Pictures: the pictures stand out the most because they are interesting and fill most of the double page. They are also numbered so you can link the picture with the band or singer. Colour : The colour red stands out which is probably why they used it for the backing of the title and the underlining of the bands names. Also the colour black for the writing is what people usually expect and it makes it easier to see rather than having brighter colours for the writing. Font: they use capital bold letters for the bands name making them stand out to the reader. They using big bold letters to spell ‘Contents’ which is good so the reader knows what they are reading. Layout and content: the way there are clear columns which make it easier to read and understand what its about. The red underline also spaces the context out making it easier to take it and makes it clear.

Jack contents page analysis

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Page 1: Jack contents page analysis

Pictures: the pictures stand out the most because they are interesting and fill most of the double page. They are also numbered so you can link the picture with the band or singer.

Colour: The colour red stands out which is probably why they used it for the backing of the title and the underlining of the bands names. Also the colour black for the writing is what people usually expect and it makes it easier to see rather than having brighter colours for the writing.

Font: they use capital bold letters for the bands name making them stand out to the reader. They using big bold letters to spell ‘Contents’ which is good so the reader knows what they are reading.

Layout and content: the way there are clear columns which make it easier to read and understand what its about. The red underline also spaces the context out making it easier to take it and makes it clear.

Page 2: Jack contents page analysis

Colour: it is not very colourful which makes it a bit plain. But the colour which is used on the writing makes it stand out by using red in the heading and the coloured numbers.

Text: the bold headings make it stand out clearer and makes it easier to read. Also if you are wanting to read a particular article then you can find the heading you need easily because of the font size.

Design: the way its all in columns makes it easier to read and it is attractive to the eye. There is continuity in the design.

Pictures: The pictures are too small and not very interesting. Not going to appeal to music fans

Interests: this magazine contents page is not very interesting because its too uniformed and in blocks. This could put the reader off buying the magazine.