors

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Visit home interiors to learn about history of art through frescos

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• Khan Academy. Ancient Art and Civilization. [webpage & video]. Retrieved from https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ancient-art-civilizations/roman and https://youtu.be/VAgA6G75XsI