Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

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Presentation ประกอบการนำเสนอผลงานทางวิชาการการบูรณาการ ICT ในการเรียนการสอน ในงาน Microsoft Partners in Learning Asia-Pacific Forum 2012 ณ เมือง Auckland New Zealand ในนวัตกรรมเรื่อง Learning with ict, biotechnology issues โดย ครูกอบวิทย์ พิริยะวัฒน์ โรงเรียนนนทรีวิทยา Thailand Innovative Teacher 2012

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Page 1: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat
Page 2: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Step 1 Introduce myself

SawadeeMy name is Kobwit Piriyawat.

I am a science teacher at

Nonsi Witthaya School

Bangkok , Thailand.

I am teaching science in Matthayom 1 or G.7 students.

Page 3: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Step 2

When ICT become part

of lives in 21st century

Page 4: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Step 2

When students enjoys using ICT

as entertaining media,

not learning media,

Page 5: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Step 2

How would teachers,

the important players in

education mechanism,

adjust their traditional

ways of teaching?

Page 6: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Step 3

Today , I proud to present

my teaching innovation

in project…

Learning with ICT ,

Biotechnology issues

Page 7: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Step 4This project is the science

learning project with a purpose

of achieving academic excellence

in the M.1 class on the lesson of


as included in

The Basic Education

Core Curriculum

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Step 4

Its design is

based on



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Step 4

It uses basic

programs like

MS Office and

Search Engine

as intellectual


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Step 4

integrating the philosophy of

self-sufficiency economy.

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Using PDCA concept

which are





Step 5

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Step 5

The important problem

Most Students lack of thinking skills and using ICT skills

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Step 5

PlanFirst step

Choose suitable

content and design learning process

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Step 5

PlanNext step

Survey and analyze the ICT

readiness for learning of the students

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Step 5

PlanNext step

Make the lesson plan integrated with ICT

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Step 5

I follow the Basic Education Core Curriculum

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Concept Chart

Step 5

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The first state : Knowledge-Remember

Step 5

The assignment is to search using Google

In this state student will have Learning

activities about sharing , publishing ,

collaborating , brainstroming and Evaluating

and publish with social media by facebook and wordpress

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Students using


to search aboutBiotechnology

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Students post the data

from searching in

facebook group to share knowledge with friends.

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The example of assignment

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The example of student assignment

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The second state : Understand-Describe,Explain

Step 5

The assignment is Concept Map

using Microsoft Powerpoint

In this state student will have Learning

activities about sharing , publishing ,

collaborating , brainstroming and Evaluating

and publish with social media by facebook and wordpress

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Students using google

to search about useful of Biotechnology

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Students make the Mind Mapping adout useful of Biotechnology using Microsoft

Powerpoint and save to jpeg file.

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Students attach .ppt file on facebook and

send message to teacher.

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The example of student assignment

Page 30: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

The third state : Apply

Step 5

The assignment is Paragraph

using Wordpress

In this state student will have Learning

activities about sharing , publishing ,

collaborating , brainstroming and Evaluating

and publish with social media by facebook and wordpress

Page 31: Learning with ict, biotechnology issues mr.kobwit piriyawat

Students post the paragraph about useful of Biotechnology on Blog wordpress.com

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When the students post paragraph in blog. Wordpress will send e-mail to teacher.

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Teacher can check and edit the paragraph and allow to publish on blog.

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The paragraph will published on blog.

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The fourth state : Analyze

Step 5

The assignment is Analytical Table

using Microsoft Excel

In this state student will have Learning

activities about sharing , publishing ,

collaborating , brainstroming and Evaluating

and publish with social media by facebook ,wordpress and slideshare.

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Students using Microsoft Excel to make

the Analytical Table.

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The example of student assignmentBy Microsoft Excel

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Teacher uplode student’s assignment on Slideshare to publish.

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The fifth state : Evaluate

Step 5

The assignment is Poll

using Wordpress

In this state student will have Learning

activities about sharing , publishing ,

collaborating , brainstroming and Evaluating

and publish with social media by facebook and wordpress.

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Use application on Facebook to make the poll

Students using poll to evaluate the lesson.

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Use Polldaddy.com on Wordpressto make the poll

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The sixth state : Create Step 5

The assignment is Newspaper

using Microsoft Word

In this state student will have Learning

activities about sharing , publishing ,

collaborating , brainstroming and Evaluating

and publish with social media by facebook ,wordpress and slideshare.

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Students design and make the newspaper using Microsoft word

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The example of student assignment using MS word.

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Teacher uplode student’s assignment on Slideshare to publish.

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Share and publish student’s assignment

on facebook.

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Step 5

DoNext step

Manage and Teach

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Step 5

CheckNext step

Evaluate in 3 ways.

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Step 5

ActNext step


If need improvement

we move back to make the lesson plan state again.

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Step 5

ActNext step


If no need improvement

we move to Report the result of the

learning management , continually

develop learning innovation and published.


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From the conceptual framework,

it can be seen that the project based

on Bloom’s Taxonomy will help

students improve the thought

process step-by step, with a variety

of different assignments.

Step 6

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It focuses on using ICT as

intellectual tools to create the final

products. The students get to use ICT

to do research, share

information, publish

their works, and

brainstorm and

evaluate the works.

Step 6

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This can help them develop

key skills needed in the 21st

Century, providing a solid base

for their future study and

career opportunities.

Step 6

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Step 7The design was developed

mainly to increase student


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Step 7

There are class activities which

focus on improving information

and communication technology

skills, using MS Office and

Search Engine as learning tools.

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Step 7

Analytical thinking skills and

problem-solving skills can also be

improved by using the teaching

method based on Bloom’s


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Step 7

We create challenging

situations which allows students

to use ICT to create their own

unique works.

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Step 7Their communication skills

and self-awareness are promoted

by the use of social media

websites as the communicating

device which lets

students to work

together as a team,

publish their works,

and evaluate other classmates.

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Step 7

This project consists of group

activities in which different

situations are assigned to

students, giving them

the opportunity to

Brainstorm and

work together.

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Step 7

The students get to make use

of the search engine to get the

information they need. Also,

there are online activities on


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Step 7

We created a Facebook Group

for each class and designed

activities for the students to get to

present the knowledge they learn

from the Search Engine.

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Step 7

It also allows teachers,

classmates, parents, or anybody

to share the knowledge and

participate in the evaluation

process by clicking the ‘Like’

button, post constructive

comments, or share ideas

on the Facebook polls.

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Step 7

The students get to make use

of the search engine to get the

information they need. Also,

there are online activities on


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Students increase their educational


Classes become true learning

centers, together with recreational


Students can effectively use ICT as learning tools

Students achieve their

basic curriculums

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In the end, the key success of the project is …