1. Every Company wants a charismatic leader. And to attract them they try to provide them all kinds of opportunities & extra benefits. 2 & 3. They act worst in the organizational interest as well as try to remake their companies as their own image & wish 4. Leaders are completely blurred about their personal & organizational interest. They often mix both up with each other. 5. And the biggest problem is that, the subordinates try to flatter their boss for getting much reward that often created inequalities among subordinates. Moreover, Subordinates have no right to protest or disagreement against leader. What is Transformational Leadership? Transformational leadership is a style of leadership where a leader works with subordinates to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group. Transformational Leaders inspire followers to transcend their own interests for the good of the organization. The main theme of this leadership is “Inspiration” Capable of having profound & extra-ordinary effect on followers Pay attention to the concerns & developmental needs of individual followers. It’s an employee centered leadership where, employee welfare get maximum priority then work. They help them to change follower’s awareness of issues to look old problems in new ways

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1. Every Company wants a charismatic leader. And to attract them they try to provide them all kinds of opportunities & extra benefits.

2 & 3. They act worst in the organizational interest as well as try to remake their companies as their own image & wish

4. Leaders are completely blurred about their personal & organizational interest. They often mix both up with each other.

5. And the biggest problem is that, the subordinates try to flatter their boss for getting much reward that often created inequalities among subordinates. Moreover, Subordinates have no right to protest or disagreement against leader.

What is Transformational Leadership?

Transformational leadership is a style of leadership where a leader works with subordinates to identify needed change, creating a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executing the change in tandem with committed members of a group.

Transformational Leaders inspire followers to transcend their own interests for the good of the organization. The main theme of this leadership is “Inspiration”

Capable of having profound & extra-ordinary effect on followers

Pay attention to the concerns & developmental needs of individual followers. It’s an employee centered leadership where, employee welfare get maximum priority then work.

They help them to change follower’s awareness of issues to look old problems in new ways

Able to inspire, arouse & excite followers to put out extra effort to achieve group goals

Transactional Leaders guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role & task requirements

They aren’t opposite to but complement of each other.

Page 2: Leadership vocal of ppt



(BUS 1202)



“Topic of Presentation”

Submitted by

Zulfikar Pasha Dipto

ID no. B3160B024

BBA 3(A)

Submitted to

Munshi Muhammad Abdul Kader Jilani

Assistant Professor

Submission date: 30th October, 2016

Page 3: Leadership vocal of ppt