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Illusion of elements in an architects world

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Illusion of elements in an Architects world

When we analyze a building, we begin by scanning its frontage. Which means that we will examine the front of the building and systematically pick out the aesthetic elements that compose the overall design?

The first things we notice about a building are its elements that appeal directly to our senses: Space, shape, texture, color, light/dark, and line. Use the photographs which follow to help you practice looking for each of the sensory elements:

A line is a continuous mark made by a pen, brush, pencil or other tool. Lines can be light or heavy, straight or curved, jagged or smooth, thick or thin. In architecture, lines are often suggested by the structural materials which best designers choose for their buildings such as the sleek lines created by beams of steel or the random lines of natural stone or walls of glass.

Modern buildings usually use bold lines created by structural steel cross bracing. Lines can also be suggested by the shape and assembling of the buildings. For instance, a building can look vertical or horizontal.

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A shape is created when a line is closed enough and space is enclosed. A two dimensional shape is one that is drawn on a flat surface such as paper. A three-dimensional shape is one that takes up the real space. Architectural drawings frequently try to indicate that, what the proposed building will look like as a three-dimensional form by the user perspective.Texture is the evident look or feel of the surface of an art object. Texture is a tangible property and requires touching to be appreciated.

Once we know how a material feels, however, we can read a texture with our eyes and can tell visually how it might feel. An architect design texture in building by certain choices of materials. Jagged and heavy stone may be used in a building to give it a rough texture, whereas delicate and carved woods can give a structure a light and airy look. Texture can also be design by the rich layering of shapes and forms on a building.

Architects add more visual interest to their buildings by using all decorative building materials such as siding, stone and woodcarvings, or they can vary the pattern of concrete forms.Color is an element of our visual perception that is related to how our eyes perceive the lights.

We differentiate these perceptions and name them yellow, blue, red, etc. Architects of top architecture college use different color in the choice of materials used to construct a building. These color choices can be quite precise, such as using a brownish brick instead of the traditional red, or using a warm, yellow toned concrete instead of a cold gray base. However, the architect must consider the color effect of every element of building constructions, from the earthy colors of primary construction materials like marble, stone, brick and wood, to the expansive variety of colors available for paint, trim, windows, siding, and doors. Once chosen, the architectural drawings and sample boards tell a contractor precisely what color building materials to use when constructing a structure of a building.

Light and dark are relative perceptions of lights. Architects use the concept of light and dark as they create the visual interest on a building by choosing shapes that create a sensation of depth.

When some shapes are stuck out, they leave others in shadow. Narrow openings usually appear dark, as in a tunnel, and broad, flat spaces look light. Materials can be used to differ the light quality of a building.

For instance, a band of coloration windows gives the illusion of a dark space wrapping around a building. Space is the relative position of one and three-dimensional object to another. Space is one of the one most important Considerations an architect must think about while designing a building, because the sizes of hallways and rooms, the height of ceilings and the ease of entering and exiting each living area must be carefully match the function of the buildings. Architects usually chose dimensions of rooms to match the number of people who will occupy the space and also the amount of activity that will occur in it. To make a building more interesting, architects will also experiment with aesthetic

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qualities of space by varying the width and the height of rooms through which people will move.Architects also speak about space as the amount of land that will be occupied by a building on a site. The remaining area is called open space.

And thus, architectural design provides solutions for the human existence. The noticeable success of good design will be evident in the continued use of the structure for its intended purpose. In our ever-changing worlds, flexibility is said to be a key component of design, allowing for multiple uses of the same structure over time.

Architectural design as a creative artistic act which sometimes requires defiance of established or accepted principles in order to achieve the desired and perfect result. These elements and the principles noted guidelines which, when used properly, may provide a good and satisfying result but they are neither flawless nor complete.

The skill of the architect is found in the manner by which they apply aspects of their design combined with vision and artistic sensibility.

Application without interpretation or the personal sense of design is building, not architecture.