Location notes

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Page 2: Location notes

PARK•The park is used for the drop off of the drugs. In this scene Jay has his bag switched and this Is the vital point in the film as everything that follows is dependant on this one act. We chose a park as the park is a place where it is easy for someone to misplace their bag.

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LIVING ROOM•We will be using the living room for a major proportion of the film. Jay our main protagonist is going to be in the room flustered about what's inside the bag. We chose this scene as it is well lighted and has all the necessary props needed such as a large table and a sofa.

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•The bedroom is used shortly within our film. This room is used by Jay to stash away the drugs quickly when the police come knocking at his door. We are briefly shown the room, Jay stashes the drugs under his bed in hope of no one finding it.

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INTERROGATION ROOM• The interrogation room is used for the last scene in the film. This room is used for when Jay has been arrested and is being questioned by the detective about the contents within his bag. This scene is quite long and we used a table with one lamp for the lighting. This created a low key lighting effect and allowed the scene to look more like a real interrogation.