COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES 32 Arquímedes Matter: Physics teacher: Jorge Amín Zarate Macías Pupil: 01._ Aguilar Madariaga Fanny Julieth 13._Grajales Muñua María Guadalupe 32._Rodriguez Cedeño Víctor Hugo

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  • 1. COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES 32 Arqumedes Matter: Physics teacher: Jorge Amn Zarate Macas Pupil: 01._ Aguilar Madariaga Fanny Julieth 13._Grajales Muua Mara Guadalupe 32._Rodriguez Cedeo Vctor Hugo

2. ARQUIMEDES (Archimedes) 3. Was born Archimedes was born c. 287. c. Seaport in Siracusa (Sicily, Italy), a city which at that time was a colony of the Magna Greece. 4. Studies He traveled the Iberian Peninsula and studied at Alexandria. From 293-299 study in primary 5. From 299-302 it study secondary 6. From 302-309 study astronomy career. He returned to Syracuse, he devoted himself to his studies of mathematics, physics, geometry, mechanics, optics and astronomy. in all these areas conducted research which still difficult for a person of good preparation. 7. Trajectory He was a physicist, engineer, inventor, Greek astronomer and mathematician. Although few details of his life is known, is considered one of the leading scientists in classical antiquity. 8. Inventions and Discoveries Archimedes Principle Archimedes Screw Hydrostatic Lever The Method of Mechanical Theorems 9. Archimedes' principle Archimedes' principle is a physical principle that "A total body or partially immersed in a fluid at rest, gets a push from the bottom up equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces." This Force1 called hydrostatic or Archimedes thrust, and is measured in newton (the SIU). Archimedes' principle is formulated as follows: E = = Or: E = = 10. Archimedes Screw An Archimedes screw is used to machine helical elevation gravimetric water, flour, cereals or diggings Is based on a screw that is rotated within a hollow cylinder, located on an incline, and which can raise the body or fluid located below the axis of rotation. Since its invention until now has been used for pumping. It is also called worm their itinerary infinity. 11. Hydrostatic Hydrostatic is the branch of fluid mechanics or hydraulics studying fluids at steady state; that is, without any forces that alter its movement or position. The main theorems that support the study of the principle of hydrostatic are Pascal and Archimedes' principle. The pressure (P) is related to the force (F) and the area or surface (A) as follows: P = F / A. The basic hydrostatic equation is: P = Po + gh Where: P: pressure Po: surface pressure : density of the fluid g: gravitational intensity of the Earth h: net height 12. Lever The lever is a simple machine whose function is to transmit force and displacement. It comprises a rigid rod which can rotate about a fulcrum called a fulcrum. It can be used to amplify the mechanical force is applied to an object to increase its speed or distance traveled, in response to application of a force. 13. The Method of Mechanical Theorems The Method of Mechanical Theorems of Archimedes is a work containing the first documented use of infinitesimals. Initially it was thought that the original work was lost, but was rediscovered in the famous Archimedes Palimpsest. This text includes the "report mechanical method ', so called because it is based on the law of the lever (which was first demonstrated by Archimedes) and the center of gravity, which was found in many special cases. is convenient to use Cartesian geometry (which at that time did not exist). The idea was to use Archimedes law of the lever to determine the area of figures knowing the center mass of others. The simplest example in modern language is the area of the parabola. Archimedes used a more elegant method, but in Cartesian language, their method is based on calculating the integral: 0 1 2 which, by elementary calculus, is third. To find this integral, we must balance a triangle with the parable. The triangle is the region in the xy plane generated by the function y = x, where ranges from 0 to 1. Parable is the region in the xy plane generated by the function y = x2, where ranges from 0 to 1 14. He died He died 212. C. in Syracuse and lived 75 years.