Importance of technology in education

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What is technology?

• is the collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things.

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Using Technology in Education: Does it Improve Anything?

• We have been using technology so much these days in each and every domain of our lives, be it education or the regular household work, that have we ever taken out a second to wonder if it’s leaving a positive impact on our work or it’s just that we have been relying too much on it that we’ve become habitual to it, ignoring the direction of its impact.

• Everyone had their own views on modernizing education and making it technology aided. There were a huge number of positives and negatives to education technology. But, gradually as technology was embraced by the educational institutes, they realized the importance of technology in education. Its positives outnumbered the negatives and now, with technology, education has taken a whole new meaning that it leaves us with no doubt that our educational system has been transformed owing to the ever-advancing technology. Technology and education are a great combination if used together with a right reason and vision.

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Benefits of using

technology in education

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Benefit One: Bringing New Resources into the Classroom

Since technology has become more readily available to schools, students have access to an environment that offers a wider range of learning modalities. The emergence of telecommunication brings a world of new possibilities to the classroom and dissolves the physical barriers to experiential learning.

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Benefit Two: Motivating Learners

Learning through technology is far more exciting than traditional lecture and practice modes. Educational technology reaches students through a variety of senses, keeping them alert and interested in classroom activities. In addition, students actively involved in learning with technology assume responsibility for their education, developing the skills to continue learning years after formal education has concluded.

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Benefit Three: Providing New Teaching Tools

Technology enables teachers to create new tools to facilitate instruction. These tools can often prepare students for the world beyond the classroom, helping them develop higher level thinking skills.

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