The Senkaku Islands dispute Av CK

International relations Senkaku Islands conflict

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The Senkaku Islands dispute


What is the conflict about? Territorial dispute over the Senkaku


Between Japan, the People´s Republic of

China and the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Key shipping lanes, rich fishing ground

and perhaps some oil and gas reserves

Marine and air patrol vessels from Japan

and China

Escalation of hostilities might occur,

because of the tension between the


History Mentioned in Chinese sources from the


Taken by Japan in 1895 Uninhabited since 1940

Several conflicts and siding with different parties in the past

From 1945 to 1972 1945: taken and ruled by American military

1952: local political power

1972: the islands were transferred back to Japan

How extensive is the conflict?

14.09.12: China sent six military

patrols boats

Triggered anti-Japanese riots in China

19.09.12: Japanese governmental

websites were hacked

11.2013: China declared an “air

defense identification zone”

The islands are included within

the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and

Securityscrambling is the act of quickly getting military aircraft airborne to react to an immediate threat, usually to intercept hostile aircraft.

AllegationsThe People´s Republic of

China/the Republic of China

The Míng dynasty discovered the islands

Japan accepted that they had sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands

Japan should have ceded from the Island after the WW2

The United Nations Convention on the law of the sea

The Senkaku Islands are located on the Chinese continental shelf and is an extension of Taiwan´s eastern mountain range


The Islands were uninhabited until the Japanese government decided to claim them

Japan has exercised sovereignty

Regulating economic activity

Renting them out to private

Built a weather station and helicopters land space

Patrolling Coast Guard

If China ever has had ownership over the islands, why did they not protest before 1971?

What solutions have been suggested?

Several rounds of conversations considered joint-development of sub-seabed resources in disputed territorial waters 

An agreement on joint development of resources was reached