Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment Explanation of intervention Schools are looking into how to communicate better and engage their communities through apps and mobile devices. I want to design and implement a school application for smart phones. The application would be supported on the Android platform, IOS platform (IPhone) and Blackberry. A mobile phone app which is simply a version of the website made viewable on a mobile phone will require internet access for users to be able to access information. This application would improve communicating with parents, guardians and the community during the school year. It would allow parents browse its schools' contact lists and peruse school news and classroom blogs. I my review of the literature surrounding parental involvement, I found an academic article “Parental Involvement and Achievement Outcomes in African American Adolescents” that discusses parental involvement and academic success. The article mentions to key differences in parental involvement. The first one is home-based involvement which refers to the frequency with which parents discuss schoolwork, school activities, and school programs with their children. The second is school-based involvement refers to the frequency in which parents participate in school events and communicate with school personnel. The author states “…home- based involvement had the strongest independent effect on adolescents' educational expectations.” This precisely what my intervention proposes to do; increase the parental knowledge and communication with the school allowing the parents to discuss homework and other school related events. This intervention would improve student academic performance and decrease disruptive behavior based on the fact that parents could have instant access to academic progress and

Intervention & innovation method

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Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment

Explanation of intervention

Schools are looking into how to communicate better and engage their communities

through apps and mobile devices. I want to design and implement a school application for smart

phones. The application would be supported on the Android platform, IOS platform (IPhone) and

Blackberry. A mobile phone app which is simply a version of the website made viewable on a

mobile phone will require internet access for users to be able to access information. This

application would improve communicating with parents, guardians and the community during

the school year. It would allow parents browse its schools' contact lists and peruse school news

and classroom blogs.

I my review of the literature surrounding parental involvement, I found an academic

article “Parental Involvement and Achievement Outcomes in African American Adolescents”

that discusses parental involvement and academic success. The article mentions to key

differences in parental involvement. The first one is home-based involvement which refers to the

frequency with which parents discuss schoolwork, school activities, and school programs with

their children. The second is school-based involvement refers to the frequency in which parents

participate in school events and communicate with school personnel. The author states “…home-

based involvement had the strongest independent effect on adolescents' educational

expectations.” This precisely what my intervention proposes to do; increase the parental

knowledge and communication with the school allowing the parents to discuss homework and

other school related events.

This intervention would improve student academic performance and decrease disruptive

behavior based on the fact that parents could have instant access to academic progress and

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Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment

behavior issues. All studies in the field of cooperation between the school and family shows that

parental involvement in the school is the educational factors in higher student's achievements. If

parents are knowledgeable and present in their children's school life, children will be motivated

and achieve better results (Schumm, 2005). Motivation provided by the child's parent and its

support are decisive elements in the child's success in school (Bojagjiu, 2009).

Intervention plan

The first step would be to present my proposal to my administrator for her approval. I

would present the pro and cons of have a school based mobile application. What the potential

cost may be and various companies that create school based mobile applications must be

discussed. The proposal would be research based with example from the mobile application that

other schools have created. This may take a week to set-up the meeting and gather my resources.

Next, I would need to survey the staff in order to determine the critical elements that need to be

included in the mobile application to maximize the depth of knowledge the application should

include. The creation of the survey may take one week so that I can be as through as possible.

Next, the distribution and collection of the survey may take one week to allow for

maximum staff participation.

Next, the students would be given a checklist to complete in reference to what they view

as important information to be included. I will allow for one week for this to be done. This step

will take more time. I will allow for two week for the parent to return the survey to the school.

Once all the data has been collected, I would compile a portfolio of the findings and meet

with one of the numerous companies that can provide this service for the school. I would need

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Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment

two weeks to compile this information. So roughly, the time frame would be 8 weeks from start

to finish on my part, I have no idea how long the company would take produce the final product.

Ethical considerations

I believe that education is an individual, unique experience for every student who enters a

classroom. Educators must have a strong concept of what they want to bring to each student’s

experience. The education of children is a total emersion in the profession, educators work way

past the requisite forty hour work week. Educators must seek to develop themselves constantly,

growing and evolving as the needs of the students change on a daily basis.

The students must understand that the teacher has their best interest at heart. I strive to be

firm but fair with my young charges. I develop a relationship that is based on trust and the

knowledge that I will do my best to nourish their mind and develop them into productive

citizens. Once this framework is established, the educator has already accomplished a major

goal: open, honest communication; and trust have been emphasized and put into practice without

having to preach to students.

The parents play an important role in the education of their children. The parent is the

child’s first teacher, biggest advocate and primary source of confidence. I want the parent to

remain all these things and continue to be supportive of the children. The development of a

positive rapport with the parents is critical to academic success of the child. However, in some

instances the parent may not continue with the encouragement and interest that they once had for

the child’s education. As an educator, I want all my parents to be involved in their child’s

education. I will seek to do everything in my sphere of influence to keep the interest level high

without the parents support my job becomes much more difficult.

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Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment

My goal for this intervention strives to keep that first teacher, biggest advocate in the

corner of the child regardless of academic ability, race color or creed. By trying to increase

parental involvement, behavior issues will decrease, academic progress will grow and the student

will understand that education is important because their parents are involved.

The data that I will be collecting will be their response, not data that has been fudged to

produce a desired outcome. The intervention will be comprised of responses from concerned

parents that want the best education possible for their children and to remain informed about the

happenings at the school in spite of their busy lives. My fellow educators understand the

importance of having involved parents and will heavily invest in the honest completion of the


Data collection procedures






Why this tool? Justify its

use in your study.

How does it match with

what you are

attempting to find and to



How and when data will

be collected.

1. How can


involvement be

increased within

the classroom?

Survey A brief survey of the

teachers about what they

would like to see in the

school’s mobile application.

A survey that will be place

on the shared drive to be

completed by the teachers

within a week.

2. What

interventions can

be put in place to

increase parental

Checklist A checklist given to the

parents about what

information they would

want in a school mobile

A checklist that will sent

home with the students,

emailed or mailed home

and to be returned within

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Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment

involvement? application. two weeks.

3. As the


teacher, how can I

best involve my

parents in the


Checklist A checklist given to the

students to determine what

information needs to be

included in the school’s

mobile application.

A checklist will give out in

homeroom and collected at

the end of the extended

period will allow for one

week based on possible

absent students.

3. As the


teacher, how can I

best involve my

parents in the


Checklist A checklist given to the

students to determine what

information needs to be

included in the school’s

mobile application.

A checklist will give out in

homeroom and collected at

the end of the extended

period will allow for one

week based on possible

absent students.

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Shi~Kia Carter Intervention/Innovation Method Week 4 Assignment


"Thinking of Creating an App for Your School?" ICT for Teaching Learning in Falkirk Primary

Schools. N.p., n.d

Hayes, D. (2012). Parental Involvement and Achievement Outcomes in African American

Adolescents. Journal Of Comparative Family Studies, 43(4), 567-582.

Schumm, J. S. (2005). How to help children in homework. Tirana: Max.

Bojagjiu, A. (2009). The preparation of the child and education. Tirana: Toena.