M E M P R É E N M O U V E M E N T Bulletin des partenaires MeM, may 2011 1 M e M Le bulletin des Partenaires The event we’ve been waiting for! Last year we held a contest for young people to create the logo for our reunion. Children in Day Camps could participate during the summer of 2010. Armed with the instructions provided, they drew on their inspirations to transcribe the vision they had of Memphré en Mouvement. The youngsters were given a few key words and an explanation of the mission of the reunion in order to help them get started. The creativity of our youngsters was so inspired it wasn’t easy for us to choose our finalists. We chose 4 candidates whose entries shared certain traits in common as the winners of our contest. Armed with their representations and the repetition of certain elements, we were able to draft many different sketches. Through this process our logo took on its final shape. To see it for yourself you will have to attend our 5@7on May 26, 2011, so get out your agenda . . . Annual 5@7 Memphré en Mouvement Thursday May 26, 2011 At Microbrasserie la Memphré 10, Merry street South, Magog buffet Presentation of logo Games and activities Door prizes Devoirs actifs After trying many different approaches and suggestions, the original program finally took shape in the form of devoir actifs”. Page 2 Coup de pédale During the course of these sessions Mr. Marcoux will explain what a « pump track » is and all the details inherent in its proper use. Page 2 Jeunes Leaders Proof of their efforts lies in the praise afforded them by teachers and administrators. Page 2 Ce que nous avons entendu Well thought out and well written. This is quite the newsletter you have here. Page 3 Liens et infos A non-exhaustive guide of links we found to be interesting. Enjoy! Page 3 Éditions n°4 - may 2011

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Bulletin des partenaires MeM, may 2011 1

MeMLe bulletin des Partenaires

The event we’ve been waiting for!Last year we held a contest for young people to create the logo for our reunion. Children in Day Camps could participate during the summer of 2010.

Armed with the instructions provided, they drew on their inspirations to transcribe the vision they had of

M e m p h r é e n Mouvement. The youngsters were given a few key words and an explanation of the mission of the reunion in order to help them get

started. The creativity of our youngsters was so inspired it wasn’t easy for us to choose our finalists.

We chose 4 candidates whose entries shared certain traits in common as the winners of our contest.

Armed with their representations and the repetition of certain elements, we were able to draft many different sketches.

Through this process our logo took on its final shape. To see it for yourself you will have to attend our 5@7on May 26, 2011, so get out your agenda . . .

Annual 5@7 Memphré en Mouvement

Thursday May 26, 2011At Microbrasserie la Memphré10, Merry street South, Magog•buffet•Presentation of logo•Games and activities •Door prizes

Devoirs actifs

After trying many different approaches and suggestions, the original program finally took shape in the form of devoir actifs”.

Page 2

Coup de pédaleDuring the course of these sessions Mr. Marcoux will explain what a « pump track » is and all the details inherent in its proper use.Page 2

Jeunes Leaders

Proof of their efforts lies in the praise afforded them by teachers and administrators.

Page 2

Ce que nous avons entenduWell thought out and well written. This is quite the newsletter you have here.Page 3

Liens et infosA non-exhaustive guide of links we found to be interesting. Enjoy!Page 3

Éditions n°4 - may 2011

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2 Bulletin des partenaires MeM, may 2011

Devoirs actifs

Faced with low participation and logistical problems encountered during the evening sports initiative, organizers in Stanstead put forth an alternative that wil l better help them meet their objectives.

Les soirées sportives will give young people in Stanstead the opportunity to benefit from participation in organized activities. In order to accommodate the most people possible, the program includes transport, (a major challenge given the vastness of this territory).

After consider ing many di fferent approaches and suggestions, the original program finally took shape in the form of devoir actifs. The objective: to accompany the students, who so desire, from the school to the CCL. After having finished their homework they will have access to recreational activities.

A considerable accomplishment given that it is known that young people who work this way can help each other and reinforce, by the same token, their own self-esteem.

In conjunction with sports activities, the goal to get young people moving and to persevere at school is attained. Presently, the 8 participants are predominantly girls, but Mylène Bernier, of the CCL, is confident that the number of young people participating will rise in the near future.

Coup de pédale

«Quand on partait de bon matinQuand on partait sur les cheminsA bicycletteNous étions quelques bons copainsY avait Fernand y avait FirminY avait Francis et SébastienEt puis Paulette. ( À bicyclette - Yves Montand).»

This passage has become the mantra of young people in Potton. In affect the biking project started on the “Pump Track , ” s i tua ted in the pa rk in Mansonville. In order to offer instruction, Mayor Jacques Marcoux will personally teach two sessions, one for ages 5-12, and another for ages 11-17.

During the course of these sessions Mr. Marcoux will explain what a «  pump track » is and all the details inherent in its proper use.

As well as learning all sorts of tricks, these sessions will give children the opportunity to become familiar with the mechanical maintenance of a bicycle and how to keep it functioning properly, and safely, on the road.

So, this summer the youth group will have the opportunity to go trail riding throughout the area!

What a wonderful collective initiative that, once again, offers a way to keep our kids moving, and more importantly, in a safe environment.

Jeunes Leaders

Our Young Leaders are increasingly finding their place in the schools of the MRC. Proof of their efforts lies in the praise afforded them by teachers and administrators.

To this affect, Saint Jean de Bosco organized a ceremony of recognition w i t h s n a c k s a n d Yv a n D e m e r s addressing the audience.

In Sainte Marguerite, there were 45 youths who received training and who will sign a contract of engagement.

Ayer’s Cliff can now identify their Young Leaders by the tee-shirts that they have designed themselves.

At Baluchon, the Young Leaders will host the «Olympiades de fin d’année».

Our Young Leaders are claiming their place in elementary schools. In the case of secondary schools, Alexander Galt is o ffer ing in terested students the opportunity to participate in the activities « Midi Actifs ».

It is our hope to see children carry forth their newly acquired expertise in school projects, extracurricular activities, and community involvement. Isn’t this the greatest value of recognition for a child?

Ça se passe chez nous!Ça se passe chez nous!

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Bulletin des partenaires MeM, may 2011 3

Links & infoHere are some links and information we have picked up here and there that may be of interest to you. Happy browsing!«Bien dans sa tête, bien dans sa peau» formationThe program «Bien dans sa tête, bien dans sa peau» will take place on June 3 and 10. Through the course of this training, participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with the BTBP program that addresses the issue of weight and the image of the body. Representatives from the CSSSM and the Commission Scolaire des Sommets will be taking part in the training session:Programme BTBP

The Louis Bonduelle FondationBecause it’s hard to be motivated when it comes to eating vegetables,

Louis Bonduelle Fondation offers simple, targeted nutritional information, is striving to give vegetables back their rightful place in our daily diet and contributes to the advancement of research in health and nutrition.Fondation Louis Bonduelle

Correlation between the level of education of a mother and the nutritional intake of her child.As a supplement to the Fondation Bonduelle site, read this article about a study undertaken in England regarding the correlation between the level of a mother’s education and the nutritional health of her child.Happy reading.To read.

Clips on Youtube.Thanks to their efforts, Sept-Iles en Forme is offering new sports activities to the young people living in and around Sept-Iles, while the school board is assuring transportation to these venues free of charge. The children have the opportunity to be active, and it is due to the involvement of local contributors that it is all possible.Youtube Québec en Forme

Important DatesRegistration is prior to June 3 for the intensive activity leadership training that will take place June 17-19, 2011.

For more information please contact CSLE Sherbrooke: 819-864-0864.

EditorsIsabelle Mercieca — coordonatorDenis Delbois — assistent coordonator

ContactsMemphré en Mouvement120, rue BellevueMagog J1X 3H2

Tél. : 819 446 5005

[email protected] [email protected]

What we’ve been hearing! Since psychomotricity program, I have noticed a marked improvement in this child’s ability to concentrate in class," Guylaine, Deux-Soleils."The children ask to use the

mime activity in class!" Guylaine, Deux-Soleils.