Apereo Foundation | Learning Analytics Ian Dolphin, Apereo Foundation | Ja-Sakai Conference | March 2015 | Tokyo

Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

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Page 1: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Apereo Foundation | Learning Analytics Ian Dolphin, Apereo Foundation | Ja-Sakai Conference | March 2015 | Tokyo

Page 2: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative


Why open source for higher education? What is Apereo?

Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Page 3: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Photo by opensourceway - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License http://www.flickr.com/photos/47691521@N07 Created with Haiku Deck

Why open source software for higher education?

Page 4: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Photo by blprnt_van - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/55772089@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Utility: Software that meets a need

Page 5: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Photo by blprnt_van - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/55772089@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Utility: Software that meets a need Innovation

Page 6: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Photo by blprnt_van - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/55772089@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Utility Innovation



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Utility Innovation

Photo by blprnt_van - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/55772089@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Utility InnovationCustomization

Page 8: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Utility Innovation

Photo by blprnt_van - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/55772089@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Utility InnovationCustomization


Page 9: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Utility Innovation

Photo by blprnt_van - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/55772089@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Utility InnovationCustomization



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Contribution is critical… and not just code …

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Photo by USDAgov - Creative Commons Attribution License http://www.flickr.com/photos/41284017@N08 Created with Haiku Deck

What is the Apereo Foundation?

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Apereo is …

• A not-for-profit registered in New Jersey

• A membership organisation

• A network of institutions & communities

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The core mission of the Apereo Foundation is to assist and facilitate educational organizations which “collaborate to foster, develop, and sustain open technologies and innovation to support learning, teaching, and research."

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Foundation Provides …• A deliberately minimal set of services

• Manage licensing and intellectual property

• Accounting

• Events

• Programmes;

• Fellows, Teaching with Sakai Innovation Award

• Infrastructure (technical + community)

• Routes to pooled expertise and guidance

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Subsidiarity Principle

“Apereo does not attempt to provide what projects or

institutions can better provide themselves”

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Photo by GustavoG - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License http://www.flickr.com/photos/80122196@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Communities …

• Software Communities • Communities of Interest

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• Karuta

• EDExchange


• Bedework

• Open Academic Environment

• Sakai

• Student Success Plan

• uPortal

• uMobile

• Opencast

• UniTime

• Xerte

Incubating… Sponsored …

Software Communities …

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Photo by michael.heiss - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License http://www.flickr.com/photos/15748454@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Communities of Interest

• Thematic - • “Teaching and Learning” • “ePortfolio” • “Learning Analytics Initiative”

• Explore work/ideas around common theme • One of the nurseries for our incubation process

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Photo by thefoxling - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License http://www.flickr.com/photos/37624835@N03 Created with Haiku Deck


• Software: from innovation to sustainability

• Structured process

• Guided by community mentors

• Results in exit by graduation … or not

… not graduating is not a failure

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Photo by jairoagua - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License http://www.flickr.com/photos/31065898@N08 Created with Haiku Deck

Networks & Partnerships

Apereo will not realise its mission alone … … or by simple linear growth

Regional partnerships: ESUP-Portail (Fr)

Thematic partnerships: InCommon, SoLAR

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Apereo Foundation

Learning Analytics Initiative

Page 22: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Photo by giulia.forsythe - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License http://www.flickr.com/photos/59217476@N00 Created with Haiku Deck

Page 23: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Context & Landscape

• Higher education: post war transformation • Did practice keep pace with change? • Increased student numbers + diversity

= impact on retention? • Technology-driven “answers”

• CBT, Courseware, eLearning, LMS/VLE, MOOCs …

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Business Analytics

Business analytics (BA) refers to the skills, technologies, practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning.[1] Business analytics focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business performance based on data and statistical methods.


Page 25: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Learning Analytics?

Academic Analytics Learning Analytics

A process for providing higher education institutions with the data

necessary to support operational and financial decision making*

The use of analytic techniques to help target instructional, curricular, and

support resources to support the achievement of specific learning goals*

Focused on the business of the institution

Focused on the student and their learning behaviors

Management/executives are the primary audience

Learners and instructors are the primary audience

* - Analytics in Higher Education: Establishing a Common Language

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Adaptive Learning & Cognitive Tutoring

Data Visualization

Academic Early Alert Systems

Student Advising & Recommendations

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Reporting Data • Summarize historical data

Analyzing Trends • Identify historical trends and correlations

Predictive Analytics • Predict future outcomes and behaviour

Institutional Journey

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OAAI Project - Marist College

Student Aptitude Data (SATs, current GPA, etc.)

Student Demographic Data (Age, gender, etc.)

Sakai Event Log Data

Sakai Gradebook Data

Predictive Model


Identifies students “at risk” to not complete







OAAI Early Alert System Overview

Intervention Deployed “Awareness” or Online

Academic Support Environment (OASE)

Model Developed Using Historical Data

Step #1: Developed model using historical data Academic Alert

Report (AAR)

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OAAI Impact• Statistically significant positive impact on final grades

• Across student population (including low income)

• Models proved portable - reference group of institutions

• Staff feedback -

“I became more vigilant about reaching out to individual students”

“I received the highest volume of unsolicited positive feedback”

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Sharing open models and algorithms is critical to institutional learning

Page 31: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Strategic Vision - Open Learning Analytics Platform

Collectionbased data capture from any potential source using Experience API and/or IMS Caliper/Sensor API

Storage for all learning-related data using Learning Record Store (LRS) standard.

AnalysisAnalytics Processor (LAP) that can handle data mining, data processing (ETL), predictive model scoring and reporting.

CommunicationDashboard technology for displaying LAP output.

Action fed into other systems to trigger alerts, etc.

Learning Record


Summary and ResultsCommunication

Analysis ResultsAction

Learning Data


Learning Activities Collection

Page 32: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

Strategic Vision - Open Learning Analytics Platform

Collectionbased data capture from any potential source using Experience API and/or IMS Caliper/Sensor API

Storage for all learning-related data using Learning Record Store (LRS) standard.

AnalysisAnalytics Processor (LAP) that can handle data mining, data processing (ETL), predictive model scoring and reporting.

CommunicationDashboard technology for displaying LAP output.

Action fed into other systems to trigger alerts, etc.

Learning Record


Summary and ResultsCommunication

Analysis ResultsAction

Learning Data


Learning Activities Collection

Administrative Systems

Learning Delivery

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Strategic Vision - Open Learning Analytics Platform

Collectionbased data capture from any potential source using Experience API and/or IMS Caliper/Sensor API

Storage for all learning-related data using Learning Record Store (LRS) standard.

AnalysisAnalytics Processor (LAP) that can handle data mining, data processing (ETL), predictive model scoring and reporting.

CommunicationDashboard technology for displaying LAP output.

Action fed into other systems to trigger alerts, etc.

Learning Record


Summary and ResultsCommunication

Analysis ResultsAction

Learning Data


Learning Activities Collection

Administrative Systems

Learning Delivery


LAPDashboards etc

SSP + Systemsn

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Current state …

• Data Collection: xAPI integrated with Sakai, Apereo OAE, Larissa, OpenLRS. IMS Calliper exploration when mature

• Learning Record Store (LRS): Two reference implementations - OpenLRS (Unicon, USUHS) Larissa (UvA)

• Learning Analytics Processor (LAP): Reference implementation of API (Unicon/Marist)

• Open Dashboard: Reference implementation (Unicon/USUHS). IMS LTI compliant - embed in many systems

• Student Success Plan: Case Management - Graduated incubation, growing number of adoptions

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Seven Strategic Issues (not the only seven ….)

1. Data: from where? SIS? LMS/VLE? Library? eResources? Others?

2. Systems open enough to extract required data?

3. Institutional governance?

4. Committed institutional leadership?

5. Application centric vs Platform approach?

6. Ethics and Privacy: cultural and legal concerns in globalized environment

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Willingness and ability to share?


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• Move elements of platform into incubation

• Encourage use, experimentation, adoption

• Encourage resource commitment

• Encourage regional exchanges

• Networking: JISC Analytics, SoLAR. SURF, MINES ??

• Participate

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Page 39: Introducing Apereo and the Apereo Learning Analytics Initiative

More information on Apereo: [email protected] On the Analytics Initiative: [email protected]